God's Recipe

God's Famous Recipes - Brought to you by AngelicDreams4U
This is the Recipe that will make God, You and others happy.

You will have everlasting life with this recipe but you can't add lettuce forgive and than add hypocrite it just won't turn out right.
This is the secret for making this recipe turn out correct.
God and Jesus treats everyone in a loving way and never in a cruel way.
All these ingredients are from the bible.
Forgiving all the time no matter how much their is no limit to that because God and Jesus forgives and always do. Thier is no limit to the forgivness that God and Jesus gives to everyone.
      Love everyone
      Have patience
      Not judging
      Not being selfish
      Love God forever with all of your heart soul and mind
      Trust God with everything
      Have faith in God on everything
      Being pure
      Following everything in the bible
      Not lying
      Follow spiritual wisdom
      Treat others how Jesus and God would treat others
      Not working on Sundays God says to keep the sabbath day holy.
     Because God has worked 6 days to create this world the animals and the peoples. God was finished creating the world animails and the peoples in 6 days. And on the seventh day he rested.

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    Not being hypocrites
    Not hating others just because of indifferences
    Being humble
    Not having Adultery
    Not having lust
    Not gossiping
    Not being cruel to one another
    Not being worried
    Believing in God and Jesus
    Going to Church every Sundays
    Not speaking evil of one another anymore
    Always do unto others how you want them to do for you
    Always put God first above all things
    Not shouting
    Not being jealous(Found in Galations 5:20)
    Not getting drunk (Found in Galations 5:21)
    Not speaking evil of anyone (Found in Titus 2)
    Believe that God sent Jesus to die for everyone's sins

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