Guardian Angel ABC's

A Is for the angel of  Abundance
Who provides for my every need.

B Is for the angel of Birth
who spawns glorious beginnings from only a seed.

C Is for the angel of Courage
who makes me strong and brave

D Is for the angel of Decision
who shows me the path to pave

E Is for the angel of Energy
who keeps me going strong

F Is for the angel of Freedom
who sings a glorious song

G Is for the angel of Growth
who helps me make great strides

H Is for the angel of  Happiness
who makes me feel good inside

I Is for the angel of Inspiration
who helps me see the light

J Is for the angel of Justice
who sees that I do what is right

K Is for the angel of  Knowledge
who helps me learn so many things

L Is for the angel of Love who into
my heart good people she brings

M Is for the angel of Memories
who keeps me in touch with my past

N Is for the angel of Nurturing whose
comforting love always lasts

O Is for the angel of Optimism
who makes great possibilities clear

P Is for the angel of  Power who helps me
be strong when turmoil is near

Q Is for the angel of Question who
encourages me to carefully observe

R Is for the angel of  Relaxation
who recharges my energetic reserve

S Is for the angel of Silence
who peacefully clears my mind

T ;Is for the angel of Truth
who makes the answers easy to find

U Is for the angel of Understanding
who helps nations to agree

V Is for the angel of Voice
who delivers ideas through me

W Is for the angel of Will who
encourages my work to be done

X Is for the angel of Xanadu
who tempts me to look beyond the sun

Y Is for the angel of Youth
who holds the promise of tomorrow

Z Is for the angel of Zephyr
who gently blows away my sorrow

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