our house filled with joy, the trash-cans were full, from unwrapping each toy. little Brandi and Rick, So glad they were happy, with the gifts from St. Nick. stared out the window, as my wife and the children, took turns with Nintendo. for some strange reason, something was lacking, in this Holiday Season. I knew what was wrong, We've lied to our children, for God knows how long. I couldn't help crying, they believed in a Santa Claus, we created by lying. every since I can remember, that Christmas means toys and they come in December and get right to bed, then Santa will come, with his reindeer and sled. have taught them to pray, to thank the LORD JESUS, being born on that day. was a time meant for giving, to share with the needy and be thankful for living. then recieving will please us, share the best gift of all and give the LORD JESUS. we went along with the rest. but the time had now come to take the parenthood test. what I just told you, then they responded like this, when I was finally through. for telling us this." Wrapped their arms tight around me and gave me a kiss. that Santa was fake, but we swore not to tell it, for your and Mom's sake." to be a big flop, and the fun that we have every year to just stop." but thanks just the same, every night when we pray, we call on HIS name." when we lost all our toys? We gave them to the orphanage, for the girls and the boys." each one we would send, Merry Christmas, I Love You, from Jesus your friend." what giving's about? "Sharing with others who are doing without." patted their heads, gave them a hug and put them in bed. but I have to admit, they acted so grown, that it scared me a bit. the truth it shall be, cause God gave me children, who are smarter than me. |
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The Day After Christmas - Version 4 - AngelicDreams4U
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