Thankful For Parking Lot Pennies

'Twas the day before Thanksgiving
When I went on a shopping spree.
I took my granddaughter, Lillie
Shopping for a Christmas tree.

We walked through parking lots
And found pennies on the ground.
By lunchtime, Lillie had noticed
That many pennies we had found.

We ate lunch at a restaurant,
And when we started to pray,
Lillie said, "Let's thank God
For the pennies we found today."

"Thank you for this food, Lord,
And for this time with Lillie too
And for the parking lot pennies,
Our thankfulness also is due."

After we finished our prayer,
And we ate our delicious food,
Lillie said, "For a fudge sundae,
I think I am really in the mood!"

We ordered sundaes from the waiter,
And little Lillie announced to him,
"Grandma has parking lot pennies.
We prayed and thanked God for them."

"Is that right?" he answered her,
Seeing the child, who was only three.
"Maybe my grandma will leave a tip.
You'll like the pennies, you'll see."

The waiter and I both chuckled
At the boldness of this little tot,
But I really was thankful that day
For pennies found in the parking lot.

Author:  Margaret Cagle 

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