Why God Created Brothers & Sisters

Coming from a large family of 6 brothers and 5 other sisters.... The following statements are so TRUE!

So God Made A Brother.

He knew you needed someone to teach you how to ride a bike, perfect a wheelie, and race to the end of the street as fast as your legs could carry you.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to teach you about fighting fair and not holding a grudge.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone who would have your back and serve as your biggest protector when other kids were being unkind.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone who could understand why Whoopee cushions and fart jokes were just so darn funny.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to teach you about the opposite sex, and help you get over the pain of your first broken heart.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to look up to, someone who would be your hero, and someone who you would strive to be just like.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone who would wrap his strong arms around you and let you cry on his shoulder.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to blame when Mom found a snake slithering down the hallway.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to climb trees with, swing on the monkey bars with, and jump off the top steps with.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to help pick up the pieces when life’s circumstances had left your heart shattered.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to proudly stand beside you at the altar as you married your best friend.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone who could recall all of Dad’s corny jokes and reminisce about Mom’s family recipes, long after they had both gone to heaven.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to spend a sunny afternoon with, sitting quietly next to your favorite fishing hole.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone who was tough as nails on the outside, but tender as they come on the inside.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed a best friend. Someone who would push you, someone who would never give up on you, and would be behind you every step of the way.
So God made a brother.

He knew you needed someone to share a bond with that would be like no other.
So God made a brother.
Author Mary Ann Blair - Featured in "Chicken Soup For the Soul". She can also be found at maryannblair.com or on Facebook at Mary Ann Blair, Writer.

 So God Made A Sister.

He knew you would need someone to run barefoot through fields with and make mud pies with. Someone to run around the sprinklers with in the hot summer sun. Someone to make snow forts with in the winter . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed someone to be silly with. Someone who could always make you belly laugh, but also cry . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed to stretch your heart and grow compassion. To share, learn how to make peace, and to compromise . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed someone to fight hard with and learn to forgive even harder. He knew iron sharpens iron and how to make you stronger . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed another set of eyes to bear witness to all the glorious magic and madness of your childhood. Someone who could feel the ache of memories long past and smile with knowing eyes when you talk about the good ol’ days . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed something greater than a best friend. Something with ties that bound you to each other for life . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed a ready ear who was always willing to listen. Someone who could tell you the truth even when you didn’t want to hear it, but who always saw the best in you…
So God made a sister.

He knew you needed a mirror that reflected back your life. Someone who could recall all your stories and hold all your secrets . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew you would need someone to always watch over you and be your strongest defender. Someone who would be your biggest fan . . .
So God made a sister.

He knew that you would need a friend for life who would stick around in the good times and the bad . . .
So God made a sister
This post originally appeared on facebook | The Messy Christian

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