ABC's *Happy Saints

A-G H- N O-Z

A is for St. Abraham

Born-November 13, 354
Died-August 28, 430
Feast Day-August 28
Patron saint of brewers, printers, theologians, sore eyes, and a number of cities and dioceses.

Fun Facts:
His life before conversion included loose living, which included parties, entertainment, and worldly ambitions. He was baptized, became a priest and later a bishop, a famous Catholic writer, and founder of religious priests. His parents are Saint Monica and Patricius Aurelius.

B is for Basil the Great

Born-330; unknown day
Died-January 1, 379
Feast Day-January 1
Patron saint of nothing

Fun Facts:
1. Basil was known for his care of the poor and underprivileged.
2. He was from Turkey.
3. He was an early Church Father who defended the orthodox faith against the heretical Arians.

C is for Catherine of Alexandria

Born-287; day unknown
Died-305; day unknown
Feast Day-November 25
Patron saint of of students, unmarried girls, apologists

Fun Facts
She was martyred around 305 in Alexandria, Egypt.
Christian tradition states she was possibly born a princess.
She was arrested and scourged, but despite the torture, she did not abandon her faith.

D is for Pope Saint Damascus I

Born-305; day unknown
Died-December 11, 384
Feast Day-December 11
Patron saint of nothing

Fun Facts:
1. Damasus was the pope who told Saint Jerome to translate the Scriptures into Latin.
2. He was a sixty-year-old deacon when he was elected bishop of Rome in 366.
3. He was a writer.

E is for Elizabeth of Hungary

Born-July 7, 1207
Death-November 17, 1231
Feast Day-November 17
Patron saint of bakers, beggars, brides, charities, death of children.

Fun Facts:
1, Her mother was murdered when she was six.
2. She married a man named Ludwig.
3. She lived a life full of pray and service to the poor.

F is for saint Francis of Assisi:

Born-1811; day unknown
Died-October 3, 1226
Feast Day-October 4
Patron saint of animals, merchants, and ecology

Fun Facts:
1. His father was rich and had an easy life growing up.
2. Prior to his conversion, he was a leader of a crowd of young people who spent their nights in wild parties.
3. His conversion did not happen overnight.

G is for Saint George:

Born-280; day unknown
Died-April 23, 303
Feast Day-April 23
Patron saint of England and Catalonia

Fun Facts:
1, He was decapitated.
2. There are several stories about him fighting dragons.
3. Diocletian tried to save him by attempting to have him convert to the belief in Roman gods.

A-G H- N O-Z

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TEXT GOES HERE     A-G H- N O-Z A is for St. Abraham Born-November 13, 354 Died-Augu...

Teaching Children Scripture

"Our children spend 60 hours on average a year in church. We spend more than that with them at home monthly. Teaching children scripture on a daily basis should be a must.
This is A list of 35 bible verses/scripture readings for your family broken down into 3 sections from the good folks over at BetterBibleTeachers.
Note: Place mouse over verse to read it.. or click the link for more insight

1. Why it’s Important to know God’s Word

2. Verses About How to Live Out the Bible:

3. Verses Every Kid Should Learn:

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Adapted from: BetterBibleTeachers
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"Our children spend 60 hours on average a year in church. We spend more than that with them at home monthly. Teaching children scr...

The Preacher

This is a true story: special thanks to Bears Inspirations for this Inspiring story.


I heard that one of our preachers was going to a city to preach a message. He was traveling at night on near deserted highway and praying to God to help him with the message for the next day. He was driving to the city that night to spend the night and would be speaking the next day. “” He was driving along the highway when the voice of God shook him as God spoke to him: “Stop this car and preach.” He slowed down and said, “God there is no one anywhere near here. I’ve only met 2 cars in the hour I’ve been on this highway.” God shouted at him, “Stop the car NOW, and get out and preach your message here, now.” “”

The preacher pulled over and stopped the car. He got his Bible and his flashlight and went to the front of his car. He laid his Bible on the hood of the car and began reading his text all the while wondering what God thought He was doing. He preached about the “Depth and height of the Love of God.” He talked about how far God would reach just to save one soul. He gave the illustration of the one lost sheep, and how the Shepherd left the 99 to go to rescue the one lost sheep. “” A couple of minutes into his message and the anointing came. He preached as if he was preaching to a thousand people. He was preaching along, and a car came by slowly, slowed down ahead almost came to a stop, then went slowly on. A second car came by before he finished his message, slowed down, rolled the car window down as if to ask if he needed help, then drove on again. The minister finished his message, crawled back into his car and drove on. Lord, I do not know what you were trying to prove, but if it was practice I needed, I thank you.”

