The Bible - Poem & eBook Collection

This is a precious book indeed!
  Happy the child that loves to read!
  'Tis God's own word, which he has giv'n,
  To show our souls the way to heav'n!
  It tells us how the world was made;
  And how good men the Lord obey'd:
  Here his commands are written, too,
  To teach us what we ought to do.
  It bids us all from sin to fly,
  Because our souls can never die;
  It points to heav'n, where angels dwell,
  And warns us to escape from hell.
  But what is more than all beside,
  The Bible tells us, Jesus died!
  This is its best, its chief intent,
  To lead poor sinners to repent.
  Be thankful, children, that you may
  Read this good Bible every day;
  'Tis God's own word, which he has giv'n,
  To show your souls the way to heav'n.
Source: Young Bible Reader
Pages: 28
Published: 1847
Publisher: Truman & Spofford

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