April-Saint Of The Day

1. Saint Hugh of Grenoble

2. Saint Francis of Paola

3. Saint Benedict the African

4. Saint Isidore of Seville

5.Saint Vincent Ferrer

6. Saint Crescentia Hoess

7. Saint John Baptist de la Salle

8. Saint Julie Billiart

9. Saint Casilda

10. Saint Magdalen of Canossa

11. Saint Stanislaus

12. Saint Teresa of Los Andes

13. Saint Martin I

14. Blessed Peter Gonzalez

15, Blessed Caesar de Bus

16. Saint Bernadette Soubirous

17. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

18. Blessed James Oldo

19. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

20. Saint Conrad of Parzham

21.Saint Anselm

22. Saint Adalbert of Prague

23. Saint George

24. Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

25. Saint Mark

26. Saint Pedro de San José Betancur

27. Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort

28. Saint Peter Chanel

29. Saint Catherine of Siena

30. Saint Pius V

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