
I was talking with a friend about truth. We talked about acceptanceThen the conversation led to forgiveness, then surrender. The acronym FAST came to mind because sometimes a person sees a word that reminds them of things, so we wanted
to share this acronym. We pray that you understand these things. This is the order that we feel is necessary to accomplish these things. ~ Pastor Buck
F = Forgiveness
The word to forgive is an essential part of
the Christian faith. The bible says that
to be forgiven, we must forgive those who
have done things to us. Sometimes that's
really hard, but really it's true and does
make sense. When we let resentment build
within us, then it will eat us up and cause

A = Acceptance
ACCEPTANCE is another word that seems
to cause us problems. Just the thought
of accepting things that seem to bother
us or things that cause us problems,
seems very difficult to do. Sometimes
we have to come to a time of accepting
that GOD is in control, and that HE
will take care of the things that HE
has shown us in HIS Word. Sometimes
this really stinks, because we don't
understand why. If we're trying to
live as HE tells us, then why are we
experiencing these things? Pray about
acceptance and see what GOD will do, in
HIS time frame.

Surrender is a thing that's really hard.
To surrender means to completely give
ourselves to GOD, to let GOD come into
our lives and take control. Surrender
could be explained like this. Imagine
if we were taking a trip and I decided
to drive your vehicle. We were going
to a destination that you know. As we
started, I headed in the opposite
direction. In order to get where we
needed to be, I would have to stop and
let you take control of the vehicle,
because you were the only one who knew
the way. This is the same with GOD.
HE knows the way. We need to give HIM
control of our lives. That is surrender.

T = Truth
TRUTH is the very thing that we have
to start with, in order to accomplish
any of the other things. The TRUTH is
that GOD sent JESUS CHRIST, the TRUE
AND LIVING SON OF GOD, that we could
have life more abundantly.

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F.A.S.T. is designed to help you remember  the four words and what they represent.
You also need to realize that some things must happen before another can take place.
We feel that you must have TRUTH, then you must have ACCEPTANCE. Then you must have FORGIVENESS. Last but not least, because they all tie together is SURRENDER. As you do things, also understand that you are fighting satan. He does not want any of  this to take place, because he want you to feel guilt and worthlessness. HE wants you to feel all of the other defeating things that he has to offer.
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