Joyful ‘toons

The Christian Cartoons with the Joyful Message – by Mike Waters. First Published - January 6, 2008

What are Joyful ‘toons?

Joyful ‘toons are cartoons that are based on verses from the Bible. Each cartoon consists of a verse and a cartoon illustration. It is my prayer that they be used to exhort and encourage Christians in their walk with the Lord, and also that they be used to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus as Lord and savior.

About the Cartoonist

Mike Waters began drawing cartoons based on Bible verses in the 1990′s. He has always loved drawing cartoons, and one day the idea came to him for a cartoon that would illustrate the relationship between faith and grace. Not long after, an idea for a second cartoon came to him. Mike noticed that the back page of the weekly bulletin at his church was often blank, so he approached the pastor with the idea of using his cartoons to fill that space, and the pastor agreed to Mike's proposal. After that, ideas for other cartoons started coming to Mike, and they became a regular feature of the church bulletin. Mike then thought of sharing the cartoons, which by this time were called Joyful ‘toons.


Artist:: Mike Waters

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