Scripture Survival Kit

Toothpick: to remember to pick out the good in others. Matt. 7:1
Rubberband: To remember to be flexible. God has it under control. Romans 8:28
Band Aid: To remember to mend hurt feelings. Yours or someone elses. Col. 3:12-14
Pencil: To remember to list your blessings daily (You could add a cute tablet of paper with this as well) Eph 1:3
Butterfinger: Cause we all slip sometimes, and it's okay. Gen. 50:15-21
Gum: So you can stick to it. With God you can accomplish anything. Phil. 4:13
Button: To remember to button your lip when needed. 1 Peter 3:10
Lifesaver: To remember that the Lord is there to help. Psalm 46:1
Mint: to remind you that you are worth one. (I use a peppermint patty) John 3:16-17
Candy Kiss: To remember that Love should be a part of everyday. 1 John 4:7
Snickers and Tissue: To remind us to be a light in someone elses day. Matt. 5:14-16
Puzzle Piece: To remember that without God we are not complete. Prov. 14:20
Tea Bag: To remember to relax and go over that list of blessings. 1 Thess. 5:18

Image Source: Cindi's Candy Creations!

PixieDustGifts "Survival Kit from God"  $4.50 Printable Bag PDF

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