Finding Normal // Pecan Trees

- Sermon Exerpt from the 2013 Movie "Finding Normal" starring Candace Cameron Bure -

"Take my yoke upon you and follow me. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls."

The Bible is always giving us examples that simple folk will understand. But around here, we don't have any mustard bushes, or fig trees, or grape vines, or vineyards, or wine presses... at least, not in any number. But what we do have is pecans.
Left to themselves, pecan trees will overbear, too much fruit on the branch. So much so that even a rainbreeze'll crack the bow, meaning you lose both the crop and the tree.

Well, our lives are like those trees. We need to go through and pluck away those things in our lives that initially look beautiful, but in the end just weigh us down. Whatever it is, we need to trim it away, and if we do our part, God will do his part by strengthening the bow.

"I have come that you might have life and that you might have it abundantly" - John 10:10

Image Source: The End Time

About "Finding Normal" // 2013 // Christian Movie //

While driving cross-country, a surgeon (Candace Cameron Bure) has an unexpected encounter in North Carolina that derails her plans to join her boyfriend in the Hamptons.

* IMBD Review

* Finding Normal - Official Trailer2:34

* Finding Normal - Full Movie (YouTube)

* Movie Review: Finding Normal

Also see: TheEndTime | Christian Movies: Are there any GOOD ones out there?
PureFlix | God's Plans for you are Powerful: 5 Lessons about Life & Truth in this Candace Cameron Bure Movie

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- Sermon Exerpt from the 2013 Movie "Finding Normal" starring Candace Cameron Bure - "Take my yoke upon you and follow m...

Mary had a Little Lamb (Variations)

History of the Poem, Nursery Rhyme, Lyrics of this memorable lullaby from our childhood.

The Real Mary

The person behind the poem was Mary Sawyer who lived in Sterling, Massachusetts. Mary Sawyer, as a young girl had a lamb, which she indeed took with her to the school one day. The schoolhouse in question, was later bought and relocated by Henry Ford. - Read More ... Mother Goose Nusery Rhymes

Mary Had A Little Lamb - Revised 2020

Mary had a little Lamb,
His fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,
The Lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day,
'Twas even in the rule;
It made the children laugh and play,
To have the Lamb at school.

But then the rules all changed one day,
Illegal it became
To have the Lamb of God at school,
Or even speak His name.

Every day got worse and worse,
And days turned into years,
Instead of hearing children laugh,
We hear gunshots and tears.

What must we do to stop the crime
That's in our schools today?
Let's let the Lamb come back to school,
And teach our kids to pray!

--------author unknown-------

"Mary had a Little Lamb" Original lyrics

Mary had a little lamb,
It's fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day
Which was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned him out,
But still he lingered near;
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear

"What makes the lamb love Mary so?"
The eager children cry;
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,"
The teacher did reply.

Q: Is Mary of the "Little Lamb" the Blessed Virgin Mary?
A: We are familiar with the popular nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb," but we probably don't remember the poem in its entirety.

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History of the Poem, Nursery Rhyme, Lyrics of this memorable lullaby from our childhood. The Real Mary The person behind the poem was Mar...

Mary had a little BOY

Mary had a little boy,
His soul was white as snow.
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

He missed the Bible stories
That thrill the childish mind;
While other children went to class,
This boy was left behind..

And as he grew from babe to youth,
Mary, to her dismay,
Saw the soul of this precious child
Was turning dingy gray!

She realized then that he was lost,
And tried to win him back;
But, alas! The soul of the boy she loved
Had turned an ugly black....

Now Mary goes to Sunday school,
And stays for preaching, too;
She asks the preacher, "Isn't there
Something that you can do?

He tries, and fails, and then he says,
"We're just too far behind!"
"You warned me years ago," she cried,
"But I wouldn't pay no mind."

And so another soul was lost,
That once seemed white as snow;
He would have gone to Sunday School,
But Mary wouldn't go.

