Mary Had A Little Boy

Mary had a little boy,
His soul was white as snow.
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

He missed the Bible stories
That thrill the childish mind;
While other children went to class,
This boy was left behind.

And as he grew from babe to youth,
Mary, to her dismay,
Saw the soul of this precious child
Was turning dingy gray!

She realized then that he was lost,
And tried to win him back;
But, alas! The soul of the boy she loved
Had turned an ugly black....

Now Mary goes to Sunday school,
And stays for preaching, too;
She asks the preacher, "Isn't there
Something that you can do?

He tries, and fails, and then he says,
"We're just too far behind!"
"You warned me years ago," she cried,
"But I wouldn't pay no mind."

And so another soul was lost,
That once seemed white as snow;
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

~~Author Unknown~~

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." - Pro. 22:6

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