FlipBook - The Jesus Storybook Bible

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name Hardcover – Illustrated, February 20, 2007 by Sally Lloyd-Jones (Author), Jago (Illustrator), Ben Holland (Narrator)

What makes The Jesus Storybook Bible different from every other kids’ Bible?

- Is beautifully written by New York Times bestselling author Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by award-winning artist Jago
  - Contains 21 stories from the Old Testament and 23 stories from the New Testament
  - Visually brings Scripture to life for children, sharing how Jesus is at the center of our story

Click/tap the book ⬇︎ and turn the pages

The Jesus Storybook Bible (FlipBook)
View Flipbook if iframe does not load.  Available with Text also.

The Moonbeam Award Gold Medal Winner in the religion category, The Jesus Storybook Bible tells the Story beneath all the stories in the Bible. At the center of the Story is a baby, the child upon whom everything will depend. Every story whispers his name. From Noah to Moses to the great King David---every story points to him. He is like the missing piece in a puzzle---the piece that makes all the other pieces fit together. From the Old Testament through the New Testament, as the Story unfolds, children will pick up the clues and piece together the puzzle. A Bible like no other, The Jesus Storybook Bible invites children to join in the greatest of all adventures, to discover for themselves that Jesus is at the center of God's great story of salvation---and at the center of their Story too.   -   Source: Publisher
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The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name Hardcover – Illustrated, February 20, 2007 by Sally Lloyd-Jones (Author), Jago...

Scripture Service Chain

You can make this chain and read a new scripture about service each day in December.


I made my chain with the scripturess “showing”, facing outwards on each link.

Use a Different Color for Each Child in your family. Alternate the colors in your chain, and each time you get to a child’s color, have that child pull off the link and read the scripture.

Image source: ActivitiesForKids
Advent Calendar Paper Chain Printouts for Green Red and White Paper
 For a version in Spanish Calendario de Adviento Cadena de papel.

    You will need:

    colored paper



1. Cut out 31 strips of colored paper.

2. Write the scripture references below on your strips of paper.

3. Glue the papers in links to make a chain.

4. Each day in December, break off a link and read that scripture.


My Favorite Christmas Scriptures

Ephesians 6:8

Matthew 25:35–40

1 Corinthians 13:13

Revelation 2:19

Titus 3:8

Ether 12:33–34

2 Nephi 2:3

James 1:27

John 13:4–16

Mosiah 2:17

Mosiah 5:15

3 Nephi 27:21

D&C 4:2

Alma 5:41

Matthew 5:43–44

D&C 24:7

Articles of Faith 1:13

Moses 7:18

Mosiah 4:16

Mosiah 4:15

Matthew 14:13–21

Mosiah 18:8–9

John 13:34-35

Matthew 23:11

D&C 81:5

Joshua 24:15

Mosiah 18:21

Matthew 5:16

1 Corinthians 13:4–7

Mark 9:35

Matthew 7:12

Various FREE Printable Scripture Chains

Learning Momma - B&W Printable Chain PDF

flandersfamily.info - keeping CHRIST first and foremost this CHRISTmas!

Korpino Feed - printable colored PDF
Tutorial on finding your scriptures here

Adapted from: here and here | ChurchOfJesusChrist.org
 #advent #christmas #countdown #paper #scripture #chain 
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You can make this chain and read a new scripture about service each day in December. Tips: I made my chain with the scripturess “showin...

Christian Cartoons - Christmas

Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Thanksgiving

All artwork Copyright 2002-2008 Karl A. Zorowski. All rights reserved.
2023 Archived
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Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Thanksgiving   ...

25 Christian Christmas Books & Craft

Jocelyn's List of theBest Christmas Books & Craft from 2009

We Talk To Christ  |  Alternate Link

Jocelyn's Top 12 Days of Traditions

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Jocelyn's List of the Best Christmas Books & Craft from 2009 We Talk To Christ  |  Alternate Link Jocelyn's Top 12...

Christian Cartoons - Thanksgiving

Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Thanksgiving

All artwork Copyright 2002-2008 Karl A. Zorowski. All rights reserved.
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Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Thanksgiving   ...

God's ThanksGiving Recipe

We can give thanks to God by being like the giver, not just on Thanksgiving Day, but each day that we live.

So now I offer to you this recipe for thanksgiving.

  1. Combine in your lives large portions of compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
  2. Stir in generous quantities of tolerance and forgiveness.
  3. Saturate the mixture with ample amounts of love.
  4. Blend all the ingre­dients together and cook to perfection.
  5. Spread thickly the peace of Christ within your hearts.
  6. Sprinkle heavily with thankfulness.
  7. Add abundant portions of his Word.
  8. Just before serving, stir in some teaching seasoned with wisdom and some singing flavored with gratitude.

