What Christmas Means To God

What if this year at Christmastime
We concentrated less
On the parties and the shopping,
That bring headaches, strain, and stress?

What if this year we'd cut back
On our lights and decorations,
And spend more of our energy
On faithful celebrations?

What if we took some time this year
To travel back in thought,
To a holy night in Bethlehem,
And the peace our Savior brought?

What if we listen carefully
For the angels' song at night,
And contemplate the shining star,
That gave the world new light?

And what if we all followed
The path the wise men trod?
Perhaps we would start to understand
What Christmas means to God.

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What if this year at Christmastime We concentrated less On the parties and the shopping, That bring headaches, strain, and stress? ...

Bring Daddy Home For Christmas - Review

Released October 25, 2019 'Bring Daddy Home For Christmas' by The Oak Ridge Boys has another little boy asking the same question... Is It Santa or Jesus? [ie: Where's The Line To See Jesus?] from their Down Home Christmas CD

Lyrics provided by https://www.azlyrics.com/ and Lyrics licensed by MusixMatch
Well a brave little boy, sat down to write a letter, to the north pole
He had a very special request, he wrote
I don't want the same things as all the other kids, you see
My daddy, well, he's been gone for a real long time
We really miss him
And we really miss having him around here
Especially this time of year
And the letter, well it went kind of like this

Dear Santa, or Jesus
Whoever it may concern
I know you're busy up there a workin'
But I'll gladly wait my turn
Just in case you might happen to miss it
Only one thing on my wish list
Me and momma want you to bring daddy
Home for Christmas

Well he stuck on a green candy cane stamp
And walked it on down to the red magic mailbox
At city hall
The big man himself was out front
Taking pictures with all the little kids
He waited patiently on his chance
When it finally came
He walked up and sat on the jolly mans knee
And Santa said what would you like for Christmas little boy
Ah without a second thought
And no hesitation he said

Dear Santa, or Jesus
Whoever it may concern
I know you're busy up there a workin'
But I'll gladly wait my turn
Just in case you might happen to miss it
Only one thing on my wish list
Me and momma want you to bring daddy
Home for Christmas

The snow storm closed the interstate
He called his boy said I'll be late
But I'll be back home on time for Christmas day
I got a story kind of weird
I met a big old guy with a big old beard
He had a sack full of toys he was dressed in red
Reindeer pulling on a big old sled
I got a special letter addressed to you
When you read it you'll know just what to do
And the letter said (spoken)

Dear Santa, or Jesus
Whoever it may concern
I know you're busy up there a workin'
But I'll gladly wait my turn
Just in case you might happen to miss it
Only one thing on my wish list
Me and momma want you to bring daddy
Home for Christmas

Me and momma want you to bring daddy
Home for Christmas
Down Home Christmas, is also available for the first time on vinyl.
Pressed on translucent Christmas tree green vinyl.
Down Home Christmas marks the Oaks' 30th annual Christmas tour, eighth Christmas album, and third album collaboration with producer Dave Cobb.

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Released October 25, 2019 'Bring Daddy Home For Christmas' by The Oak Ridge Boys has another little boy asking the same question.....

Inspiring Bells On Christmas Day

This version of an old classic is amazing... Released on 2011-11-18 by The Lower Lights

Longfellow’s poem in full, as originally published in 1866.  

“Christmas Bells”

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearthstones of a continent,
And made forlorn
The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said;
“For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!”

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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

This version of an old classic is amazing... Released on 2011-11-18 by The Lower Lights Longfellow’s poem in full,  as originally pu...

Christmas Is For Sharing

Christmas Is For Sharing
by Richard Warner

I knew that Homer had wanted canyon boots for as long as I could remember. He was eleven and I ten, and we had spent many nights under the blue quilts at the cabin talking about how great it would be to have some real boots--boots that would climb through thorny bushes, that would ward off rattlesnakes, that would nudge the ribs of the pony; we had planned the kind of leather they should be and what kind of decoration they should have. But we both knew it was just talk. The depression had been hard on Father's business, and even shoes for school were usually half soled hand me downs.

Christmas that year had promised as always to be exciting, though mainly because of the handmade things we'd worked on in school for our parents. We never had money to spend on each other, but we had caught early in our lives a sort of contagion from our mother. She loved to give, and her anticipation of the joy that a just right gift would bring to someone, infected our whole household. We were swept up in breathless waiting to see how others would like what we had to give. Secrecy ruled--open exaggerated secrecy, as we made and hid our gifts. The only one whose hiding place we never discovered was my Grandmother's. Her gifts seemed to materialize by magic on Christmas morning and were always more expensive than they should have been.

