If The World Were 100 People

"Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude."
A reason to count our blessings and live with gratitude.
When you make gratitude a habit, every day comes bearing gifts. Count your blessings and change your life!
Favorite Inspirational Gratitude Quote:
Every morning when I open my curtains for that first look at the day, no matter what the day looks like—raining, foggy, overcast, sunny—my heart swells with gratitude. I get another chance.     - Oprah
So when I awake in the morning, I’ve been saying, “I’m alive! Thank-you.”
Because not everyone is lucky enough to wake up in the morning…

If the World were 100 People

If we looked at the earth’s population as if it were a small community of 100 people, it would look something like this…


    * 48 male
    * 52 female


    * 30 are Christian
    * 70 are non-Christian


    * 30 would always have enough to eat
    * 50 would be malnourished
    * 20 would be undernourished (1 would be dying of starvation)


    * 60 can’t speak, act according to their faith and conscience due to harassment, imprisonment, torture or death
    * 40 live in a country designated as “free”
    * 12 live in a war zone


    * 12 are unable to read
    * 7 have a college degree
    * 45 own a computer
    * 40 have an internet connection


    * 33 live without basic sanitation
    * 10 have no clean, safe water to drink

Show Gratitude Everywhere . . . Always

    Always be honest and kind.
    Be complimentary and encouraging.
    Offer grace – don’t expect perfection.
    Notice people – make eye contact.
    Look for the best in people.

If you keep your food in a refrigerator and your clothes in a closet…
If you have a bed to sleep in and have a roof over your head…
If you have people who care about you…
You are abundantly blessed. I am too! May we faithfully thank and praise God by showing our gratitude and love to Him and the people He’s placed around us.

Jackie McCann is the author of "If the World Were 100 People"
Shared from visual.ly.com and CountingMyBlessings

Bonus Inspirational Gratitude Quote!

Being grateful all the time isn’t easy. But it’s when you least feel thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you: perspective. Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive. It’s the quickest, easiest most powerful way to effect change in your life—this I know for sure.    - Oprah

#30DaysOfThanks   #30DaysofGratitude  #Thankful   #Gratitude

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