"Castles in the sand will not last forever; they will be washed away. Castles in the sand are things like possessions, money, wealth and treasures of the world, and will not last. Castles on the rock, on the other hand, is faith in a higher and greater good. © Christina
7th June, 2004"

Feeling secure in a comfortable life
Wealth in the riches one cannot deny,
Worldly possessions can't live without
Faith in the seen of which there's no doubt.
Society tells us of life's greater plan
Something they teach us but can't understand,
How we live now is our choice to make
No rules or religions claimed for our sakes.
Commandments once given now worldly law
Broken, abused, and corrupted once more,
Amendments are made to laws that protect
Injustice today with such disrespect.
Changes are made to the unchangeable Word
A stone that's rejected now becomes unheard,
Taken from places where formative minds
Mustn't conform to the religious kind.
In an effort to be far less offensive
To cultures to whom we must be submissive,
Open to aspects we may not believe
Yet we ban Bibles in schools and a God we can't see!
Despite all the changes society's made
Believing that when at the end of the day,
When our time does come in Heaven we'll be
But we turn our backs now when we still need to see.
Faith in the comfort of riches and wealth
Building foundations amidst sand and shells,
Castles in life that will be washed away
In our desperation only then do we pray.
Treasures on earth will never be stored
In money or riches forevermore,
For the things of this earth will pass away
And the castles we loved will be washed away.
Upon the rock the foundations are strong
A faith that's eternal is where we belong,
For riches and wealth are only a part
Of the treasures in Heaven and love of the heart.
Though society teaches a great many things
Nothing prepares us for whatever life brings,
Storms that may rock us and test our faith
Can never break us with God in their way.
So much has changed over the years
But throughout it all God has remained near,
He gave us our minds to choose what we will
But His love will forever remain for us still.
Christianity was the first and the last
And so it remains when all others have passed,
For though it may be a religion to some
It's the lasting Truth when all's said and done.
Though society's tried to change the rules
The wisdom in man has made him a fool,
Feeling secure in the comforts of life
Where the treasures of earth are built on a lie.
Faith in the one thing that will set us free
And give us a castle in Eternity,
Truth cannot be changed but some can't understand
Why the castles we built fall into the sand.
Wealth in the riches one cannot deny,
Worldly possessions can't live without
Faith in the seen of which there's no doubt.
Society tells us of life's greater plan
Something they teach us but can't understand,
How we live now is our choice to make
No rules or religions claimed for our sakes.
Commandments once given now worldly law
Broken, abused, and corrupted once more,
Amendments are made to laws that protect
Injustice today with such disrespect.
Changes are made to the unchangeable Word
A stone that's rejected now becomes unheard,
Taken from places where formative minds
Mustn't conform to the religious kind.
In an effort to be far less offensive
To cultures to whom we must be submissive,
Open to aspects we may not believe
Yet we ban Bibles in schools and a God we can't see!
Despite all the changes society's made
Believing that when at the end of the day,
When our time does come in Heaven we'll be
But we turn our backs now when we still need to see.

Faith in the comfort of riches and wealth
Building foundations amidst sand and shells,
Castles in life that will be washed away
In our desperation only then do we pray.
Treasures on earth will never be stored
In money or riches forevermore,
For the things of this earth will pass away
And the castles we loved will be washed away.
Upon the rock the foundations are strong
A faith that's eternal is where we belong,
For riches and wealth are only a part
Of the treasures in Heaven and love of the heart.
Though society teaches a great many things
Nothing prepares us for whatever life brings,
Storms that may rock us and test our faith
Can never break us with God in their way.
So much has changed over the years
But throughout it all God has remained near,
He gave us our minds to choose what we will
But His love will forever remain for us still.
Christianity was the first and the last
And so it remains when all others have passed,
For though it may be a religion to some
It's the lasting Truth when all's said and done.
Though society's tried to change the rules
The wisdom in man has made him a fool,
Feeling secure in the comforts of life
Where the treasures of earth are built on a lie.
Faith in the one thing that will set us free
And give us a castle in Eternity,
Truth cannot be changed but some can't understand
Why the castles we built fall into the sand.

© Christina
7th June, 2004