That Christmas I was glowing because Mother had been so happy with the parchment lamp shade I’d made in the fourth grade, and Father had raved over the clay jewelry case I had molded and baked for him. Gill and Emma Lou had been pleased with the figures I’d whittled out of clothes pins, and Homer had liked the Scout pin I'd bargained for with my flint. Then Grandma started to pass out her presents.

Mine was heavy and square. I’d been in the hospital that year and then on crutches, and I'd wondered how it would be to have an erector set to build with. Grandma had a knack at reading boys' minds, and I was sure that's what it was. But it wasn't. It was a pair of boots, brown tangy smelling leather boots.

I looked quickly to Homer's package. His was a sweater. He'd needed one all fall. I wanted to cover my box before he saw what it was. I didn't want the boots; they should have been his. He came toward me, asking to see, and I started to say, "I'm sorry, bro."

But he was grinning, and he shouted, "Hey everybody--look what Richard's got." He swooped the boots out of the box, fondled them like treasure, and then sat on the floor at my feet to take off my half soled shoes and put on the brand new boots.

I don't remember how the boots felt, nor even how they looked. But Christmas rang in my soul because my brother was glad for me.

Image Credit: " Boots On The Ground" is a painting by Danny Hahlbohm
Read more christmas-themed-stories from theideadoor.com 

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Christmas Is For Sharing by Richard Warner I knew that Homer had wanted canyon boots for as long as I could remember. He was eleven...

Twelve Days of CHRIST-mas Poem

On the first day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, The Prince of Peace...

On the second day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, A Spotless Robe, and The prince of Peace...

On the third day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the forth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the fifth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe...and The Prince of Peace...

On the sixth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the seventh day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the eighth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, His Light For My Path, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the nineth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, A Table Spread, His Light For My Path, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the tenth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, A Home In Heaven, A Table Spread, His Light For My Path, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the eleventh day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, His Love Divine, A Home In Heaven, A Table Spread, His Light For My Path, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

On the twelveth day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, Eternity With Streets Of Gold, His Love Divine, A Home In Heaven, A Table Spread, His Light For My Path, Hope for my soul, Blessings from above, His Word as my Guide, A Love to Share, Abundant Life, A Spotless Robe, and The Prince of Peace...

Bernice Ward 2005

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On the first day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, The Prince of Peace... On the second day of CHRIST-mas, Jesus gave to me, A Spotless...

Day 11: The Pattern Of Love

Advent Stories :: Day 11
Every year at Christmas time, our Service Club takes the children from poor families in our town on a personally conducted shopping tour. I was assigned Timmy and Billy, whose father was out of work. After giving them the allotted $4.00 each, we began our trip. At different stores I made suggestions, but always their answer was a solemn shake of the head, no. Finally I asked, “Where would you suggest we look?”

“Could we go to a shoe store, Sir?” answered Timmy. “We’d like a pair of shoes for our Daddy so he can go to work.”

In the shoe store the clerk asked what the boys wanted. Out came the brown paper. “We want a pair of work shoes to fit this foot,” they said. Billy explained that it was a pattern of their Daddy’s foot. They had drawn it while he was asleep in a chair.

The clerk held the paper against a measuring stick, then walked away. Soon, he came back with an open box. “Will these do?” he asked. Timmy and Billy handled the shoes with great eagerness. “How much do they cost?” asked Billy.

Then Timmy saw the price on the box. “They’re $16.95,” he said in dismay. “We only have $8.00.”

I looked at the clerk and he cleared his throat. “That’s the regular price,” he said, “but they’re on sale; $3.98, today only.”

Then with shoes happily in hand the boys bought gifts for their mother and two little sisters. Not once did they think of themselves.

The day after Christmas the boys’ father stopped me on the street. The new shoes were on his feet, gratitude was in his eyes. “I just thank Jesus for people who care,” he said.

“And I thank Jesus for your two sons,” I replied. “They taught me more about Christmas in one evening than I had learned in a lifetime.”

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Advent Stories :: Day 11   Every year at Christmas time, our Service Club takes the children from poor families in our town on a person...

The Ox, the Donkey and the Child Jesus

All living creatures must celebrate the arrival of Jesus

In a small town called Greccio there was a man named Juan, very devoted to Saint Francis. About two weeks before the Christmas feast, Saint Francis calls Juan and says:

-My son, if you want us to celebrate the birth of Jesus in Greccio, prepare what I am going to tell you. I would like to represent the Child born in Bethlehem to see with my own eyes the discomfort in which he found himself that holy night. Our Lord was reclining in a manger between the ox and the donkey. So you prepare a grotto. Try to arrange everything as it should have been on the night the Child Jesus was born.

Juan immediately goes to the established place to prepare what is necessary according to the San Francisco project.

And Christmas Eve arrives. On this occasion, Saint Francis invites many friars to come to Greccio.

