Take Time

Life is full of wonders
a many splendored thing
Take time to smell the roses,
take time to stop and think ~
The beauty seen in around us
a shadow in a mist,
Dewdrops on the petals
of life's golden sun-filled kiss.

Look at all the wonder
seen before our eyes
The lush green mountain ranges,
the birds within the sky ~
The little things that matter
of our mere existence,
Take time to smell the roses
before you never get the chance.

Take time to grasp the moment
before it slips away
We do not know our futures
for it could come today ~
Embrace the life you're given
for time moves on so fast
If you don't smell the roses
forever may not last.

Nothing is for certain
of that we're truly sure
Today is but a moment,
what's tomorrow have in store?
Life is too short to waste away
with anger, pain and hate,
Take time to smell the roses now
before it is too late.

Take time to heed the promise
written in the Word,
When you feel lost and lonely
a still small voice is heard ~
There's power in those promises
the guiding light of Truth,
Seek the path and you will find
it leading back to you.

Take time to heal the painful hurts
inflicted through the years
The wounds so deep a smile hides
the reality of your fears ~
Take time to offer them to Him
who will cast those cares,
The gift of love He offers us
is for us to share.

Don't take life for granted
for it could disappear
All that you know and trusted
one day may not be here ~
And where will that then leave you,
on whom can you depend
If you take it all for granted
time and time again?

Take time to smell the roses
learn to appreciate
The value of the future,
for tomorrow will not wait ~
Take time to grasp the moment
don't let it slip away,
Take time to smell the roses
and blessings of today.

Poem by Christine - Until Then Graphics

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