~~Author Unknown~~

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. - Pro. 22:6
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Artist: Ruth Moorhead
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Mary had a little boy, His soul was white as snow. He would have gone to Sunday School, But Mary wouldn't go. He missed th...

The Trouble with Holland

"Emily Perl Kingsley wrote “Welcome to Holland” in 1987. A parent of a child with Down syndrome herself, she tries to comfort other parents struggling to accept their own special needs situations."
Image Source: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay "

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability — to try to help people who have not shared the unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It’s like this. . .

When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip — to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. Michelangelo’s “David.” The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The flight attendant comes and says, “Welcome to Holland.” “Holland!” you say. “What do you mean, Holland? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.” But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland, and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guidebooks. You must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills, Holland has tulips, Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life you will say, “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” And the pain of that will never, ever, ever go away, because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland. 

– c1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. All rights reserved – 
Source: The Trouble with “Holland” – 

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"Emily Perl Kingsley wrote “Welcome to Holland” in 1987. A parent of a child with Down syndrome herself, she tries to comfort other p...

Old Jim and Jesus

A minister passing through his church in the middle of the day, decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray.

Just then the back door opened, a man came down the aisle,
The minister frowned as he saw the man hadn't shaved in a while. His shirt was kinda shabby and his coat was worn and frayed. The man knelt, he bowed his head, then rose and walked away. In the days that followed, each noon time came this chap, Each time he knelt just for a moment, a lunch pail in his lap.

Well, the minister's suspicions grew, with robbery a main fear, He decided to stop the man and ask him, "What are you doing here?"
The old man said, he worked down the road. Lunch was half an hour. Lunchtime was his prayer time, for finding strength and power.
"I stay only moments, see, because the factory is so far away; As I kneel here talking to the Lord, this is kinda what I say:


The minister feeling foolish, told Jim, that was fine. He told the man he was welcome to come and pray just anytime.
Time to go, Jim smiled, said "Thanks." He hurried to the door.
The minister knelt at the alter he'd never done it before. His cold heart melted, warmed with love, and met with Jesus there. As the tears flowed, in his heart, he repeated old Jim's prayer:


Past noon one day, the minister noticed that old Jim hadn't come. As more days passed without Jim, he began to worry some. At the factory, he asked about him, learning he was ill

The hospital staff was worried, but he'd given them a thrill. The week that Jim was with them, brought changes in the ward. His smiles, a joy contagious. Changed people, were his reward. The head nurse couldn't understand why Jim was so glad, When no flowers, calls or cards came, not a visitor he had.

The minister stayed by his bed, he voiced the nurse's concern: No friends came to show they cared. He had nowhere to turn. Looking surprised, old Jim spoke up and with a winsome smile;
"The nurse is wrong, she couldn't know, that in here all the while everyday at noon He's here, a dear friend of mine, you see, He sits right down, takes my hand, leans over and says to me:

by Sonny Salsbury 

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A minister passing through his church in the middle of the day, decided to pause by the altar and see who had come to pray. Just then the b...

The Lawman and The Lord

There was a lawman so proud and bold,
his uniform was trimmed with gold,
he toured the streets both day and night,
to protect us from the criminal’s flight.

Our lawman was so very brave,
in the face of those who misbehave,
he was never alone from the very start,
for he had the lord within his heart.

Before he locked someone in a cell,
of Jesus love he’d always tell,
he would tell his prisoner that he could be free,
for the bail was paid on Calvary’s tree.

When times were tough, he had no fear,
for he knew that Jesus Christ was near,
and if he gave his life in the streets so cold,
he would soon be walking the streets of gold.

He would no longer have to deal with crime,
he could hang up his gun for the very last time,
for the only battle scars in heaven’s land,
are the ones that are in the Savior’s hands.

The lawman prospered throughout his career,
for the love of the Lord he held so dear,
he looked forward to his heavenly reward,
for such is the lawman and the Lord.

