As a special activity we are adding learning the meanings of each of the gifts of the song "Twelve Days of Christmas". We are going to do this during the first 12 days of Advent. Although you could do this section during the real 12 days of Christmas, Epiphany, which is Christmas day until January 6th. The 12 days after Christmas. DAY 1"The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. A partridge often feigns injury to draw attention to herself and away from her young to protect them from danger. Because of its self sacrifice the partridge was used to represent Christ." The Pear Tree represents the cross that Jesus died on.Activity: Gather twigs from a [pear] tree, hopefully from the ground or dead branches, and make small crosses with them. You can do this with any tree branch. Take 2 branches and tie together in the cross section with twine. This will help the children remember that the Pear tree represented the cross that Jesus died on. DAY 2"Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments. Because they have one mate for life the turtle doves represent enduring relationships, such as the unbreakable bond between the Old and New Testaments."Activity: Bring out your largest Bible and show the kids the two different sections of the Bible. Explain that the Old Testament was foretelling of a Savior that was to come, and the New Testament tells of a savior who arrives. DAY 3Three French hens stood for the Holy Trinity-Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Tomorrow we will talk more about the Holy Spirit.)Activity: Make ornaments from pictures of special Christmas', or frame your favorite Christmas pictures and display in a special place. Jamie said her favorite Christmas was the year she took pictures of her cats under the Christmas tree and Jonathan said his favorite was the year he got his dog Shadow for Christmas. So we took the cat pictures and a picture of Shadow and made ornaments for the tree. DAY 4The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.Activity: Bring out your Bible and show the children where the 4 Gospels are located. Explain that the four Gospels are the only books in the Bible that tells about the life of Jesus. The Old Testament in the History of God and His peolple before Jesus was born. The New Testament begins with the 4 Gospels. Matthew tells of Jesus as the King and Messiah. Mark reveals Jesus as Servant. Luke shows Jesus as Son of Man, and John shows Jesus as Son of God. The remainder of the New Testament is about the beginning of Christian religion after Jesus died. DAY 5The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law,the first five books of the Old Testament.Activity: Find Christmas card with the word "JOY" written on them. Make ornaments and write Joy on it. We painted wooden ornaments from the craft store that already had JOY printed on them. DAY 6The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. (Eggs represent new life)Activity: Make lambs for the advent board DAY 7Seven swans a-swimming represented the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit-Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Encouragement, Giving, Leadership, and Mercy.Activity: Place a multitude of angels on the Advent bulletine board (*See directions below). Cut out a string of paper-doll-style angels joined at the wings, for a garland of angels for your tree or the Advent bulletine board. DAY 8The eight maids a-milking stand for the eight beatitudes which Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount to spell out blessings for the meek and lowlyActivity: Make Presents for the advent bulletine board. We used a rubber stamp of a gift and dipped in paint. We placed the painted stamp on a piece of felt and added some glitter and cut around the print. Let dry before placing on the advent bulletine board. DAY 9Nine ladies dancing represent the fruit of the Spirit-Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.Activity: Make ornaments using candy canes. You can make deer ornaments by adding pipe cleaners for antlers and little beaded eyes. and a small red ball for the red nose. Or you can just place candy canes on the tree for decorations. DAY 10The ten lords a-leaping stand for the law and leadership symbolised by the Ten Commandments.Activity: Make Stars for the advent bulletine board (*See directions below) DAY 11The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven disciples who remained faithful to Christ.Activity: Cut out pictures of wise men from christmas cards. DAY 12The twelve drummers drumming represented the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.Activity: Make a Yule Log Cake. Read this History of Yule Logs as you bake the cake. * MAIN ADVENT CRAFT PROJECT *![]() Day 4 - we placed a dove on the top of bulletine board to represent the Holy Spirit. Day 5 - we cut out 2 felt Inns Day 6 - we placed a manager scene from Christmas card in center of board and each child made a lamb from felt and glued cotton on top. Day 7 - each child placed an angel on top of board Day 8 - we made presents from felt and placed on bottom of board. we also placed Poinsettia lights around bullentin board. Day 9 - we made twinkling stars and placed on top.
Sources:* Just4Kids Advent Search Just4Magazine/Advent Visit the Christmas Card Section for Stories and More |
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12 Days of Advent Activity/Craft - AngelicDreams4U
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