Jelly Bean Gospel - Prayer Revised

April 22 is National Jelly Bean Day

Jelly Bean Prayer –n Jelly Bean Gospel
 are a way to share the gospel using the colors
 of the jelly beans not only for Easter but thru-out the year.

A bag of jelly beans, colorful and sweet.  A prayer, a promise... an Easter treat! 
is for Heaven so bright
(2 Samuel 22:13-14)
is for the cleansing from sin
(Psalm 51:1-2)
is for God's perfect light
(Revelation 21:23)
is for our new life in Him
(Colossians 1:10)
is for the sins we've made
(Romans 3:23)
is for His free gift to share
(Matthew 28:19-20)
is for the blood He gave
(Romans 3:25)
is for the crowns we'll wear
(2 Timothy 4:8)

   #JellyBeanPrayer #JellyBeanGospel #JellyBeanDay #JellyBeans #JellyBean #Easter #Prayer

Below is a revision of  "The Jelly Bean Prayer". 
For many years things black were associated with bad and things white were associated with good.  This unfortunately lead to hateful feelings towards people of color and feelings of inferiority and superiority.  I chose not to pass it on to the rainbow congregation where I serve a Risen Savior.

Prayerfully Yours, Lorelei Francis - 2001
Youth Director, Shiloh Baptist Church of Orlando

The NEW Jelly Bean Prayer

Red  is for the blood He gave,
Green  is for the grass He made,
Yellow  is for the sun so bright,
Orange  is for the edge of night.

Black White Brown Yellow  and  Red
 are for the children He made
All of these colors receive the grace He gave,

Purple  is for the hour of sorrow,
Pink  is for the new tomorrow.

Give a bag full of jelly beans,
Colorful and sweet,
Tell them it's a Prayer....
It's a promise..
It's an Easter Treat!

Thanks For Visiting April 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

April 22 is National Jelly Bean Day Jelly Bean Prayer  –n –   Jelly Bean Gospel  are a way to share the gospel using the colo...

Christian Survival Kit

Prepare a small gift bag labeled "Christian Survival Kit" and add one item each. 

MUSTARD SEED: To remind you that nothing is impossible 

NEEDLE: To remind you that it is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God 

CLAY: To remind you that He is the potter and we are all the work of His hand 

CANDLE: To remind you that God is the way, the light 

HEART: To remind you that the man who loves God is known by God 

BLOCK: Though you may stumble, you will not fall for the Lord upholds you with his hand 

DIME: To remind you to give back to God 1/10 of the blessings he has given you 

TOOTHPICK: To remind you not to try and remove the splinter from someone else's eye until you remove the plank from your own. 

STONE: To remind you to think before you throw one at another, we are all so fallible

SCRIPTURE STRIP: To remind you that each and every day needs to begin with God. 

Thanks For Visiting April 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

Prepare a small gift bag labeled "Christian Survival Kit" and add one item each.  MUSTARD SEED:   To remind you that ...

04 Scripture, Poem and Hymn


Scripture: John 11:25

Poem: On Easter Day, by Celia Thaxter

Hymn: Christ The Lord Is Risen Today

Thanks For Visiting April 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

APRIL Scripture : John 11:25 Poem : On Easter Day, by Celia Thaxter Hymn : Christ The Lord Is Risen Today Thanks F...