Why Weep - He Is Not Here

by: ©Sandra S. Oidtman - 2005

The miracles of Easter,
Are there for us to see;
But we often miss them,
In all our jubilee.

There was found to be a donkey,
At a doorway he was tied;
The disciples walked away with him,
Their Lord, he did not lie.

There also was a fig tree,
No fruit it gave our Lord;
So He cursed the little tree,
No fruit it ever bore.

What about a man,
Who carried a water jar;
He was found in Jerusalem,
A city wide and far.

The city was filled with men,
Yet this one the disciples found;
The Lord had said to follow,
And the Passover would be sound.

The greatest miracle of Easter,
Was the love of Jesus, our Lord;
He gave His life for all of us,
And again opened heaven's door.

He was the victor over death,
As He arose from His grave;
So Easter celebrates His love,
And all of the mercy He gave

Alleluia! He Lives!!

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