Near the end of November in the USA
Is our national Thanksgiving Day.
We close stores, schools, and banks
And give to God our special thanks.
It is a time for us to celebrate
From coast to coast and state to state.
We think of when the Pilgrims came
To these shores in freedom's name.
The first Thanksgiving was long ago.
This bit of history we all know.
A time for thanking their God above
Was set aside to show their love.
When blessings came, they had a feast.
They were not sorry in the least
For coming to this vast, barren land.
For freedom to worship, they did stand.
From that first Thanksgiving Day
Until the present one we can say,
"Thank you, God, for blessings great!
You are the reason we celebrate!"
Is our national Thanksgiving Day.
We close stores, schools, and banks
And give to God our special thanks.
It is a time for us to celebrate
From coast to coast and state to state.
We think of when the Pilgrims came
To these shores in freedom's name.
The first Thanksgiving was long ago.
This bit of history we all know.
A time for thanking their God above
Was set aside to show their love.
When blessings came, they had a feast.
They were not sorry in the least
For coming to this vast, barren land.
For freedom to worship, they did stand.
From that first Thanksgiving Day
Until the present one we can say,
"Thank you, God, for blessings great!
You are the reason we celebrate!"