Have you ever read a parable and wondered what on earth it was talking about? In short, a parable is a story that uses earthly things to teach a spiritual lesson by comparing two (usually seemingly unrelated) things. A parable is a short, fictitious story that is presented to teach a religious principle, simple truth or moral lesson also. Examples of a parable can be found in the Prodigal Son which tells the story of a young man who wanted his inheritance while his father was still alive. He wasted his money just as the country he was living in experienced a famine, or how about the parable of the young man who got so hungry, he was on the verge of eating swine food when he decided to return to his father’s house as a servant. He was welcomed with joy.
Sources: Parables of Jesus for Disciples (linking)
Parable and Verse PDF
Margies Messages - Modern Day Parables
Examples - YourDictionary
8 Simple Steps to Understand the Parables of Jesus
English-For-Students; - Over 100 Stories
Parables of the Bible - Emails To God
Parables of the Bible - BibleStudyTools
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