The 23rd Psalm for Genealogists

Genealogy is my Pastime ... I shall not stray,
It maketh me to lie down and examine half-buried Tombstones;

It leadeth me into still Courthouses.
It restoreth my Ancestral Knowledge;

It leadeth me into the Paths of Census Records
and Ships Passenger Lists for my Surnames' sake;

Yes, though I wait through the Shadows
of Research Libraries and Microfilm Readers,

I shall fear no Discouragment,
for a Strong Urge is with me.

The curiosity and Motivation,
they Comfort me;

It demandeth preparation of Storage Space
for the Aquisition of Countless Documents;

It anointeth my Head with burning Midnight Oil,
My Family Group Sheets runneth over.

Surely Birth,Marriage and Death dates
shall follow me all the Days of my Life,

And I shall dwell in the House
of a Family History Seeker Forever.
~ By Wildamae Brestal ~
Image courtesy of Moon-and - Back Graphics
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Genealogy is my Pastime ... I shall not stray, It maketh me to lie down and examine half-buried Tombstones; It leadeth me into sti...

A Prayer For Genealogists

"Some family trees have beautiful leaves,
but some just have a bunch of nuts.
Remember it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking."

~ Unknown ~

Lord, help me dig into the past,
And sift the sands of time;
That I might find the roots that made
This family tree of mine.

Lord, help me trace the ancient roads,
On which my fathers trod;
And led them through so many lands,
To find our present sod.

Lord, help me find an ancient book
Or dust manuscript,
That's safely hidden now away
In some forgotten crypt.

Lord, let it bridge the gaps that haunts
My soul when I can't find,
The missing link between some name
That ends the same as mine.

~ Curtis Woods ~


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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

"Some family trees have beautiful leaves, but some just have a bunch of nuts. Remember it is the nuts that make the tree worth shakin...

Easter Week Bible Trivia

Test your Bible knowledge with these trivia questions related to Easter Week.

Example of Questions and Answers:

1. The priests took the money that Judas had returned to them and did what with it?

Answer: Bought the potter’s field with the money which is where strangers were buried (Matthew 27:6-8).

2. What was the inscription above the cross?

Answer: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” (Luke 19:19). It was written in three different languages according to John 19:20; Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

3. Which disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant in an attempt to protect Jesus from being taken as a prisoner?

Answer: Peter (John 18:10)

4. When Jesus entered Jerusalem during what is known as His Triumphal Entry, what animal was He riding on?

Answer: A young donkey (Matthew 21:1-7; Mark 11:1-7; Luke 19:28-35; John 12:12-15). In eastern tradition it was customary for a king going to war to ride a horse. Yet when the king was at peace he would ride a donkey. The symbolism is the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, was coming for purposes of peace between God and man.

5. In John 19 two men helped prepare the body of Christ for burial. One is said to have been a secret disciple and another secretly came to Jesus early in His ministry to ask question. Who were these men?

Answer: Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus (John 19:38-42). Interestingly, these two men did not follow Jesus as He traveled through the region, but they were there when all the outspoken disciples had abandoned the Lord.
View More... Easter Bible Quiz
Or try this activity with your family. Who Am I? From
Printable Copy of their Easter Quiz Gameand Answer Guide PDF
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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

Test your Bible knowledge with these trivia questions related to Easter Week.   Example of Questions and Answers: 1. The p...

The Four Candles

The Four Candles burned slowly.
Their Ambiance was so soft you could hear them speak...

The first candle said,
 "I Am Peace, but these days, nobody wants to keep me lit."

Then Peace's flame slowly diminishes and goes out completely.

The second candle says,
 "I Am Faith, but these days, I am no longer indispensable."

Then Faith's flame slowly diminishes and goes out completely.

Sadly the third candle spoke, 
"I Am Love and I haven't the strength to stay lit any longer."
"People put me aside and don't understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them."

And waiting no longer, Love goes out completely.

A child enters the room and sees the three candles no longer burning.
The child begins to cry, "Why are you not burning?
 You are supposed to stay lit until the end."

Then the Fourth Candle spoke gently to the little boy, "Don't be afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I still burn, we can re-light the other candles."
With Shining eyes the child took the Candle of Hope and lit the other three candles.
Never let the Flame of Hope go out of your life.
With Hope, no matter how bad things look and are...
Peace, Faith and Love can Shine Brightly in our lives.
Author Unknown

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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

The Four Candles burned slowly. Their Ambiance was so soft you could hear them speak... The first candle said,  "I Am Peace , b...