What is there to be thankful for?

The old man sat with his head in his hands
A frown adorning his face
A blind man stood just to his right
And quietly stared into space.

Another man was looking at him
As he sat down on his left.
The man concentrated on reading his lips
All his life he had been deaf.

The blind man turned to his elderly friend
And this to him did say,
"What things can you be thankful for
As we near Thanksgiving Day?"

"There's nothing I am thankful for,"
He said in a bitter voice.
"Im losing my touch; I'm getting old,
"And I don't have a choice."

The blind man touched him on his eye.
"With this you can see me.
"I'm so thankful that I can hear.
"It's with my ears I see."

The deaf man was thankful for his sight.
To him it was quite clear.
"I'm able to read your lips," he said.
"It's with my eyes I hear."

"You have the power to see and to hear.
"You're old, but yet you thrive.
"Quit smothering yourself with self pity
"Be thankful you're still alive."

From one to the other the old man looked
Then dejectedly hung his head.
"Yes, many blessings I have to count.
"On those I should dwell instead."

Poem by: Shelby Forrest
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