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2020 – All Rights Reserved

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There was a lawman so proud and bold, his uniform was trimmed with gold, he toured the streets both day and night, to protect us from th...

Discover Your Calling Slowly

After a few of the usual Sunday evening hymns, the church’s pastor slowly stood up, walked over to the pulpit and, before he gave his sermon for the evening, briefly introduced a guest minister who was in the service that evening. In the introduction, the pastor told the congregation that the guest minister was one of his dearest childhood friends and that he wanted him to have a few moments to greet the church and share whatever he felt would be appropriate for the service.

With that, an elderly man stepped up to the pulpit and began to speak. “A father, his son, and a friend of his son were sailing off the Pacific Coast,” he began, “when a fast approaching storm blocked any attempt to get back to shore. The waves were so high that, even though the father was an experienced sailor, he could not keep the boat upright, and the three were swept into the ocean as the boat capsized.”

The old man hesitated for a moment, making eye contact with two teenagers who were, for the first time since the service began, looking somewhat interested in the story. The aged minister continued with his story. “Grabbing a rescue line, the father had to make the most excruciating decision of his life: to which boy he would throw the other end of the life line. He only had seconds to make the decision. The father knew that his son was a Christian, and he also knew that his son’s friend was not. The agony of his decision could not be matched by the torrent of the waves. As the father yelled out, ‘I love you, son!’, he threw out the life line to the son’s friend. By the time the father had pulled the friend back to the capsized boat, his son had disappeared beneath the raging swells into the black of night. His body was never recovered.”

By this time, the two teenagers were sitting up straight in the pew, anxiously waiting for the next words to come out of the old minister’s mouth. “The father,” he continued, “knew his son would step into eternity with Jesus, and he could not bear the thought of his son’s friend stepping into an eternity without Jesus. Therefore, he sacrificed his son to save the son’s friend. How great is the love of God that He could do the same for us. Our heavenly Father sacrificed His only begotten Son that we could be saved. I urge you to accept His offer to rescue you and take hold of the life line.”

With that, the old man turned and sat back down in his chair as silence filled the room. The pastor again walked slowly to the pulpit and delivered a brief sermon with an invitation at the end. However, no one responded to the appeal. Within minutes after the service, the two teenagers were at the old man’s side. “That was a nice story,” politely said one of the boys, “but I don’t think it was very realistic for a father to give up his only son’s life in hopes that the other boy would become a Christian.”

“Well, you’ve got a point there,” the old man replied, glancing down at his worn Bible. Sorrow began to overtake the old man’s smiling face as he once again looked up at the boys and said, “It sure isn’t very realistic, is it? But I’m here today to tell you that I understand more than most the pain God must have felt to give up His only Son.

For you see, I’m the man who lost his son to the ocean that day, and my son’s friend that I chose to save is your pastor.”

– Author Unknown –

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Source: Read on Air by Phil Foley, Host of Tabernacle Presbyterian Church’s Good News From Tab Program on 12/6/2000
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After a few of the usual Sunday evening hymns, the church’s pastor slowly stood up, walked over to the pulpit and, before he gave his s...

Modern Patron Saints Quiz

How Well Do You Know Your Saints?
People who have the same name as a saint may consider the saint their patron. 
"Cartoon Artworks of Saints" Artist Victor Teh  |
Can You Match These Patron Saints For Todays Modern Challenges? Let's Find Out.
Patron Saint For Money Problems
This quiz has been created using the tool HTML Quiz Generator
Quiz adapted from: these various sources: Orginal Google Format - Archived
Wikipedia -
Saints And Sinners PDF :: Alphabetical List of Saints by Topics and Patronages
Flash Card Quiz | Aletia::: How well do you know your patron saints?
220 Patron Saints :: Trivia Questions, Answers, and Fun Facts
Printable Quiz PDF :: Know Your Saints

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How Well Do You Know Your Saints? People who have the same name as a saint may consider the saint their patron.  "Cartoon Artw...