ABC Scriptures

Scriptures to remember in a Printable ABC Verses, Scriptures Booklet.  

    Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
    -1 Peter 4:8
    Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men.”
    -Colossians 3:23
    She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”
    -Proverbs 31: 25-27
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Scriptures to remember in a Printable ABC Verses, Scriptures Booklet.   “ A bove all, love each other deeply, because love covers ove...

Your Assigned ArchAngel

I was born on a Wednesday and Raphael is the ArchAngel assigned to the day of my birth. To see whom is your assigned archangel the day of your birth - add your birth date here.
Born: Wednesday 
Presiding Archangel: Raphael 
Assignation: Healing 
Daily Affirmation: "I will work with the angels to overcome sickness and disease and be filled with peace." 
Celestial Title: Angel of Science and Knowledge

Archangel Raphael is credited with healing the earth and its inhabitants. He is very diligent about seeing that healing centers and hospitals have all that they need in order to perform God’s work. Those that place an emphasis on beauty, health and fitness are directly influenced by this angel. Their passion becomes their mission and others benefit greatly from their seemingly innate pursuit.
Raphael reminds us that our bodies are just vehicles for our spirit and that we must learn to care for it with great attention. The body has an intelligence and can comprehend healing thoughts. Close your eyes when ill or fatigued and ask Raphael to send God’s healing energy through your body. Stay in prayer until the discomfort lifts and repeat the process if it should reoccur. 
Raphael has many answers for you but your responsibility to yourself and your body is to ask. He can assist you in changing your lifestyle, your eating habits and the way you choose to spend negative energy. He can help you stay fit for the mission.
Associations & Assignments

Like any entity charged with duties and responsibilities, Archangels have certain associations of creation that are engraved in the very fibers of their etheric being. They are handed specifics to govern. Its these assignments that bring them into this dimension where they can participate with us.
Celestial Order: Seraphim 
Day: Watches over those born on Wednesday 
Chakra: Heart (4th) 
Color: Sage Green & Soft Pink 
Planetary assignment: Governs Mercury 
Main Issue: Love & Relationships 
Sense: Touch 
Fragrances/Incense/Oils: Rose, Bergamot, Melissa 
Crystals: Watermelon tourmaline, Rose quartz, Emerald 
Life Lesson: Forgiveness & Compassion 
Altar suggestions: Lots of small frames with pictures of loved ones, a peacock plume, a green ornament/glass slipper/bowl and; pink beads; green pen; Rose quartz in the shape of a heart, symbol of love and healing; prayer card, a loveletter (even if it’s to yourself)and of course....a Prayer Chest.

Who are the seven archangels of God?
Seven angels or archangels are given as related to the seven days of the week: Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday),Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel or Jegudiel (Friday), and Barachiel (Saturday).
Source: wikipedia

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The 7 ArchAngels - Colors, Days and Virtues I was born on a Wednesday and Raphael is the ArchAngel assigned to the day of my birt...

Angelic Signs

Have Faith in Angels and Believe!
14 Common Angel Signs!

#1 - Feathers
Finding feathers on your path is one of the more commonly known signs of the angels. Often referred to as 'calling cards,' they're left as welcome reminders that Angels are there for us if we need them and continually watching over us each day. Feathers of any color are a beautiful reminder that your angels are near, loving and supporting you from behind the scenes. When you find feathers in a place which is somewhat abnormal is an especially powerful angelic sign. When you find WHITE FEATHERS they’re almost always a sign from YOUR ANGEL… Even when you’re in a place where white birds are present.

#2 - Clouds
One of the most obvious of angel signs through the clouds, is a cloud which looks like an angel. Your angels may also drawn your awareness towards clouds that look like hearts, as well as many other shapes and symbols to offer .

#3 - Scents
Have you ever noticed a lovely sweet scent and been unable to identify the source? This very well may be a sign from your angels! Angels often love to make their presence known through the power of scent. Scent is a commonly used sign from your ancestors or loved ones who have crossed over as well… Sometimes those we've lost will remind us of their presence by surrounding us with a particular fragrance or smell that makes us think of them, so take note of any familiar aromas that waft your way – Odds are very high that a loved one's spirit is right there with you!

#4 - Babies and Pets
Babies and animals have not yet taken on many of the filters which can block people’s ability to clearly see the angels. Have you ever noticed a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, or at a blank spot on the wall? Or perhaps your pets’ focus is entirely captured by something you seem unable to see… Chances are they’re looking right at an angel! In the presence of angels babies, small children, and animals will be at ease, comforted… and excited.

#5 - Butterflies
The beautiful insects are frequently sent to us by our lost loved ones, either to remind us they're always watching over us and nearby, or just to let us know they're OK..

#6 - Pennies or Coins
Finding coins, or currency in general, is a common sign of guidance and support from the realms of spirit. If perhaps someone gives you a coin, pay attention! Does the date on the coin hold any meaning for you? Have you asked for financial help from your angels? What were you thinking about right before you noticed the coin? This very well may be a sign from your angels, or from a loved one… Celestial beings will often leave coins for those they are watching over – in fact, it's thought that's where the expression 'Pennies from Heaven' originally came from!
Left to console and reassure those who find them – generally when they're feeling a little blue or under the weather – they're said to be tossed by angels to make smiles out of frowns. When you find a coin know that it was deliberately placed on your path, and is a symbol illustrating you’re loved, supported and guided.

