12 Apostles - Various Games

The Twelve Apostles
(Various Quiz and Memory Game Listings)
| Children’s Songs | Lyrics |Video |
The word disciple refers to a learner or follower. The word apostle means “one who is sent out.” While Jesus was on earth, His twelve followers were called disciples. The twelve disciples followed Jesus Christ, learned from Him, and were trained by Him.   After His resurrection and ascension, Jesus sent the disciples out to be His witnesses (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). They were then referred to as the twelve apostles. However, even when Jesus was still on earth, the terms disciples and apostles were used somewhat interchangeably.

  • MatchTheMemory |12 Apostles of Jesus Christ
  • KidNiche | Which Apostle Am I?
  • Fun Trivia | The Twelve Disciples Fun
  • HowStuffWorks | Can You Name the Disciple From Three Clues?
  • PlayBuzz | Can you name the 12 Apostles - How many of them can you actually name?
  • Sporcle | The 12 Apostles by Wikipedia Description - Can you name the The 12 Apostles of Christ by one line from their Wikipedia description?

  • The copyright of all Cliparts, high resolution illustrations, flash cliparts at this site 'christiancliparts.net' are MMBOX PRODUCTION's property. 
      Jesus' 12 apostles werePeter (faith); Andrew (strength ): James son of Zebedee ( wisdom or judgment): John (love); Philip(power):Bartholomew (imagination); Thomas (understanding); Matthew(will); James (order); Simon the Cananaean (zeal); Thaddaeus (renunciation or elimination); and Judas (life conserver)
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