One morning Jamie and her mother were sitting on the back patio. Mom was drinking her morning coffee and Jamie her orange juice.
"Have you memorized your Bible scripture for your Bible Class?" Mom asked. "No, not yet." replied Jamie. "Why do we have to memorize Bible scriptures anyway. We will probalby never need them again."
Mom sat quietly thinking how to answer Jamie while she took a sip of her coffee. Just then a chipmunk scurried across the back yard to the pecan tree.
The chipmunk discovered a pecan and quickly picked it up and ran across the yard, under the fence and buried it in the neighbor's yard. Mom smiled as she realized how to answer the question. "Jamie, watch that chipmunk that's running to our pecan tree." Jamie and mom sat quietly together as they watched the chipmunk once again scurry to get another pecan and carry it to the neighbor's yard to bury it. "Do you know what that chipmunk is doing?" Mom asked. "Yes," replied Jamie, "It is storing food for the winter."
"That's right," Mom replied. "And it is starting before the winter storms hit and it can not find any food. Those pecans will help it to survive." Mom looked at Jamie. "Someday you might face storms in your life, and you will not know what to do. But if you store up those Bible verses in your memory now, you will have them to fall back on during the stormy times in your life."
"I understand now," said Jamie. "Even if I could not find a Bible, and needed help in times of trouble, I would be able to remember what the Bible says." "That is right," said Mom. "There are places in the World that do not allow people to have Bibles, and if that ever happened to you, you would be prepared because you memorized many important scriptures that God has given to us to help us survive."
"Mom, I am going to study my Bible scriptures now. Thanks for helping me understand." Jamie gave her Mom a kiss and ran off to do her Bible lesson.
When Jesus lived on earth he faced temptations and trials. It was His knowledge of Scripture that protected him and helped Him obey His heavenly Father. If Jesus needed the Scriptures, we need them too.
Verses you learn now will help you in the future.
Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
. . . . . Psalm 119:11 NKJV
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May 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
One morning Jamie and her mother were sitting on the back patio. Mom was drinking her morning coffee and Jamie her orange juice. ...