#7 - Robins
Also signifying a visit from a deceased family member of friends, these are always a welcome sight and will often visit the same gardens year after year, reassuring those who see them that their passed loved ones are still near.

#8 - Sparkles of Light
Angels are beings of love and light. Seeing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, are all common ways of experiencing your angels. A bright star which catches your attention, shafts of light streaming down from above, a flash of light appearing without an actual light source, light shimmering off an object in an unusual way, or an orb of light hovering near, are all signs of angels. Depending on their colour, these messages will usually be sent by the angel whose help you need most at the time – if you've been going through a hard time, for instance, and keep seeing green sparkles every where you go, it could be a sign from Archangel Raphael – the Angel synonymous with healing – letting you know he's there to help you.

#9 - Temperature Change
When you’re in the presence of angels, you may experience a change in temperature, which can be a wonderful validation that your angels are with you. You may suddenly feel a warm glowing light around you. Or you may get the chills, and feel cold, with a tingling or pressure in your head or on the back of your neck. This shouldn’t be uncomfortable… For me it is an exciting physical manifestation from these angelic spiritual beings.

#10 - Feelings
If you feel like you are in the presence of an angel… You probably are! You may feel like someone just walked past you, when no one is there, or you may get the impression someone is present in a room with you when it is empty. Your angels may reach out to you, very subtly and wrap you in their wings of love, brush your arm or neck, or gently place their hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels will make their presence very obvious giving you an overwhelming sense of unconditional love. Or when you’re in a book store, you get the chills, and then a book suddenly jumps off the shelf. Pay attention, your angel is with you!

#11 - Signs or Advertisements
Angel signs will often come in the form of noticing a message on a physical sign or billboard. When you ask for guidance from your angels stay open and alert, and you may start noticing a certain word or phrase on a number of billboards, street names, or shop signs. Recently I was in New Mexico and planning to take a trip to either Sedona AZ, or Southern New Mexico… I wasn’t sure which option to choose, and so I asked for help from my angels in making the decision (while riding as a passenger in a car). Almost immediately after asking, a huge sign for “Sedona Health and Nutrition” appeared on the street right before me. This was an advertisement for a local business… But I took the hint and ended up having an incredibly magical, and rewarding trip to Sedona, AZ.

#12 - Voices
When you receive a message in your mind, or you a whispered voice which seems to appear out of thin air, you may be experiencing the guidance of your angels. Don’t assume you’re making it up! If you can’t really hear what is being said, ask your angel to speak a bit louder so you can understand. Hearing the guidance of your angels is a beautiful sign of their presence, and is common when you are in need of comfort, reassurance, or angelic guidance.
Contained within the signs the angels leave us is infinite possibility for growth and positive transformation. The key is to be present, and aware, and to look for the signs from the angels. Angels have a way of making their presence known, and so you may experience them in a way that’s not listed… With presence and awareness you can tune into, experience, and act upon the signs you receive from your angels.

#13 - Rainbows
Rainbows are a common symbol of Divine love. When you ask for angelic assistance and shortly after see a rainbow, know your prayers have been heard and are being answered. If you’ve been thinking about your angels, or asked for a sign, and you notice a rainbow, it’s likely your angels confirming they are with you. A rainbow orb around the moon, a double rainbow, or a rainbow appearing when it hasn’t even been raining, are extra spectacular signs from your angels bringing encouragement, and validation from the heavens.

#14 - Music
I have met several people whose first experience of the angels was when they started to hear angelic singing originating from outside the physical world. Angels may also communicate with you through recurring songs you hear on the radio. Or by causing you to hear a series of songs, all with a very similar theme. Angels are often sending messages through music, whether it is through a song which just starts playing in your mind, hearing peaceful tranquil music when meditating, or continuing to hear a certain song on the radio… Pay attention to this guidance through music which can often be a clear sign from your angels.

Image Source: Thomas Kinkade
Adapted Sources: guardian-angel-reading - myangelcardreadings - 

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Have Faith in Angels and Believe! 14 Common Angel Signs! #1 - Feathers Finding feathers on your path is one of th...

Basket of Blessing Eggs

Eggs are a symbol of new life. Jesus' Resurrection brings us new hope and new life through Him. In preparation for this new beginning, let us serve, encourage and pray for one another.

 bunch of eggs

At the beginning of Lent, create a paper maché egg for each member of the family. Make a mix of watered down glue or wall paper paste for adhesive. Blow up a regular size balloon to about 6 inch length. Draw a 1/4 inch x 2 inch rectangle on the balloon with a marker, being careful not to burst the balloon.

Saturate one torn strip of newsprint at a time and apply to the small balloon. Do not apply the strips on top of the knot of the balloon (where it has been tied). Work around this opening, maintaining the smooth shape of the egg.

