Today I came across this poem that made me feel there was symbolism to the coffee ritual.
Do you remember older generations drinking from their saucer? "My Grand mother drank from her saucer. As a kid, I just thought she couldn’t see to judge distance & it always overflowed.
I always viewed her as very spiritual, so this poem is an extra special comfort to me." Drinking From My SaucerI've never made a fortune,And I'll never make one now But it really doesn't matter ‘Cause I'm happy anyhow As I go along my journey I'm reaping better than I've sowed I'm drinking from the saucer ‘Cause my cup has overflowed I don't have a lot of riches, And sometimes the going's tough But with kin and friends to love me I think I'm rich enough I thank God for the blessings That His mercy has bestowed I'm drinking from the saucer ‘Cause my cup has overflowed He gives me strength and courage When the way grows steep and rough I'll not ask for other blessings for I'm already blessed enough May we never be too busy To help bear another's load Then we'll all be drinking from the saucer When our cups have overflowed By John Paul Moore |
Michael Combs - Drinking From My Saucer
Sung with heart and simplicity!
The Story behind the song "Drinking from my Saucer" Michael Combs Ministries
Michael shares "during a rejection episode with my liver in 1999 the Drs. said I needed to come off the road and rest." I had no idea that the Radio DJ'S were asking the listener's to pray for Michael Combs. I was feeling pretty down and out when my wife, Denise came home from the Post Office. She set a big box of cards next to me on the couch. I opened up a card from Janice Baldwin from Ohio. The card read; I don't think God is finished with you yet and my whole Sunday School Class is praying for you. She added "by the way I have enclosed a Poem that I think might be a blessing to you." It was "Drinking from my Saucer (author unknown). Michael instantly went to the piano and started singing "Drinking from my Saucer." No Michael did not write "Drinking from my Saucer" though many think he did. However he did put the melody/music to the poem. - Singing News
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