Shortly before midnight men, women and children arrive jubilant from the hamlets of the region. They bring candles and torches to illuminate that holy night.

It also reaches the San Francisco cave. You see that everything has been prepared according to your wish. He is beaming with joy.

A farmer puts an arm of hay in the manger, and then an ox and a donkey are brought into the grotto.

Greccio has become a new Bethlehem. The forest around the grotto resounds with voices and festive songs.

Saint Francis, who has also invited a priest to celebrate Holy Mass in the grotto, helps the celebrant.

After reading the Gospel, Saint Francis speaks to the people gathered before the grotto. With very tender words he remembers the birth of the Child Jesus. Even the ox and the burrito listen attentively.

Saint Francis pronounces the word Bethlehem with a trembling voice. In his mouth, this word almost sounds like a lamb's bleat.

At midnight on the dot, just after St. Francis has finished speaking, the grotto is miraculously illuminated.

In the manger, between the ox and the donkey, appears the splendid figure of the Child Jesus. The farmers and shepherds closest to the entrance of the grotto clearly see how the Child lies smiling in the hay of the manger.

The ox and the donkey warm little Niío with their breath, exactly as the ox and the donkey had done in Bethlehem.

Saint Francis kneels in adoration before the manger. The shepherds and farmers sing a Christmas song. Someone plays flutes and panpipes. Children wave torches.

After a few moments, the Child Jesus disappears and the light also goes out little by little in the grotto.

After Holy Mass, people return home singing and waving candles and torches. In the sky many stars shine.

Saint Francis remains a long time in the grotto, praying. He caresses the ox and the donkey and tells them:

-Brother ox and brother donkey, you are lucky among all the animals because you have been able to see your Lord and Creator with your eyes. You have been able to warm him with your breath.

The ox and the donkey look at the saint with their big sweet eyes, still full of that light that appeared in the grotto.

Then Saint Francis sends his friars:

-My brothers , out of love for Our Lord, I order you that in future years, on Christmas night, you feed all the animals. In particular, throw good hay for oxen and burritos. All living creatures must celebrate the Christmas of Jesus.

Since then the friars, until the death of Saint Francis, every year go through the stables of Greccio to bring good hay to all the oxen and burritos, on Christmas night.

You too, dear children, on Christmas Day remember to feed all the animals you have at home or that you find along the way good things to eat.

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All living creatures must celebrate the arrival of Jesus In a small town called Greccio there was a man named Juan, very devoted to Sa...

Where's The Line To See Jesus - History

It's almost Christmas! Have you shared this video with someone who needs to see it? Yes, Santa brings us presents...but Where's the line to Jesus?
The message in this video is unmistakable, true, and incredibly original.
There are a lot of wonderful Christmas songs both new and old available, that many of us only listen to during the holidays, but this song GRASPS the spirit of why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. I hope that this song will remain a top song for many many years to come. The music and vocal blend so smoothly and bring us to the point of tears but speaks to our hearts! 

This music video featuring the vocals of Becky Kelley became an instant YouTube sensation Nov 29, 2010 when it was first posted, having since garnered over 5.2 million views. Kelley says that the song was inspired by and titled after what her four-year-old nephew asked her while they were waiting in line at the mall to see Santa.
The music and lyrics were written by her father, Steve Haupt...

Read the rest of the story archived from http://wheresthelinetoseejesus.com/
Recording credits: Performed by: Becky Kelley
Written by: Steve Haupt & Chris Loesch
Produced by: Chris Loeschx- Recorded at: Shock City Studios, St. Louis, MO
Becky Kelley - Where's The Line To See Jesus [com legenda]

Becky's NEW CHRISTMAS SONG for 2018
reminds us that even after the sparkle of Christmas is gone, our God is with us.
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It's almost Christmas! Have you shared this video with someone who needs to see it? Yes, Santa brings us presents...but Where'...

The Winter Morning Guest

One winter morning in 1931, I came down to breakfast and found the table empty. It was cold outside. The worst blizzard on record had paralyzed the city. No cars were out. The snow had drifted up two stories high against our house, blackening the windows. "Daddy, what's happening?" I asked. I was six years old. Gently Dad told me our fuel and food supplies were exhausted. He'd just put the last piece of coal on the fire. Mother had eight ounces of milk left for my baby brother Tom. After that, nothing.

"So what are we going to eat?" I asked. "We'll have our devotions first, John Edmund," he said, in a voice that told me I should not ask questions.

My father was a pastor. As a Christian he'd been chased out of his Syrian homeland. He arrived as a teenager in the United States with no money and barely a word of English, nothing but his vocation to preach. He knew hardship of a kind few see today. Yet my parents consistently gave away at least 10 percent of their income, and no one but God ever knew when we were in financial need.