Repeat this process daily. And what­ever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Author: Barrie Miller Kirby | Spencer Presbyterian Church | "No Such Thing as a Cherokee Princess" book.

As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.–Colossians 3:12-15

35 Thanksgiving Bible Verses for a Day of Gratitude and Praise
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We can give thanks to God by being like the giver, not just on Thanksgiving Day, but each day that we live. So now I offer to you t...

If The World Were 100 People

"Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude."
A reason to count our blessings and live with gratitude.
When you make gratitude a habit, every day comes bearing gifts. Count your blessings and change your life!
Favorite Inspirational Gratitude Quote:
Every morning when I open my curtains for that first look at the day, no matter what the day looks like—raining, foggy, overcast, sunny—my heart swells with gratitude. I get another chance.     - Oprah
So when I awake in the morning, I’ve been saying, “I’m alive! Thank-you.”
Because not everyone is lucky enough to wake up in the morning…

If the World were 100 People

If we looked at the earth’s population as if it were a small community of 100 people, it would look something like this…


    * 48 male
    * 52 female


    * 30 are Christian
    * 70 are non-Christian


    * 30 would always have enough to eat
    * 50 would be malnourished
    * 20 would be undernourished (1 would be dying of starvation)


    * 60 can’t speak, act according to their faith and conscience due to harassment, imprisonment, torture or death
    * 40 live in a country designated as “free”
    * 12 live in a war zone


    * 12 are unable to read
    * 7 have a college degree
    * 45 own a computer
    * 40 have an internet connection


    * 33 live without basic sanitation
    * 10 have no clean, safe water to drink

Show Gratitude Everywhere . . . Always

    Always be honest and kind.
    Be complimentary and encouraging.
    Offer grace – don’t expect perfection.
    Notice people – make eye contact.
    Look for the best in people.

If you keep your food in a refrigerator and your clothes in a closet…
If you have a bed to sleep in and have a roof over your head…
If you have people who care about you…
You are abundantly blessed. I am too! May we faithfully thank and praise God by showing our gratitude and love to Him and the people He’s placed around us.

Jackie McCann is the author of "If the World Were 100 People"
Shared from visual.ly.com and CountingMyBlessings

Bonus Inspirational Gratitude Quote!

Being grateful all the time isn’t easy. But it’s when you least feel thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you: perspective. Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive. It’s the quickest, easiest most powerful way to effect change in your life—this I know for sure.    - Oprah

#30DaysOfThanks   #30DaysofGratitude  #Thankful   #Gratitude

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"Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude." A reason to count our blessings and live with gratitude. When you mak...

A Prayer For Thanksgiving Day

Dear precious Lord, we bow our heads in heartfelt, thankful prayer
For all the ways You’ve blessed our lives, and for Your loving care.
We thank You for the hands. that have prepared this special treat,
And pray that You will bless all those who have no food to eat.
We’re thankful for Salvation’s plan, and for Your Holy Word,
And pray we’ll help to spread Your love to those who’ve never heard.
We’re thankful for our freedom, and for churches that are near,
Where we can meet to praise Your Name, and worship without fear.
But still our hearts are saddened by our brothers who aren’t free,
Who suffer death and torture for their Christianity.
We pray You’ll give them strength and courage as their cross they bear,
And let them know God’s family remembers them in prayer.
We thank You for heroic troops who fight for liberty,
And daily risk their lives and limbs to keep our country free.
Forgive us of our many sins, and keep us close today;
And bless this food You’ve given us. In Jesus Name, we pray.
by Betty Jo Mings © 2003
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Dear precious Lord, we bow our heads in heartfelt, thankful prayer For all the ways You’ve blessed our lives, and for Your loving care...

6 Weeks of Christian Christmas Movies

You don't have to wait until next December to start streaming Christian Christmas movie content.

Celebrate Christmas with Pure Flix


Pure Flix has more than 190 Christmas titles, something for everyone on your wish list.

Start watching TODAY by checking out some of these holiday trailers
6 Weeks of the Best Christian Christmas movies

Pure Flix has plenty of other Christmas shows and movies as well this holiday season!

"Missing that Yuletide feeling? Longing for that family holiday spirit? Enjoy Christmas with Pure Flix, your destination for the best Christmas movies! The Pure Flix lineup of Christmas movies has the variety your family wants and the values you can trust. Discover the difference that positive entertainment can make in your home and Celebrate Christmas with Pure Flix!" - Pure Flix YouTube

Adapted from: here

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You don't have to wait until next December to start streaming Christian Christmas movie content. Celebrate Christmas with Pure Flix...

