Scripture Service Chain

You can make this chain and read a new scripture about service each day in December.


I made my chain with the scripturess “showing”, facing outwards on each link.

Use a Different Color for Each Child in your family. Alternate the colors in your chain, and each time you get to a child’s color, have that child pull off the link and read the scripture.

Image source: ActivitiesForKids
Advent Calendar Paper Chain Printouts for Green Red and White Paper
 For a version in Spanish Calendario de Adviento Cadena de papel.

    You will need:

    colored paper



1. Cut out 31 strips of colored paper.

2. Write the scripture references below on your strips of paper.

3. Glue the papers in links to make a chain.

4. Each day in December, break off a link and read that scripture.


My Favorite Christmas Scriptures

Ephesians 6:8

Matthew 25:35–40

1 Corinthians 13:13

Revelation 2:19

Titus 3:8

Ether 12:33–34

2 Nephi 2:3

James 1:27

John 13:4–16

Mosiah 2:17

Mosiah 5:15

3 Nephi 27:21

D&C 4:2

Alma 5:41

Matthew 5:43–44

D&C 24:7

Articles of Faith 1:13

Moses 7:18

Mosiah 4:16

Mosiah 4:15

Matthew 14:13–21

Mosiah 18:8–9

John 13:34-35

Matthew 23:11

D&C 81:5

Joshua 24:15

Mosiah 18:21

Matthew 5:16

1 Corinthians 13:4–7

Mark 9:35

Matthew 7:12

Various FREE Printable Scripture Chains

Learning Momma - B&W Printable Chain PDF - keeping CHRIST first and foremost this CHRISTmas!

Korpino Feed - printable colored PDF
Tutorial on finding your scriptures here

Adapted from: here and here |
 #advent #christmas #countdown #paper #scripture #chain 
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