A few more days and Christmas will be here. The house all decorated, and every one is filled with cheer. There are those who complain it's too much work is overheard, What they need is to take a break and let their hearts be stirred. I have always enjoyed the hustle and bustle of shoppers hurrying through the falling snow nodding and smiling at passerbys people they don't even know. They have a Christmas heart that I wish would last all year for all to see please share a Christmas heart with me I am like a sixty three year old child that looks forward to the stories on the tv like Little Drummer Boy, Frosty and Rudolph and The Christmas Box, my favorite to see. The day after Christmas my heart feels so let down the happy faces of the day before has changed into a frown. Hurry take away the tree put the decorations all away quickly shove the memories aside gone... another Christmas day I want to hang on to each moment and roll it over in my mind looking for another Christmas heart, that has stayed behind. Not packed away with the tinsel to be brought out next year . Lets have Christmas hearts all the time before and after Deck the Halls we hear. Don't put your Christmas smile away with the trim and lights keep a Christmas heart with in you for three hundred and sixty five days and nights. Sandy Griffin© 2003 http://www.our.homewithgod.com/sandra/ |
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The Christmas Heart - Poem - AngelicDreams4U
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