
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I have always been interested in learning about early America and the very first Thanksgiving celebration. I came across this adorable PDF teaching from Marci and Wanted to share it.

A is for Americans

Some of the earliest Americans were the Pilgrims. They wanted to be free to have their own religion.

B is for Big Ship:

The Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in a big ship called the Mayflower.

C is for Cramped:

The ship was very cramped or crowded. There was little room for children to play. Many people became sick.

D is for Danger:

The trip was filled with danger. Often there were storms with great winds. Everyone was afraid.

E is for Explore:

After 66 days the happy Pilgrims reached land. Some of the men went to shore to explore. They wanted to see what was there.

F is for Fields:

They found forests and fields where the native people had planted corn. They found clean water to drink.

G is for Grateful:

Everyone was happy and grateful. They found a safe place to live the way they wanted.

H is for Hard:

That first winter was very cold and hard for the Pilgrims. There was not enough food. Many people got sick and died.

I is for INDIAN:

(Now we say Native American.) A friendly Indian named Squanto helped the Pilgrims. He showed them how to plant corn and where to find fish.

J is for JONES:

In the spring, Captain Jones, the captain of the Mayflower, went back to England. The Pilgrims stayed in their new home, America.

K is for KEPT:

The Pilgrims kept working hard. They planted gardens and built houses and furniture.

L is for Land:

They learned how to hunt and fish in the new land.

M is for MANY:

By summer, the Pilgrims had built many houses. Their vegetable gardens grew well.

N is for NO ONE:

By November, there was plenty to eat. No one would be hungry this winter.

O is for ONE:

One day, Governor Bradford said, "We should be thankful for our harvest."

P is for Pilgrims:

The Pilgrims harvested pumpkins, corn, squash, beans, and carrots. They found nuts and berries in the woods.

Q is for QUAIL:

The men hunted for wild quail, turkey, geese, and deer. They caught fish in the rivers.

R is for READY:

They caught lobsters, clams, and oysters in the ocean. They got everything ready for a big celebration.

S is for SHARE:

The Pilgrims wanted to share what they had with the Indians, their new friends.

T is for THANKFUL:

The Pilgrims were thankful. Now they had food, homes, and friends.

U is for US:

The Pilgrims said to their new friends, “Please join us!”

V is for VISIT:

They invited the Indians to visit them for their special harvest celebration.

W is for When:

When everyone came, they ate together and played games.

X is for EXCITED:

The Pilgrims were EXCITED and very happy. Their celebration lasted for three days!

Y is for YELLED:

The children played and laughed and yelled.

Z is for Zany:

The children acted zany, running all around with their new friends. They had a wonderful time.

Most people don't know that the Pilgrims did not celebrate again the next year. Later on, several Presidents, including George Washington, made one-time Thanksgiving holidays.

It became an official holiday in 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln, said to set aside the last Thursday in November to give thanks.

In 1941, Congress made Thanksgiving an annual national holiday to be celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. Now it's a time for family and friends to give thanks together, eat lots of good food, watch parades and football games. It's also the start of the winter holiday season!

Written By: Marci McGowan

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