ABC's *Happy Saints

A-G H- N O-Z

A is for St. Abraham

Born-November 13, 354
Died-August 28, 430
Feast Day-August 28
Patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, sore eyes, and a number of cities and dioceses.

Fun Facts:
His life before conversion included loose living, which included parties, entertainment, and worldly ambitions. He was baptized, became a priest and later a bishop, a famous Catholic writer, and founder of religious priests. His parents are Saint Monica and Patricius Aurelius.

B is for Basil the Great

Born-330; unknown day
Died-January 1, 379
Feast Day-January 1
Patron saint of nothing

Fun Facts:
1. Basil was known for his care of the poor and underprivileged.
2. He was from Turkey.
3. He was an early Church Father who defended the orthodox faith against the heretical Arians.

C is for Catherine of Alexandria

Born-287; day unknown
Died-305; day unknown
Feast Day-November 25
Patron saint of of students, unmarried girls, apologists

Fun Facts
She was martyred around 305 in Alexandria, Egypt.
Christian tradition states she was possibly born a princess.
She was arrested and scourged, but despite the torture, she did not abandon her faith.

D is for Pope Saint Damascus I

Born-305; day unknown
Died-December 11, 384
Feast Day-December 11
Patron saint of nothing

Fun Facts:
1. Damasus was the pope who told Saint Jerome to translate the Scriptures into Latin.
2. He was a sixty-year-old deacon when he was elected bishop of Rome in 366.
3. He was a writer.

E is for Elizabeth of Hungary

Born-July 7, 1207
Death-November 17, 1231
Feast Day-November 17
Patron saint of bakers, beggars, brides, charities, death of children.

Fun Facts:
1, Her mother was murdered when she was six.
2. She married a man named Ludwig.
3. She lived a life full of pray and service to the poor.

F is for saint Francis of Assisi:

Born-1811; day unknown
Died-October 3, 1226
Feast Day-October 4
Patron saint of animals, merchants, and ecology

Fun Facts:
1. His father was rich and had an easy life growing up.
2. Prior to his conversion, he was a leader of a crowd of young people who spent their nights in wild parties.
3. His conversion did not happen overnight.

G is for Saint George:

Born-280; day unknown
Died-April 23, 303
Feast Day-April 23
Patron saint of England and Catalonia

Fun Facts:
1, He was decapitated.
2. There are several stories about him fighting dragons.
3. Diocletian tried to save him by attempting to have him convert to the belief in Roman gods.

A-G H- N O-Z

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