That morning, Dad read the scriptures as usual, and afterwards we knelt for prayer. He prayed earnestly for the family, for our relatives and friends, for those he called the "missionaries of the cross" and those in the city who'd endured the blizzard without adequate shelter.

Then he prayed something like this: "Lord, Thou knowest we have no more coal to burn. If it can please Thee, send us some fuel. If not, Thy will be done, we thank Thee for warm clothes and bed covers, which will keep us comfortable, even without the fire. Also, Thou knowest we have no food except milk for Baby Thomas. If it can please Thee.."

For someone facing bitter cold and hunger, he was remarkably calm. Nothing deflected him from completing the family devotions, not even the clamor we now heard beyond the muffling wall of snow.

Finally someone pounded on the door. The visitor had cleared the snow off the windowpane, and we saw his face peering in. "Your door's iced up," he yelled. "I can't open it."

The devotions over, Dad jumped up. He pulled; the man pushed. When the door suddenly gave, an avalanche of snow fell into the entrance hall. I didn't recognize the man, and I don't think Dad did either because he said politely, "Can I help you?"

The man explained he was a farmer who'd heard Dad preach in Allegan three years earlier. "I awakened at four o' clock this morning," he said, "and I couldn't get you out of my mind. The truck was stuck in the garage, so I harnessed the horses to the sleigh and come over."

"Well, please come in," my father said. On any other occasion, he'd have added, "and have some breakfast with us." But, of course, today there was no breakfast.

The man thanked him. And then, to our astonishment, he plucked a large box off the sleigh. More than sixty years later, I can see that box as clear as yesterday. It contained milk, eggs, butter, pork chops, grain, homemade bread and a host of other things.

When the farmer had delivered the box, he went back out and got a cord of wood. Finally, after a very hearty breakfast, he insisted Dad take a ten-dollar bill.

Almost every day Dad reminded us that "God is the Provider." And my experience throughout adult life has confirmed it. "I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their children begging bread." (Psalm 37:25) The Bible said it. But Dad and Mom showed me it was true.

Written by
  John Edmund Haggai

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One winter morning in 1931, I came down to breakfast and found the table empty. It was cold outside. The worst blizzard on record had pa...

The NOEL Candle Story

It was Christmas Eve in Rheims, France, nearly five hundred years ago. The spires of the great cathedral towered high in the sky over a throng of people who had gathered in a square before the church, celebrating the joyous Noel. Laughing children darted through the crowd as groups of youths and maidens sang carols and danced to the music of a lute and tambourine. Everywhere faces shone with such happiness, it did not seem possible there could be, in all of Rheims, one sad and lonely heart.

Yet there were four. Three of them lived in a squalid old shed by the river. Though its outward appearance was dismal, the inside was neat and clean.

Its one room served as living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen for three people, but the rough stone floor was carefully swept, and the patched covers on the straw mattresses in the corner were spotlessly clean.

A rough table, broken chair, stool and rickety bench were the only furniture in the room. In a far corner stood a small charcoal brazier whose weak flame served not only to cook the meals but to warm the hut.

The one touch of beauty in the little room was supplied by a tiny shrine, built on a shelf at the rear wall. A few field flowers in a bowl stood in front of it, and from the shelf hung a heavily embroidered scarlet sash which had once held a knights' shield.

A young woman was bending over a small spinning wheel, a boy of seven was setting the table with their few cracked dishes, and a girl a year or so older was stirring a kettle over the brazier.

The lady, whose beauty shone through in spite of her ragged clothing, was Madame la Contesse Marie de Malincourt, and the boy and girl, her son and daughter, Louis and Jeanne.

As she worked, the lady was thinking sadly of Christmas only a year before, when everything had been so different. Then she had lived in a great castle, and as on every Christmas Eve, she and her husband and children had gone down to the castle gate to greet the crowd assembled. The old, the ailing, and the poor would gather there, and the Malincourts would go into the crowd giving to each villager gifts of warm clothing, healing herbs and food. Even Louis and Jeanne would give something from their own toys to the village children.

Then war had swept over their happy valley; the castle had been attacked and robbed. Lady Marie's husband had been led away in chains while she and the children had fled down a secret passageway out in the night and away to the village. She found it deserted, the villagers frightened away by the attackers.

During the months that followed, the three had wandered along the highway trading away their belongings bit by bit in return for food and lodging. Even Lady Mari's coat had gone to the wife of a rich merchant, and the pretty clothing of Louis and Jeanne had been replaced by coarse peasant wear.

Only one thing remained of their belongings - the cover of her husband's shield, which little Louis had brought from the castle that dreadful night. "Father gave it to me to keep until he comes back," he said and through all the terrors of their flight he had clung to it. It was dear to all of them, for it was their only reminder of their father and the life they had shared together.

