When God Created Kitty Cats

Cats can be traced back over a million years. Cats are extremely clean animals, always cleaning and grooming -“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” is the saying.

In the beginning God created.." (Genesis 1:1)

The book of Genesis says that God created land animals on Day 6 of the creation week. That includes one of our furriest friends cats. For centuries, these incredible animals have captivated humans. They live all over the world, whether in the wild...or in your house!

And God Created Cat

On the first day of creation, God created the cat.
On the second day, God created man to serve the cat.
On the third day, God created tuna, mice, and all the animals of the earth to serve as potential food for the cat.
On the fourth day, God created honest toil so that man could labor for the good of the cat.
On the fifth day, God created the ball of yarn, the feather thingies on a string, and the catnip mouse so that the cat might or might not be amused.
On the sixth day, God created veterinary science to keep the cat healthy and the man broke.
On the seventh day, God tried to rest, but the cat woke him up at AM.

God's Purr-fect Creation

When God created kitty cats,
He had no recipe;
He knew He wanted something sweet,
As sweet as sweet could be.

He started out with sugar,
Adding just a trace of spice;
Then stirred in drops of morning dew,
To keep them fresh and nice.

He thought cats should be soft to pet,
Thus he gave them coats of fur;
So they could show they were content,
He taught them how to purr.

He made for them long tails to wave,
While strutting down the walk;
Then trained them in meow-ology,
So they could do cat-talk.

He made them into acrobats,
And gave them grace and poise;
Their wide-eyed curiosity,
He took from little boys.

He put whiskers on their faces,
Gave them tiny ears for caps;
Then shaped their little bodies,
To snugly fit on laps.

He gave them eyes as big as saucers,
To look into man's soul;
Then set a tolerance for mankind,
As their purpose and their goal.

Benevolent ... and ... Generous,
He made so many of them;
Then charged, with fatherly concern,
The human race to love them.

When one jumped up upon His lap,
God gently stroked its head;
The cat gave Him a kitty kiss,
"What wondrous love," God said.

God smiled at His accomplishment,
So pleased with His creation;
And said, with pride, as He sat back,
"At last. . .I've reached purr-fection!"

written by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis

When God Made Cats

This verse makes an adorable reference to how when God created man, woman and dog he wasn’t completely satisfied until he made a cat. There is no better species in all the world than a cat because God reached purr-fection when he made a cat. Cat’s are known for being feisty and fun, but they are also very affectionate and love their owners unconditionally.
    When God created Adam,
    he was very pleased, but thought
    He’s nice, but I’m sure
    I can do better, probably quite a lot!

    So he carefully constructed Eve,
    and smiled, but still found her a little odd-
    Upon the drawing board came the dog,
    and he felt himself begin to nod-

    He modified, improved, added and deleted,
    and slightly changed direction,
    And when it looked at him and meowed,
    he knew he’d reached PURR-FECTION!

And God said, I will create for them a companion who will be with them and who will see them as they are. The companion will remind them of their limitations, so they will know that they are not always worthy of adoration. ' And God created “CAT” to be a companion to Adam and Eve.
    Unique - Psalm 139:13
    Special - Ephesians 2:10
    Lovely - Daniel 12:3
    Precious - 1 Corinthians 6:20
    Strong - Psalm 18:35
    Chosen - John 15:10

Why God made Pets

When God Made Cats … | Catster.com
4 Reasons God Created Pets
Cat Commandments
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