Easter Church Signs

Poignant Easter Church Sign Saying

God loves his PEEPS!
Every Bunny is loved by Jesus
Because the tomb is empty, the church should be full.
3 NAILS plus 1 CROSS equals 4 GIVEN
The key to heaven was hanging on the cross! NO CHOCOLATE BUNNIES HERE! ONLY NUGGETS OF TRUTH
Silly Rabbit, Easter is for Jesus!

... and one just for good measure -
A coincidence is God working anonymously

"Easter is more than something to dye for" – Helton Springs Missionary Baptist Church

"It’s Not About the Bunny, It’s About the Lamb Church" – Jefferson City Assembly of God

Find More @ https://sayingsforchurchsigns.com

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Poignant Easter Church Sign Saying God loves his PEEPS! Every Bunny is loved by Jesus MANY OF US CHOOSE TO FAST FOR LENT, TOO MANY H...

Holy Week According To Jesus

    Spend This Week With Jesus – A Daily Chronology of Jesus’ "Last" Week
O Jerusalem | Greg Olsen

~ Holy Week ~

It's Saturday. What a week it has been.
 It is very dark in here, and a bit cool. Not cold, just a bit cool. 
I think these linen cloths they wrapped my body in keep it from being too cold. 
You see, it was the day before yesterday that I died, but you know that.
Are you wondering how I can sense cool or cold? 
Remember that I have always existed, from before the beginning, and will exist forever.
There are no blank spots in my existence, not even when my body was dead and in this tomb. 
I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have almost completed my work here on earth. 
I have suffered; I have died; and tomorrow I will rise again. 
I must remain in this dark tomb three nights. 

Tomorrow morning when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary come to anoint my body,
 they will find it is not here, but I will have someone explain it to them. 
I have cried a lot in the past few hours, not because of my circumstances, but because of yours. 
You see, I have done what was required of me, and I did it to save you. To my sadness, 
there are many of you who still won't acknowledge me. 
Even after all I have done for you, because of my love for you. 

The day before yesterday, 
I cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" 
But I know why; it was for you because of my love for you. 
So now I ask you why are you forsaking me? 
I love you please come to me. 
Oh, yes, what a week it has been. 

It was just last Sunday that I arrived in Jerusalem. 
I entered the town on a donkey amidst shouts of "Hosanna to the Son of David, 
the King of Israel. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" from an enthusiastic welcoming crowd.
It was only a short time later the same crowd was yelling "Crucify him!", 
but that did not stop me from loving them. They did not know what they were doing. 

On Monday, there was a little incident at the temple.
When I got there, merchants were buying and selling doves and other things, and money changers were profiting from a very active trade. 
They had turned my house into a den of robbers! 
How dare they! 
My house is to be a house of prayer. 
So, I turned over their tables and drove them from the temple. 
What else could I do? 
They had created an environment of stealing instead of healing. 
It could not be tolerated. 

Tuesday was a little better. 
I was able to spend some time teaching at the temple. 
But even while doing so, my authority was questioned. 
Later in the day I went to the home of Simon the Leper. 
A woman there named Mary poured some nice perfume on my head, and then poured the nard on my feet and wiped my feet with her hair. 
She really didn't know it but she was preparing my body for burial. 

Wednesday is the day that the plot against me began to take shape. 
Judas went to the chief priests and asked them what they would give him if he would hand me over to them. 
They gave him thirty silver coins. 
Later that evening I enjoyed a pre-Passover dinner in a large upper room with my disciples. 
I let Judas know that I knew he would betray me.  He denied it, but we know the truth, don't we? 
During the meal I taught the disciples about the new covenant and how to stay  in communion with me with bread and wine. 
The bread is my body, and the wine is my blood—poured out for you. 
Later in the evening we went to Gethsemane because I wanted to pray. 
` The Spirit of Holy Week `

Late Wednesday night and Thursday were the worst!
First I was arrested, then a trial that was nothing more than a mock trial. On Thursday, after it ended, I was flogged and handed over to be crucified.
What do you know about flogging? Do you know that it is done with a leather whip with multiple ends, and that there are sharp pieces of bone and metal in each end? Do you know that it leaves the back raw and bleeding, and sometimes exposes bones and organs? Do you know that sometimes it actually causes death? Did you know that? 
I endured that for you because I love you.
And do you want to know something else? 
I would do it again for you. 

After they were done flogging me, they made me carry the cross they were to crucify me on, up the hill to Golgotha. People spit on me and mocked me. They hung me on that cross between two robbers. They pierced my side with a spear.
I died on that cross just at the time when the Passover lambs were being killed 
Did you ever think about that and why? It's because I AM the Passover Lamb. 

I won't tell you how horrible death on a Roman cross is, but you ought to know they came up with this method of execution because it is the most painful death imaginable. 
My mother was a witness. It is finished. In just a few hours I will leave this tomb, and my mission here will be finished but I will be with you always until the end. 

My beloved, I tell you the truth - I did it for you.
You and your salvation. 
Yet, I weep because some among you won't acknowledge me. 
Some among you won't listen to what I say when I say "knock and the door will be opened." I love you so much that I want you to spend eternity
with me in paradise. Won't you let me live in you? 
Won't you experience the joy of real life? 
Christ is Risen! 


See the timeline here in jpg form from ChurchPop

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Spend This Week With Jesus – A Daily Chronology of Jesus’ "Last" Week O Jerusalem | Greg Olsen ~ Holy Week ~ ...

The Meaning Behind St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Saint Patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Saint Patrick was a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland.

One Penny

One Penny For Jesus

I counted my pennies one by one,
Which I said were mine for the work I’d done.
It went allright ‘till I cam to "ten",
And that is where real trouble began!

One penny for Jesus?
Surely that could not be!
For that leaves only nine for me!
I counted again and looked for more
But my conscience hurt, and my heart was sore,
For Jesus wanted the one called "ten",
And a thief I had never been!

One penny for Jesus?
Could it possibly be
That He would request no more from me?
I counted again with a clearer view
Not pennies, but what those pennies might do;
If a soul could be won with a mite called "ten",
Why not God’s work with the nine begin?
My pennies I never counted again!

One penny for Jesus?
Could it possibly be?
When He gave His life and His all for me?

Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - AngelicDreams4U

One Penny For Jesus I counted my pennies one by one, Which I said were mine for the work I’d done. It went allright ‘till ...

Lenten Spiral

"Before Advent, I purchased the "Advent to Lent" spiral . 
We will take it out again and replace the wooden Mary (on the donkey) with the Jesus (carrying the cross) figure and add the extra pieces to make it a 40-day path. Every day of Lent we move the candle one hole ahead and move Jesus carrying the cross ahead in the channel between the wood.  I am really looking forward to continuing this new tradition that we began last Advent!  I especially like the way that using the spiral ties in the two "preparation" seasons in the liturgical year."


Thanks For Visiting March 2018 - AngelicDreams4U

"Before Advent, I purchased the  "Advent to Lent" spiral  .  We will take it out again and replace the wooden M...