"Mother," said Jeanne suddenly, interrupting her mother's thoughts, "it is Christmas tonight." "Yes, sighed Lady Maire, "but there will be no toys or sweets for you and little Louis the Noel." "We don't need them," the children answered. "We have you, Mother, and we can keep Christmas in our heart.

Their mother looked up at them and smiled. "Yes, though life is hard," she said, "we still have each other, and even though we miss your father, I'm sure there are others in Rheims tonight that miss their lived ones also. I just wish we had something to give the poor as we once did..." A thoughtful silence filled the room.

"Mother," Jeanne said excitedly, "I know something we can give." As she talked she picked up the small tallow candle from the table and hurried to one window of the hut.

"See," she went on, "I will put it on the sill and perhaps someone who passes, someone like ourselves, will be happier because of this little gift of light. There - see how it shines out on the snow," and she stood back to survey her work.

"You are a good child, Jeanne," said Lady Marie, then smiling gently, she resumed her work.

Down in the great square, among all the lights and gaiety, was another sad heart. It beat in the breast of a little lad of nine, a boy in ragged clothes whose bare feet were thrust into clumsy wooden clogs.

He was utterly alone in the world, without money or friends, cold hungry and miserable. When he tried to tell his story to some of the milling people around him, no one took any interest in him, other than to frown at him or elbow him out of the way.

At last, in utter despair, he began to tramp the streets, stopping now and then to gaze at the splendid houses and to seek help. But there was no welcome in any of them for the poor lonely child.

It was dark in the streets of Rheims now, and the air was growing colder, but the little child trampled on, trying desperately to find shelter before the night closed in. At last, far off down by the river, he saw a tiny gleam of light appear suddenly at a window and he hurried toward it. As he neared it, the boy saw it was only a small tallow candle at the window of a hovel, the poorest hut in all Rheims, but the steady light brought a sudden glow to his heart and he ran forward and knocked at the door.

It was quickly opened by a little girl, and at once two other people had risen to greet him. In another moment he found himself seated on a stool beside the charcoal brazier. The little girl was warming one of his cold hands in her palms, while her brother was holding the other, and a beautiful woman, kneeling at his feet, drew off the wooden shoes and rubbed his icy feet.

When he was thoroughly warmed, the little girl dished up into three bowls and a cracked cup the stew which had been simmering on the fire. There was only a little of it, but she passed the fullest bowl to the stranger.

After a word of blessing, they ate their stew, and never had the thick soup tasted so rich and so satisfying. As they finished, a sudden flowing light filled the room, greater than the brightness of a thousand candles. There was a sound of angel voices, and the stranger had grown so radiant they could hardly bear to look at him.

"Thou, with thy little candle, have lighted the Christ child on his way to Heaven," said their guest, his hand on the door latch. "This night your dearest prayer shall be answered," and in another instant he was gone.

The countess and her children fell to their knees and prayed, and there they still were many minutes later when a knight in armor gently pushed open the door and entered the hut.

"Mari! Jeanne! Louis!" he cried in a voice of love. "Don't you know me after all these weary months of prison and barrel? How I have searched for you!"

Immediately his family clustered around him with embraces and kisses. "But, Father, how did you find us here?" cried little Louis at last. "A ragged lad I met on the highway told me where you live," answered the knight.

"The Christ child," said Marie reverently, and told him the story.

And so, forever after, they and all their descendants, have burned a candle in the window on the eve of Noel, to light the solitary Christ child on his way.

The End

Clement C. Moore

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It was Christmas Eve in Rheims, France, nearly five hundred years ago. The spires of the great cathedral towered high in the sky over...

Thee Other Wisemen

Each year at Christmas we delight to follow the wise men as they came out of the East and made their way to Bethlehem where they worshiped the new-born king and laid treasures at his feet. But Henry Van Dyke has told us about another wise man who also followed the star not only to Bethlehem, but throughout his life, and yet he never found the king.

The other wise man's name was Artaban. He was a kind of unknown soldier who didn't quite make the headlines.

He was also one of the Magi and lived in Persia. He was a man of great wealth, great learning and great faith.

With his learned companions he had searched the scriptures as to the time that the Savior would be born.

They knew that a new star would appear and it was agreed between them that Artaban would watch from Persia and the others would observe the sky from Babylon.

Ont he night that the sign was to be given, Artaban was speaking to nine of his Magi friends in his home.

He said to them, "My three brethren are watching at the ancient temple of the Seven Spheres, at Borsippa, in Babylon and I am watching here.

If the star appears, they will wait for me for ten days, then we will all set out together for Jerusalem. I believe the sign will come tonight..

I have made ready for the journey by selling all of my possessions and have bought these three jewels: a sapphire, a ruby, and a pearl.

