
This page is designed to help you understand what F.A.C.T.S. is all about.

- Faith is believing in what cannot be seen, our faith in GOD though is based on HIS ever presence and HIS Creation.

- When we talk about acceptance I am talking about accepting the fact that we are created by GOD for a purpose that HE designed even before we were born and some-times accepting that fact can be hard just because the world says we are to be whatever we want to be. GOD created us and HE knows best. ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE IN GOD.

- God wishes for us to give Him a life-long commitment not just a short time, because He commited everything to us through HIS Son JESUS CHRIST. HE did not give us a short commitment HE gave us 100% and that is what HE desires from us when we are commited to serving HIM and HIS ways we will see things that only can be explained by GOD.

- This is one the hardest things to do and that is to TRUST wholly and completely in GOD, but that is what HE desires from us, because  HE created us and HE knows what is best for us and HE knows how we should live our lives. TRUST is important in this life.

- Surrender is the other one that is really tough, because withsurrender it seems like we must expose ourselves and become vulnerable, but this is not the case with GOD. HE wants us to give back to HIM who created us our very selves, all of us not just certain areas of our lives all of us. For if we do  not totally surrender to GOD then we have surrendered part of us to Satan. With GOD HE wants every ounce of us to be in HIS control, but HE gives us choices and with Satan he will take any part that can help him to destroy lives and families and the world. Please surrender yourself to the one who created you and wants to save you for all eternity and not the one who wants to destroy you. Surrender your all TODAY!

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