Leave a hole where the drawn rectangle is. Strips of newspaper with one straight edge can be used to neatly frame the opening, using the rectangle as a guide. This opening will serve as a mail slot (for inserting messages).

Pierce the balloon through one of the openings. Allow to dry and then apply an additional layer of paper maché, covering the hole left where the balloon knot had been.

Allow the egg to dry thoroughly. Paint each egg colourfully and write a family members' name on it, identifying it as their egg. Paint a coat of varnish on the egg for a shiny finish.

Leave the colorfully decorated eggs in a basket on the kitchen table. Encourage everyone in the family to say special prayers and do good deeds (in secret) for each other. Let them write little messages revealing these prayers and deeds and put them in the other family member's egg. Feel free to add other positive notes (You did a great job with your homework!, Thanks for dinner!...) into the eggs as well. Try to remember to date each message too!

As Lent goes on, these eggs will be filled with messages. On Easter Sunday, these eggs are cracked open so that everyone can read their secret messages. With the prayers and encouragement of loved ones, we celebrate our new life through Jesus, continuing to serve Him in our daily lives with renewed enthusiasm.

by Monica McConkey
Used with permission

Learn how to make large papier mache Easter eggs using balloons and newspaper strips.âché-Eggs

#PapierMacheEasterEggs   #EasyPaperMacheCraft  #Papier-mâché Easter Eggs

Thanks For Visiting April 2018 - AngelicDreams4U

Eggs are a symbol of new life. Jesus' Resurrection brings us new hope and new life through Him. In preparation for this n...

Easter Scavenger Hunt

 New Way of the Cross Nature Hunt -w- Printable,
Easter Scavenger Hunt - Created by Martianne Stanger

  • The largest leaf reminds us of the palms people waved as they welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the king!” and, thereby, angering leaders who wanted no one in charge but themselves. (John 12:13)
  • Fruit on a vine reminds us of the wine Jesus gave to the apostles along with bread at the Last Supper, saying “This is my body and blood, which I am giving you for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26: 26-29)
  • A winged seed or creature reminds us of the wings of angel, perhaps the angel that came from heaven to give Jesus strength during the Agony in the Garden. (Luke 22:39-48)
  • Something dark reminds us of the darkness in people’s hearts as they shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” when Jesus is condemned. (Matthew 27:15-26)
  • Thorns or spiky barbs remind us of the crown of thorns places upon Jesus’ head when Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns. (Matthew 27:27-31)
  • A cross shaped branch or twig reminds us that Jesus carries the cross – a heavy wooden one. (John 19: 16-17)
  • Something too heavy to lift reminds us of the weight of the cross which Jesus carried and how Jesus falls. (Isaiah 53: 4-7)
  • Something paired reminds us of how Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross. (Luke 23:26)
  • Something wet reminds us of how Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem who cry for him. (Luke 23: 27-31).
  • Something spiky reminds us of the nails used when Jesus is nailed to the cross. (Luke 23:32-38)
  • Something you see that makes a turn reminds us of the good thief who turned to Jesus and asked to be taken to heaven with him. (Luke 23:39-43)
  • Something at the foot of something else reminds us of Mary and John at the foot of the cross as Jesus said to his mother, “Here is you son,” and said to John, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:25-27)
  • Something dead reminds us that Jesus dies on the cross. (John 19:28-30)
  • The largest rock reminds us that Jesus is laid in the tomb and a large stone is rolled in front of it to seal it. (John 19:38-42).
  • Something empty reminds us of the empty tomb and that Jesus rises from the dead. (Matthew 28:1-10)
  • New life reminds us that Jesus rose again and that if we allow the Spirit to help us follow Jesus’ way, we will one day have a new life in heaven with Him. (Mark 16:15-20)
Training Happy Hearts
Thanks For Visiting April 2018 - AngelicDreams4U

  New Way of the Cross Nature Hunt -w- Printable , Easter Scavenger Hunt - Created by Martianne Stanger The largest leaf  ...

April-Saint Of The Day

1. Saint Hugh of Grenoble

2. Saint Francis of Paola

3. Saint Benedict the African

4. Saint Isidore of Seville

5.Saint Vincent Ferrer

6. Saint Crescentia Hoess

7. Saint John Baptist de la Salle

8. Saint Julie Billiart

9. Saint Casilda

10. Saint Magdalen of Canossa

11. Saint Stanislaus

12. Saint Teresa of Los Andes

13. Saint Martin I

14. Blessed Peter Gonzalez

15, Blessed Caesar de Bus

16. Saint Bernadette Soubirous

17. Saint Benedict Joseph Labre

18. Blessed James Oldo

19. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla

20. Saint Conrad of Parzham

21.Saint Anselm

22. Saint Adalbert of Prague

23. Saint George

24. Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen

25. Saint Mark

26. Saint Pedro de San José Betancur

27. Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort

28. Saint Peter Chanel

29. Saint Catherine of Siena

30. Saint Pius V

Thanks For Visiting April 2018 - AngelicDreams4U

1. Saint Hugh of Grenoble 2. Saint Francis of Paola 3. Saint Benedict the African 4. Saint Isidore of Seville 5. Saint Vincent Ferrer ...