I intend to present them as my tribute to the king." He said, "I invite you to make the pilgrimage with us that we may worship the new-born king together.."

While he was speaking he thrust his hand into the inmost fold of his girdle and drew out three gems: one blue as a fragment of the night sky, one redder than a ray of the sunrise, and one as pure as the peak of a snow mountain at twilight.

He would give them all to the King.

Then one of Artaban's friends said, "Artaban, this is a vain dream. No King will ever rise from the broken race of Israel..

He who looks for him is a chaser of shadows." Then he bid Artaban farewell and left his dwelling.

Each in turn offered his own particular excuse, and finally only his oldest and truest friend remained.

He said "Artaban, I am too old for this quest, but my heart goes with thee."

Then with a hand on Artaban's shoulder he said, "Those who see wonderful things, must often be willing to travel alone."

Left to himself Artaban put his jewels back into his girdle. Then he parted the curtains and went out onto the roof to again take up his vigil to watch the night sky..

As Jupiter and Saturn rolled together like drops of lambent flame about to blend into one, an azure spark was born out of the darkness beneath them, rounding itself with purple splendor into a crimson sphere.

Artaban bowed his head. "It is the sign," he said. "The King is coming and I will go to meet him.."

All night long, Vasda, the swiftest of Artaban's horses, had been waiting saddled and bridled, in her stall, pawing the ground impatiently and shaking her bit as if she shared the eagerness of her master's purpose.

As Artaban placed himself upon her back he said, "God bless us both, and keep our feet from falling and our souls from death."

Under this encouragement, each day his faithful horse measured off the allotted proportion of the distance, and at nightfall of the tenth day, they approached the outskirts of Babylon.

In a little islpon thee and give thee peace..."

Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

Each year at Christmas we delight to follow the wise men as they came out of the East and made their way to Bethlehem where they worshi...

Holly Babes - Christmas Story

The Christmas Story -w- Ruth J. Moorehead's "Holly Babes"

The curly-haired, toddler-sized Holly Babes put on a Christmas pageant presentation of the Nativity in this sweet, simple holiday story.
Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said, "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High."

An Angel Visits Mary

One day about 2,000 years ago an angel named Gabriel appeared to a young Jewish woman named Mary. Gabriel told Mary she would have a son, Jesus, who would be the Son of God! Mary was confused and worried about this sudden news, but she had faith in God and said, "I am the Lord's servant; let it be as you say."

Journey to Bethlehem

Mary and her husband-to-be, Joseph, lived in a town called Nazareth. But they had to travel to the city of Bethlehem to register for a census ordered by the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus. Both Nazareth and Bethlehem are in the country now called Israel. It is about 65 miles (105 km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem, and the trip probably took them several days.

When Joseph and Mary got to Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay because the inn was already full. They ended up spending the night in a stable, a place where animals were kept. There was probably fresh hay on the floor that they used for beds.

That night, Jesus was born. There was no crib, so they laid baby Jesus in a manger, a feeding trough for animals. The manger probably had fresh hay in it and made a nice bed for the baby.

Shepherds Visit Jesus

Jesus was born in a stable and laid to sleep in a manger. The shepherds came to see firsthand the things the angel had told them.

That night, some shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem, keeping watch over their flocks of sheep. An angel appeared to them and gave them the good news that a Savior, the Messiah, had been born. The angel told the shepherds they could find Jesus lying in a manger. Suddenly a whole group of angels appeared saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"

The shepherds hurried into Bethlehem and found Jesus in the manger, just as the angel had told them. After they had seen Jesus, they spread the news, and everyone who heard was in awe.

Wise Men Visit Jesus

Wise men from the East came to worship Jesus, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Some time later, wise men, or magi, from eastern countries saw a star in the sky that signaled the birth of a new king. They came to Judea, the region around Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to worship Jesus, the new king.

A man named Herod was the king of Judea. He called the wise men to a meeting and told them to find the new king so he could go and worship him, too.

The wise men continued on to Bethlehem and followed the star until it was directly above the house where Jesus was. They found Mary and Jesus in the house and knelt down to worship Him. They brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, some of the finest things in the ancient world. Frankincense was burned to make a sweet smell, and myrrh was an expensive perfume.

After visiting Jesus, the wise men had a dream that warned them not to go back to King Herod, so they took a different route home.

Journey to Egypt

King Herod lied when he told the wise men he wanted to worship Jesus. He was afraid this new "king" would replace him as king of Judea. He did not understand that Jesus would grow up to be king of God's spiritual kingdom, not king of Judea.

What Herod really wanted was to find Jesus and kill Him! Herod was furious when he realized the wise men had not come back to tell him where to find Jesus. He sent his soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the children under two years old, thinking Jesus would certainly be one of the ones killed.

