The Cross of Calvary

A poem with a Calvary-centric theme written in worship and wonder at the goodness of God and all His promises theme and the remembrance to take up our cross daily and follow Him.
"The Cross of Calvary" written by Yee Ying Yeo © 2020

O cross of Calvary to thee I cling
My life, my love, all that I bring
I render unto Christ my Lord
All lovingly admired, adored

O cross of Calvary to thee I look
My sins and burdens all forsook
To bear the only I can bear
I worship thee in praise and prayer

O cross of Calvary to thee I gaze
Thy lovingkindness shall amaze
The dimmest portion of my mind
My heart to wonder is resigned

O cross of Calvary to thee I bring
An offering made unto my king
Who my lips to Him inspire
Songs and hymns of His desire

O cross of Calvary to thee I make
A promise that I cannot break
In pledge to love and all forsake
To follow thee this vow I take

O cross of Calvary to thee I pray
I come to thee and loving say
How great I owe to thee who died
This debt of love thee glorified

O cross of Calvary to thee I plead
For those I love I intercede
Thy grace and mercy them impart
Thy love to touch a tender heart

O cross of Calvary to thee I go
The time will come when I shall know
My living here has reached its end
I rise to thee in heaven’s land

O cross of Calvary to thee I confess
All my flaws and unworthiness
Shall be cleansed and washed away
Before thee stand on judgment day

O cross of Calvary to thee I bless
Thou whose love art blissfulness
With whom I find joy through the pain
Sweeter yet my blessing gain.

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Also see: Catholic365 - On The Cross of Calvary (A Poem)
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