Saint Of The Day - November

All Saint Day

Every year on November 1, many Roman Catholics and other Christians around the world observe All Saints Day, which honors all saints of the church deemed to have attained heaven.

List of Saints whose Feast Day is November 1


Saint Mathurin Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: N/A in Rome, Italy, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Severinus of Tivoli Biography. Born: Mid 6th Century in Italy, Europe. Died: 609 AD in Italy, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Dacius of Damascus Biography. Born: N/A in Syria, Asia. Died: N/A in Damascus, Syria, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Juliana of Tarsus Biography. Born: N/A in Turkey, Europe. Died: 306 AD in Tarsus, Asia Minor, Turkey, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Cyrenia of Tarsus Biography. Born: N/A in Turkey, Europe. Died: 306 AD in Tarsus, Asia Minor, Turkey, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Valentin Faustino Berri Ochoa Biography. Born: 14 November 1827 in Spain, Europe. Died: 1 November 1861 in Hai Duong, Vietnam, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Pere Josep Almató Ribera Auras Biography. Born: 1 November 1830 in Spain, Europe. Died: 1 November 1861 in Hai Duong, Vietnam, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Jerome Hermosilla Biography. Born: 30 September 1800 in Spain, Europe. Died: 1 November 1861 in Hai Duong, Vietnam, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Caesarius of Damascus Biography. Born: N/A in Syria, Asia. Died: N/A in Damascus, Syria, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Vigor of Bayeux Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: 537 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Salaun of Leseven Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: 1358 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Rómulo of Bourges Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Peter Absalon Biography. Born: N/A in Palestinian Territories, Asia. Died: 300 AD in Caesarea, Palestine, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Pabiali of Wales Biography. Born: N/A in United Kingdom, Europe. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Nuño de Santa Maria Álvares Pereira Biography. Born: 24 June 1360 in Portugal, Europe. Died: 1 November 1431 in Lisbon, Portugal, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Nichole Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Meigan Biography. Born: N/A in United Kingdom, Europe. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Mary the Slave Biography. Born: N/A in Italy, Europe. Died: 300 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Marcel of Paris Biography. Born: 396 AD in France, Europe. Died: 436 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Magnus of Milan Biography. Born: Late 5th Century in Italy, Europe. Died: 525 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Lucinus of Angers Biography. Born: 540 AD in France, Europe. Died: 618 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Julian of Africa Biography. Born: N/A in Tunisia, Africa. Died: N/A in Pisco Montano, Terracina, Italy, Feast Day is November 1

Saint James of Persia Biography. Born: N/A in Iran, Asia. Died: 344 AD in Persia, Iran, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Harold the King Biography. Born: Early 10th Century in Denmark, Europe. Died: 980 AD in Denmark, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Germanus of Montfort Biography. Born: 906 AD in France, Europe. Died: 1000 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Genesius of Lyon Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Gal of Clermont Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: N/A in France, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Dingad Biography. Born: N/A in United Kingdom, America. Died: N/A in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Cledwyn of Wales Biography. Born: N/A in United Kingdom, Europe. Died: 5th Century in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Ceitho Biography. Born: N/A in United Kingdom, Europe. Died: N/A in Wales, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Caesarius of Africa Biography. Born: N/A in Tunisia, Africa. Died: N/A in Terracina, Italy, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Benignus of Dijon Biography. Born: N/A in France, Europe. Died: 178 AD in N/A, Feast Day is November 1

Saint Austremonius Biography. Born: 3rd Century in France, Europe. Died: 4th Century in France, Feast Day is November 1

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All Saint Day Every year on November 1, many Roman Catholics and other Christians around the world observe All Saints Day, which honors...

30 Acts of Thanks & Giving

30 Acts of Thanks & Giving (navigators.org) Printable PDF

 30 Days of Thanks & Giving printable, then you know that praise completes our month of reflection. Here are the Bible verses that have been chosen to give God all the praise:
“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.” (Psalm 9:1).
“In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me” (Psalm 56:4)?
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe…” (Hebrews 12:28).

Other verses focused on praise are Psalm 105:1, Psalm 150:6, and Hebrews 13:15.

Shared from: Trisha Sheffield

30-Day Prayer Challenge: 30 Days of Gratitude (ibeleive.com)

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30 Acts of Thanks & Giving (navigators.org) Printable PDF     30 Days of Thanks & Giving printable , then you know that praise...