But God had told Joseph in a dream to flee to Egypt. Joseph took Mary and Jesus to live in Egypt where they would be safe from Herod. Joseph, Mary and Jesus stayed in Egypt until Herod had died, and then they returned to Nazareth.



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The Christmas Story -w- Ruth J. Moorehead's "Holly Babes" The curly-haired, toddler-sized Holly Babes put on a Christmas ...

A Christmas Story - O Holy Night

The International Country Music Fan Fair in Nashville is always a zoo-like affair with three hundred or more people waiting in line at John Berry's booth for autographs, to take pictures, and to buy memberships and T-shirts. Fans often climb over the stanchions trying to get a picture and yelling at John to get his attention.

Last year, John and his wife, Robin, had a great idea for the theme of his booth.

They felt it would be nice to have people come and visit them on their front porch, so they had the booth made as an identical replica of the porch on the Berry house.

The display kind of depicts how John feels about his fans.. almost like they're family.

Coming onto his front porch at the show was a very comfortable thing for people.

Fan Fair began on Tuesday with a full day of interviews followed by over four hours of autograph signing at the booth. John's fan club party didn't close down `til 2:30 the next morning.

John started Wednesday with the Capitol Nashville Showcase. After that, it was back to the booth where the autograph line began in front of the picket fence leading to the porch.

A separate handicapped area fed into this line. At one point, I spoke with a woman who explained that she was deaf.

She told me how she listened to John's music by laying her fingertips on the speakers in her home. Now, she just wanted to be face-to-face with John.

She asked if she could touch him to really feel what she had been "hearing" through the speakers with her hands.

I was impressed by the woman who seemed like a kindly soul with a gentle spirit.

In spite of her handicap, she was independent, positive and confident. Although I knew John was already exhausted, I was certain he'd want to meet this special fan.

I took the woman over to John, let him know she was deaf and explained that she had a special request.

John had her sit down next to his rocking chair and got very close. Everyone around kind of stepped back and things quickly got very quiet.

The woman reached up and put her fingertips on John's throat. At that point, she asked him to sing.

Without hesitation, and in the middle of June, John broke into "O Holy Night."

You could see a total transformation on the woman's face; and then the tears began streaming out of both of them.

Everyone in the surrounding booths stopped talking, walking and taking pictures. All of us just watched..

It was as if everything in the room had frozen except the two of them.

At the end of the song, there was a poignant pause followed by tumultuous applause and a standing ovation for the special moment that all had shared.

John reached over and gave the woman a tender hug.

All of us felt the energy pass through them. The woman didn't say much after that. Within a moment, she found her friend and was gone...

By Jean Calvert.

Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

The International Country Music Fan Fair in Nashville is always a zoo-like affair with three hundred or more people waiting in line at ...

The Extra ElectricTrain

Though money didn't flow as freely as the rain that winter, my parents worked with joyful anticipation to give my brother and me a Christmas present we would never forget. They scrimped for months and then spent more than they could probably afford for a Marx electric train..

Then the day before Christmas, a cousin stationed at a nearby military base pulled into the driveway.

Opening the trunk of his car he lifted out a large heavy box. My brother and I could hardly wait to see what it was..

On Christmas morning we opened it first. Eagerly we unwrapped an expensive new electric train set.

Wow! You had to pull us down off the ceiling. A Lionel train, too!..

Then we opened the presents from our parents- another electric train..

Ho hum. And not nearly as extravagant as the one from our cousin. Guess whose we played with most?..

Mom and Dad were hurt. The outlay for an unmarried Air Force lieutenant was nothing compared to the sacrifice my parents had made.

But all we saw was the glamour of an expensive train. We counted our parents' gift as merely a nice accessory..

Our heavenly Father spends many a disappointing Christmas. Amidst the glittering ornaments and flashing Christmas lights, the hurry and hustle of shopping and wrapping and family get-togethers, parties and presents, trees and turkeys- who really cares about His gift?..

What gets more attention from us: our Father's gift of life in Jesus Christ or the quickly- wrapped department store gifts from our cousins?..

Thank you, Father, for Jesus. Thank you for the abundant life that we, His disciples, can enjoy now.

Thank you for sending us a most expensive gift...your own life. Thank you!...

A Christmas Memory from Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

Though money didn't flow as freely as the rain that winter, my parents worked with joyful anticipation to give my brother and me a Chr...

The 3 Trees

A tree can't wait to grow up and achieve great things, rather than appreciate the present.

A tree can't wait to grow up and achieve great things, rather than appreciate the present.

The Meaning Of Peace

There once was a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace.

Many artists tried. The King looked at all the pictures, but there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for the peaceful towering mountains all around it.

Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace..

The second picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare.

Above was an angry sky from which rain fell, and in which lightening played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all..

But when the King looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock.

