Christian Survival Kit

Prepare a small gift bag labeled "Christian Survival Kit" and add one item each. 

MUSTARD SEED: To remind you that nothing is impossible 

NEEDLE: To remind you that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God 

CLAY: To remind you that He is the potter and we are all the work of His hand 

CANDLE: To remind you that God is the way, the light 

HEART: To remind you that the man who loves God is known by God 

BLOCK: Though you may stumble, you will not fall for the Lord upholds you with his hand 

DIME: To remind you to give back to God 1/10 of the blessings he has given you 

TOOTHPICK: To remind you not to try and remove the splinter from someone else's eye until you remove the plank from your own. 

STONE: To remind you to think before you throw one at another, we are all so fallible

SCRIPTURE STRIP: To remind you that each and every day needs to begin with God. 

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