Working Man's Prayer - Matt Boswell

Working Man's Prayer - Contemporary Gospel Song- Lyrics 

Song Title: Working Man's Prayer
Artists: Matt Boswell & The HBB
Album: "Get Your Country On"
℗ 2017 Backwoods Records
Released on: 2017-08-25
Official Video

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Working Man's Prayer -  Contemporary Gospel  Song- Lyrics  Song Title: Working Man's Prayer Artists: Matt Boswell & T...

Single Woman and Single Man's Prayer

Single Woman's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep.
Please don't send me no more creeps.
Please just send me one good man.
One without a wedding band.

One good man who's sweet as pie.
Who brushed his teeth and doesn't lie.
Who dresses neat and doesn't smell.
And is sexy like my man Denzel.
Is super-rich like Michael J.
On second thought, that's okay.

Man, if I should die before I wake,
that would truly take the cake;
No matrimony or honeymoon.
No fancy reception planned for June.

If I die before I meet Mr. Right
I won't go out without a fight.
But then again with my luck,
He'd probably be just some schmuck.

The single life is not that bad
I know it's just a passing fad.
I won't be blue. I will not frown.
Besides, I like my toilet seat down.

No more makeup, won't comb my hair.
So never mind this stupid prayer.
The single life will do just fine.
So what's up, girlfriend?

Single Man's Prayer

As I crawl into my sack, 
I pray for women who aren't wack, 
A woman who knows how to act, 
Who won't neglect, and WILL call back, 

A girl who's smart, and sweet and stacked, 
And who knows when to shut her trap, 
Who won't act ill and disrespect, 
Or run her mouth and sweat my check, 

Who will not ask me if she's fat, 
In this red dress or these brown slacks, 
I pray for one who is well-bred, 
I cannot deal with chicken-heads, 

I need a love of give and take, 
Not "What you drive?", "How much you make?", 
When lunch and dinner bills approach, 
If you don't reach...don't ask for Coach, 

I want a dime with thighs and lips, 
Not nickel broads on ego trips, 
I want one who loves me for me, 
Not what her girls think I should be, 

If I were to find her this very day, 
Then I would cease in my doggish ways, 
There'd be no more creeping, I'd sing songs like Joe's,
But until that day comes I have no love know .....

Prayers for Singleness

Thanks For Visiting July 2020 - AngelicDreams4U

Single Woman's Prayer Now I lay me down to sleep. Please don't send me no more creeps. Please just send me one good man. ...

Jesus On The 4th Of July

We gather ‘round to celebrate
On Independence Day
Pay homage to our country
As the children run and play.

With barbeques and picnics
And fireworks in the air
The flag we own is proudly flown
To show how much we care.

The stars and stripes spell freedom
She waves upon the breeze
While bursts of colors can be seen
Above the towering trees.

This is all quite wonderful
We revel in delight
But God above in divine love
Has brought this day to light.

With just a stroke of liberty
A touch of His great hand
He gave democracy to us
And helped this country stand.

The stripes upon our stately flag
Were touched by His sweet grace
Each star of white that shines so bright
Reflects His loving face.

So as you turn to face the flag
For battles that were fought
Be filled with pride for those who died
And freedoms that were bought.

But don’t forget to thank the One
That gives the bright display
The reason why we paint the sky
On Independence Day

© by Marilyn Ferguson June 13, 2003

Thanks For Visiting July 2020 - AngelicDreams4U

We gather ‘round to celebrate On Independence Day Pay homage to our country As the children run and play. With barbeques and...

Mary Had A Little Boy

Mary had a little boy,
His soul was white as snow.
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

He missed the Bible stories
That thrill the childish mind;
While other children went to class,
This boy was left behind.

And as he grew from babe to youth,
Mary, to her dismay,
Saw the soul of this precious child
Was turning dingy gray!

She realized then that he was lost,
And tried to win him back;
But, alas! The soul of the boy she loved
Had turned an ugly black....

Now Mary goes to Sunday school,
And stays for preaching, too;
She asks the preacher, "Isn't there
Something that you can do?

He tries, and fails, and then he says,
"We're just too far behind!"
"You warned me years ago," she cried,
"But I wouldn't pay no mind."

And so another soul was lost,
That once seemed white as snow;
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

~~Author Unknown~~

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." - Pro. 22:6

Thanks For Visiting July 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

Mary had a little boy, His soul was white as snow. He would have gone to Sunday School, But Mary wouldn't go. He missed the Bible ...