Approximately three months later this minister was preaching in a small church in that same area. He had almost forgotten the ordeal. But God quickened him to again preach this same message this night. He preached with anointing and with power, and at the end asked if anyone wanted to come home to the sheepfold, as he gave the altar call. A young man sitting on the second row immediately got up from his seat and came forward. But instead of kneeling down he came on up on the platform and threw his arms around the minister, crying loudly. The minister prayed for him. After a few moments the young man said, “So you are the minister who stopped on the side of the road and preached that message about three months ago!” The minister nodded his head, and asked, “Were you in one of the cars that came by and almost stopped?” The young man shook his head and said, “No, I was in the culvert underneath your car. I was hooked on cocaine, my parents had washed their hands of me, and I was in trouble with the law for stealing to support my habit. I had tried to commit suicide that day, but I was still alive. I had no home, no clothes, no money and was hungry. I prayed as I found the culvert and made myself a bed for the night, “If there is a God, see if you can find me here!” “I got out of the culvert and sat on the grass out of your sight.

I listened to you tell the story about the lost sheep and the love of a shepherd who would not sleep until He found him. Something got a hold of me who had answered my carelessly flung prayer that night. I had not walked far, when a man picked me up and took me to his church. His minister is up there sitting in that chair (pointed at the pastor of the church). He talked to me, took me to his home, fed me, cleaned me up and bought me some new clothes. Then he told me about Jesus. I repented, was baptized in His name that night.

The next night I received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Man, am I glad you practiced your sermon on the side of the highway that night! See all those people on that second row? I’ve brought all of them to this church and my family too.”

What is the length and the depth of the love of God? It is never ending, for He will go out of His way to find a lost soul who has flung a helpless and careless prayer His way. span>

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Audio Bears Inspirations - Source: Creations By Angels Design - Image: Greg Olsen | Sacred Grove Painting
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This is a true story: special thanks to Bears Inspirations for this Inspiring story.

Arch® Bible Story Books for Children

This well-loved series (111 total) captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are pleasurable and easy to remember. Arch® Books by Concordia Publishing. captivate children with colorful pictures and creative poems. Recommended for ages 5 to 9.

1. Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus: how Jesus healed a blind man named Bartimaeus, as revealed in Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52, and Luke 18:35-43.


2. The Fiery Furnace: the story of Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego (Daniel 3)


3. Ruth and Naomi: retells the story of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi found in the book of Ruth, chapters 1-4.


4. Jesus Calms the Storm: the story of Jesus calming the storm (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25)


5. Elijah Helps the Widow: the story of Elijah and the drought (1 Kings 17:1-16)


6. Jericho's Tumbling Walls:the story of the fall of Jericho (Joshua 3:1-4:24; 5:13-6:20)


7. Noah's 2 by 2 Adventure: the adventures of Noah and his family (Genesis 6:19:17)


8. Jesus Raises the Widows Son:One widow's son died and as the funeral procession marches to the burial, the mourners saw Jesus and his apostles. See what miracles Jesus is able to perform!


9.  The Widow's Offering: The story of one poor widow's offering found in Mark 12:41-44, and Luke 21:1-4


10.  Mary & Martha's Dinner Guest: the story of Luke 10:38-42


11. The Story of Creation: The story of creation retold (Genesis 1—2).


12. The Seeds That Grew and Grew: This book retells the parable of the seeds (Matt. 13:1-9; 18-23).


13. Tiny Baby Moses: This book retells the story of Baby Moses in the Nile River (Exodus 1:8-22 and 2:1-10).


14. The Thankful Leper: This book retells the story of Jesus and the miraculous healing of the lepers (Luke 17:11-19).


15. Moses and the Long Walk: This book retells the story of God's People and their 40 years of wondering (Exodus 14–26; Numbers 14; Deutronomy 34:1-6; Joshua 1:9).


16. The Story of Jesus' Baptism and Temptation: This book retells the stories of Jesus' baptism and the temptation (Matthew 3:13–4:11; Mark 1:9-13; Luke 3:21–4:13; John 1:31-34).


17. What's For Lunch?: This book retells the story of feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-14).


18. A Surprise in Disquise: This book retells the story of the disciples' encounter with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).


19. The Great Catch of Fish: This book retells the story of the miracle of Jesus in which he filled the disciples' nets with fish (Luke 5:1-11). ISBN 9780758608710, 0758608713


20. Moses' Dry Feet: This book retells the story of Moses' crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 12:17–15:21).