In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest..a picture of a perfect peace.

Which of the pictures won the prize? The King chose the second picture. Do you know why?.. "Because," explained the King, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.

That is the real meaning of peace..."
Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

There once was a King who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The King looked at...

Christmas Wish For Peace

It was Christmas Eve and the lord looked down from above at all His children. It had been nearly two thousand years since the birth of His son and turning to His youngest angel the Lord said: "Go down to the earth and bring back to me the one thing that best represents everything good that has been done in the name of this day." The angel bowed to the Lord and spreading his wings, descended from heaven to the world of man, all the while contemplating his mission. So much had been done in the name of honoring the birth of the Christ Child. For this day, wars had temporarily ceased, cathedrals had been built and great novels had been written. With so little time, what could he possibly find to represent all this?

As he soared above the earth, he suddenly heard the sound of church bells below. Their tone was so beautiful that it reminded him of the voice of God.

Looking down, he saw a small church whose bells were ringing out the carol, Silent Night. As the final note died away, it was replaced by one lone voice singing inside the church.

It was shortly joined by a second voice that embraced the first in perfect harmony, and then another until a choir of voices rose through the night.

Enchanted by the magic of what he was hearing, the angel found himself listening until the song was finished. As he resumed his flight through the night, he was delighted to hear these sounds everywhere, from the largest cities to the smallest villages. He heard melodies from massive orchestras and in the voices of single soldiers alone at their post. And any place where he heard these songs, he found hope in the hearts of men.

Grasping a song out of the air, he held it in his hand (angels are able to do this) and thought that maybe, these songs could be the one thing that best represented Christmas. They seemed to give voice to man's greatest joys as well as hope to those deepest in despair.

But, though at first glance it appeared to be the answer he sought, his heart told him that this music alone was not enough. There had to be something more. So, he continued his flight through the night until he suddenly felt the touch of a father's prayer on its way to heaven. Once again looking downward, he saw a man who was praying for his child whom he had not heard from in a long time and who would not be home that Christmas. Seizing upon the prayer, the angel followed it until it reached the lost child.

She was standing on a corner, in a quiet snowfall, looking very small in a very large city. Across from her was an old city bar, the kind that only the lost seemed to know how to find. The patrons of this establishment rarely looked up from their drinks and so seemed not to notice the young woman. Now, the bartender in this bar had been working in there longer than anyone could remember. He believed in nothing except his bar and his cash register. He had never married, never took a vacation and as matter of fact, had never been seen out from behind his counter by most of his patrons. He was there when they arrived and he was still there when they left. He gave no credit and for seventy-five cents, served shots of un-watered whiskey to people who used their drinks like a moat around their lives. For them, he provided a safe, unchanging world.

Suddenly, the door opened wide and into this world walked a small child. The bartender could not remember the last time that a child had been in this place, but before he could ask the child what he was doing there, the child asked him if he knew that there was a girl outside their door who could not get home. Glancing out the window, he saw the girl standing across the street. Turning back to the child, the bartender asked him how he knew this. The child replied "That on this night of all nights, if one could be home, they'd be already there."

The bartender looked back toward the young woman as he reflected on what the child had said. After several seconds of thought, he slowly went over to the cash register and removing most of the money, came out from behind the bar and followed the child across the street.

Everyone in the bar watched as he spoke with the girl. After a few moments, he called over a cab, put the girl inside and told the driver: "J.F.K. Airport." As the cab pulled away, he looked around for the child, but the child was gone.

And what was stranger still, even though his own tracks leading from the bar were still clearly marked in the snow, the child's were nowhere to be found. Returning back inside, he asked if anyone had seen where the child had gone, but like himself, no one had, for they also had been watching the departing cab. And then, some would later say that the most miraculous thing of all happened, when for the rest of the night, no one paid for a drink.

Later that night, the angel returned back to heaven and placed in the Lord's hand the wish of a soul for the happiness of another. And as the heavenly host looked on, the Lord smiled.

by Paul O'Neill Artwork by Greg Hildebrandt

Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

It was Christmas Eve and the lord looked down from above at all His children. It had been nearly two thousand years since the birth of ...

Dear God - Bless This Mess

Not so long ago two of our young grandkids from NC, Layla and Jackson, invaded our peaceful home. As soon as they touched down, we sprinted around the house to kid-proof the lower shelves. It was the first reality check of what was to come: teething cries, stinky diapers, scattered toys, peanut butter smears on white draperies, and piles of clothes and dishes. A week later, I was still pulling Cheerios out of the sofa. Meal time required a fire hose to clean up–well, not quite, but you get my point.


Thanks For Visiting 2020 - AngelicDreams4U

Not so long ago two of our young grandkids from NC, Layla and Jackson, invaded our peaceful home. As soon as they touched down, we sprint...