Who Was Mother Teresa? e-Book

Who Was Mother Teresa? (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)

Part of the Who Was...? Book Series  Written by Jim Gigliotti - Illustrated by David Groff
Synopsis: Born a humble girl in what is now Albania, Agnes Bojaxhiu lived a charitable life. She pledged herself to a religious order at the age of 18 and chose the name Sister Teresa, after the patron saint of missionaries. While teaching in India, where famine and violence had devastated the poor, Teresa shed her habit and walked the streets of Calcutta tending to the needs of the destitute. Her charity work soon expanded internationally, and her name remains synonymous with compassion and devotion to the poor.
Copyright Year:  2015
Publisher:  Penguin Publishing Group
Number of Pages:   112

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Who Was Mother Teresa? (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) Part of the Who Was...? Book Series   Written by Jim Gigliotti ...

Seasonal Prayers

The seasonal prayers are geared specifically toward children to aid in teaching children to pray shared from Layola Press.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

New Year's Prayer

God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one another.

As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.

A Lenten Prayer

Dearest Lord, I hope to be
more observant of your grace.
May you look upon my soul
and may my sins erase.

May I know of sacrifice
and cherish all you bless
and act with courage to assist
others who have less.

Prepare my soul for joy to come,
and cleanse me of all sin.
I’ll wear my faith and do my best
to nurture it within.

With a humble heart,
I hope to be your faithful servant
for all to see.

The Joy of Easter

Oh, dear Lord, when I first learned
about your Crucifixion,
fear was in my heart.

Knowing what they did to you
is hard to understand.
I was worried that we lost you
but trusted, this was planned.

Now, I understand the joy
your painful path would bring.
Now, I know your sacrifice
that we rejoice and sing.

Behold the joy of Easter,
the miracle we were shown.
Rejoice your Resurrection,
our faith forever sown.

Ascension of Jesus Prayer

Oh, what an amazing blessing
it must have been
for the disciples and Mary Magdalene
to walk with Jesus once again.
Rejoice in his Resurrection.

But, oh, what sadness must have followed
when Jesus’ work on earth was done.
Despite the glory of his Ascension into heaven,
was Mary again to lose her son?

With open hearts, full of faith,
they were nurtured by his promise.
The words of Jesus about the Holy Spirit
kept them strong and brought them calmness.

Pentecost Prayer

Again, our hearts were tasked with faith—
a promise made by Jesus.
Another gift was soon to come,
right after he would leave us.

The Holy Spirit would visit soon.
The disciples lit by fire.
Behold the birthday of our Church—
these events that did inspire.

And from this day, the path was set
of many tongues, so all could get
the Word of God, for all to hear
to spread our faith, both far and near.

Summer Vacation Prayer

No more homework, no more tests.
No more getting up for school.
No more book reports or studying.
My summer vacation begins today!
I'm so happy and I'm so free.
I want to read and get up late.
I want to ride my bike and swim.
I want to play more with my friends.
Please bless my summer days, dear God.
Keep me safe and happy.

School Holiday Prayer

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this holiday—
an extra chance for fun and play.
There’s so much I can learn and do
even if I’m not in school.

All the beauty and gifts abound.
The world you created is all around.
Today’s a chance to go explore,
try new things, and discover more.

I’ll miss my teacher and my friends
just as happens on weekends.
But I know that for today,
I’m thankful for this holiday.

All Saints Day Prayer

Bless the many parted souls
who lived their lives with grace.
Bless the saints in heaven,
gathered in that special place.

May we tell their stories
and remember all the ways
they lived their faith
and spent their days.

There is glory and reward,
even if at first there’s strife.
Oh, blessed saints, you help us see
a path that’s to eternal life.

May we always hold them dear
and know their life and place.
May we know their inspiration
and aspire to their grace.

Thanksgiving Prayer

As I look around the table
and think about my day,
there’s so much that makes me thankful.
For this, dear Lord, I pray.

With open arms, I feel your love.
Your grace is what I see.
Please bless my family and this meal,
as you watch over me.

Advent Prayer

A Prayer for Lighting the Advent Wreath

The liturgical year begins with Advent, a word derived from Latin that means "coming." During Advent we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, and we look forward to Christ's second coming at the end of time.

Enjoy this prayer with children or your family as you light the Advent wreath candles.

A Journey with Mary and Joseph

In my heart, Mary and Joseph, I will journey with you and others for "Las Posadas."
Carrying lanterns, we sing joyfully and walk along with brave Joseph.
He leads poor, tired Mary on her little donkey.
From house to house we go, asking to come in, to find a quiet place for the young mother who is about to give birth.
"We have no room. There's no room for you!"
On and on, we travel in hope, following an angel.
Finally, on the ninth night, on December 24, we find shelter for the holy pilgrims.
Your holy child is born in a borrowed stable.
We will feast and sing and rejoice.
The long, hard journey has ended.
This newborn child shall bring us so much joy.

Awaiting Baby Jesus

My heart is beating, filled with joy,
awaiting Mary’s baby boy.
For with this child, we embrace
the birth of God’s most precious grace.

Baby Jesus, soon to come!
For us comes the Promised One.
Baby Jesus, God’s own Son,
you will be the Chosen One

to lead our flock into salvation.
Our eternal life awaits.
The birth of Jesus brings us nearer
Heaven’s holy gates.

Sing with joy, and count the days,
for soon to come, the Lord we’ll praise.
Rejoice that Jesus will soon arrive,
the Messiah and our faith alive.

From the Loyola Kids Book of Everyday Prayers.
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Thanks For Visiting January 2024 - AngelicDreams4U
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

The seasonal prayers are geared specifically toward children to aid in teaching children to pray shared from Layola Press . “There is a tim...