21. Jesus Walks on the Water: This book is a retelling of the story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-23; Mark 6:45-51).


22. Jesus and the Family Trip: This book retells the story of Jesus' trip to the temple at age 12 (Luke 2:41-52).


23. Good News for Naaman: This book retells the story of Naaman, the Aramean general whose leprosy was cleansed by Elisha (2 Kings 5:1-19).


24. Get Up, Lazarus!: This book is the story of the death and raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-44).


25. Jesus Wakes the Little Girl: This Arch Book tells the story of how Jesus raised Jairus's daughter from the dead. (Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26; Mark 5:21-24, 35-43; and Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)


26 Jesus Washes Peter's Feet: This book retells the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet (John 13:1-12).


27. Isaac Blesses Jacob and Esau: Jacob received a favorable blessing while Esau received what he deserved. (Hebrews 11:20)


28. Jesus Shows His Glory: This book retells the story of the supernatural and glorified change in the appearance of Jesus on the mountain (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13 and Luke 9:28-36).


29.  When Jesus Was Born: This book tells the Christmas story found in Luke 2


30. Jesus Enters Jerusalem: This book retells the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem on what has become Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-38, and John 12:12-19).


31. The Week That Led to Easter: The events of Palm Sunday through Easter day (Matthew 21:1-28:10; Mark 11:1-16; Luke 19:29-24:12; John 12:12-20:10).


32. The Story of the Empty Tomb: This book tells the story of the First Easter (John 20).


33. The Easter Victory: This book tells the story of Easter Week (Matthew 26—28). 34. The Coming of the Holy Spirit: This book tells of the Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41)


35. Mary Magdalene's Easter Story: This book tells the story of Easter from the view point of Mary Magdalene (John 20:10-18).


More Available Titles


--------------------------- 18. God Saves Jerusalem


20. Jesus First Miracle


21.Joshua and the Fall of Jericho


22. Twelve Who Followed Jesus:


24. Thomas, The Doubting Disciple:


25. A Surprise in Disquise:


26. King Josiah and God's Book




Book Photo Credit: (27)
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This well-loved series (111 total) captures the attention of children, telling scripturally sound stories that are pleasurable and easy to...

Christian Cartoons - Easter

Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Easter

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Chruch Mice - Christian Cartoons - Easter All artwork Copyright ChurchMice Artist: Karl A. Zorowski . All rights reserved. ...

To Remember Me I Will Live Forever

In 1976, Robert N. Test wrote an essay titled "To Remember Me." It was first published in The Cincinnati Post and later in Ann Landers' column, as well as in Reader's Digest.

From a Dear Abby Column (about 1995):
Dear Readers: I recently learned from Bruce B. Conway, president of The Living Bank, that Robert N. Test died last fall. Test was one of the pioneers in promoting organ and tissue donations.
In 1976, he wrote an essay titled "To Remember Me." It was first published in The Cincinnati Post and later in Ann Landers' column and mine, as well as in Reader's Digest.
Some years ago, I met Robert Test and was surprised to find a shy, middle-aged man who seemed embarrassed by all of the attention he was getting for a "little essay." He said he had written it during his lunch break. He told me he had only a high school education and wrote "for the fun of it."
In my opinion, Mr. Test's "little essay" is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read, and I think it is appropriate that I publish it again during National Organ Donor Awareness Week, April 16-21. - Ann Landers

To Remember Me - I Will Live Forever by Robert Noel Test (1926-1994)

The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment, a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my life has stopped.

When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. And don’t call this my deathbed. Let it be called the Bed of Life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives.

Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby’s face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.

Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play. Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist. Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body, and find a way to make a crippled child walk.

Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday, a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat, and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window.

Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow.

If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice against my fellow man.

If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you.

If you do all I have asked, I will live forever.

A Robert Noel Test Memorial Donor Education Fund has been established to perpetuate "To Remember Me" and other donor education programs of The Living Bank.
    The Living Bank
    P.O. Box 6725
    Houston, TX 77265-6725
    (800) 528-2971 (Voice)
    (713) 961-0979 (Fax)
The Living Bank is a nonprofit organization established in 1968 to promote organ, tissue, and body donations through public education and registration of donors. A central registry of donors is maintained, and anatomical donations are referred to the nearest medical facility at the time of the donor's death.

Newspaper Article
clipped from The Cincinnati Post

Robert Noel Test 

Memorial Site Find-A-Grave
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In 1976, Robert N. Test wrote an essay titled "To Remember Me." It was first published in The Cincinnati Post and later in An...