Twas the Beginning of Advent

‘Twas the beginning of Advent and all through the Church
Our hope was all dying– we’d given up on the search.
It wasn’t so much that Christ wasn’t invited,
But after 2,000 plus years we were no longer excited.

Oh, we knew what was coming– no doubt about that.
And that was the trouble– it was all “old hat.”
November brought the first of an unending series of pains
With carefully orchestrated advertising campaigns.

There were gadgets and dolls and all sorts of toys.
Enough to seduce even the most devout girls and boys.
Unfortunately, it seemed, no one was completely exempt
From this seasonal virus that did all of us tempt.

The priests and prophets and certainly the kings
Were all so consumed with the desire for “things!”
It was rare, if at all, that you’d hear of the reason
For the origin of this whole holy-day season.

A baby, it seems, once had been born
In the mid-east somewhere on that first holy-day morn.
But what does that mean for folks like us,
Who’ve lost ourselves in the hoopla and fuss?

Can we re-learn the art of wondering and waiting,
Of hoping and praying, and anticipating?
Can we let go of all the things and the stuff?
Can we open our hands and our hearts long enough?

Can we open our eyes and open our ears?
Can we find him again after all of these years?
Will this year be different from all the rest?
Will we be able to offer him all of our best?

So many questions, unanswered thus far,
As wisemen seeking the home of the star.
Where do we begin– how do we start
To make for the child a place in our heart?

Perhaps we begin by letting go
Of our limits on hope, and of the stuff that we know.
Let go of the shopping, of the chaos and fuss,
Let go of the searching, let Christmas find us.

We open our hearts, our hands and our eyes,
To see the king coming in our own neighbors’ cries.
We look without seeking what we think we’ve earned,
But rather we’re looking for relationships spurned.

With him he brings wholeness and newness of life
For brother and sister, for husband and wife.
The Christ-child comes not by our skill,
But rather he comes by his own Father’s will.

We can’t make him come with parties and bright trees,
But only by getting down on our knees.
He’ll come if we wait amidst our affliction,
Coming in spite of, not by our restriction.

His coming will happen– of this there’s no doubt.
The question is whether we’ll be in or out.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
Do you have the courage to peer through the lock?

A basket on your porch, a child in your reach.
A baby to love, to feed and to teach.
He’ll grow in wisdom as God’s only Son.
How far will we follow this radical one?

He’ll lead us to challenge the way that things are.
He’ll lead us to follow a single bright star.
But that will come later if we’re still around.
The question for now: Is the child to be found?

Can we block out commercials, the hype and the malls?
Can we find solitude in our holy halls?
Can we keep alert, keep hope, stay awake?
Can we receive the child for ours and God’s sake?

From on high with the caroling host as he sees us,
He yearns to read on our lips the prayer: Come Lord Jesus!
As Advent begins all these questions make plea.
The only true answer: We will see, we will see.

A Christian poem by:  J. Todd Jenkins, Intentional Pastor
First Presbyterian Church — Fayetteville, Tennessee

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‘Twas the beginning of Advent and all through the Church Our hope was all dying– we’d given up on the search. It wasn’t so much that Ch...

Advent 2022 Begins

"The Promised One" is an Advent Bible Reading Plan for this Holiday Season this year.  

Advent goes from Sunday, November 27th, 2022 to December 24th, 2022 this year.

November 27 – Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 (Prophecy Candle)

November 28 – Mark 1:2-3

November 29 – Isaiah 11:1-2

November 30 – Isaiah 61:1-2

December 1 – Matthew 24: 36-44

December 2 – Jeremiah 33:14-15

December 3 – Zechariah 6:12-13

December 4 – Micah 5:2 (Bethlehem Candle)

December 5 – Matthew 2:1-2

December 6 – Matthew 2:3-6

December 7 – John 1:1-3

December 8 – John 1:4-5

December 9 – Luke 2:4-5

December 10 – John 7:42

December 11 – Psalm 80:1-3 (Shepherds Candle)

December 12 – Isaiah 40:11

December 13 – Ezekiel 34:11-16

December 14 – Psalm 23: 1, 1 Peter 2:25

December 15 – John 10:10-18

December 16 – Luke 2:15-20

December 17 – Jeremiah 23:5-6

December 18 – Psalm 89:5 (Angels Candle)

December 19 – Psalm 148:1-2

December 20 – Matthew 1:20-25

December 21 – Luke 1:30-35 

December 22 – Luke 1:46-55

December 23 – Isaiah 60:1-3

December 24 – Luke 2 Birth of Jesus

Dec 25 – Galatians 4:4-5, 1 Peter 1:13


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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

"The Promised One" is an Advent Bible Reading Plan for this Holiday Season this year.    Advent goes from Sunday, November 27t...

Scripture Advent

Advent 2022 will begin on  Sunday,  November 27
and ends on  Saturday,  December 24
December 1st - 25th  
A Scripture a day for December countdown
 this year from LDS and Women Seeking Christ 

Scroll to the highlighted verses to find the specific scripture listed below for each day of December

December 1: Isaiah 7: 14
December 2: 2 Nephi 26: 3
December 3: Matt. 15:30
December 4: 2 Nephi 2 : 9
December 5: 3 Nephi 11: 1-11
December 6: Mark 16: 5
December 7: Moroni 7: 28
December 8: Luke 23: 33, 34
December 9: 1 Nephi 19: 9
December 10: 2 Nephi 9: 21
December 11: Matt. 14: 17-21
December 12: 3 Nephi 11: 15
December 13: John 13: 34
December 14: Matt 20: 30-34
December 15: 2 Nephi 2: 26
December 16: Matt 4:23
December 17: Luke 2: 46-47
December 18: Matt. 3: 16
December 19: 2 Nephi 2: 6
December 20: Luke 2: 8-11
December 21: Matt. 1: 21-23
December 22: Helaman 14: 2-4
December 23: Helaman 14: 5-8
December 24: Luke 2 : 12-16

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Advent 2022 will begin on  Sunday,  November 27 and ends on  Saturday,  December 24 December 1st - 25th   A Scripture a day for December ...

‘Twas The Night Before Advent

‘Twas the night before Advent
When all through God’s House
Not a heart wasn’t stirring, not a heart wasn’t roused.
His people wrapped around His Word with awe,
Awaiting wonders & the fresh grace of God.

The children were anxious for His Story to start,
these Visions of love dancing loud in their hearts.
And God in His glory, & us, in Jesus Christ,
settled only for a Christmas all about Christ.

When out on the streets, the frenzy came with a clatter,
In hearts, Joy sprang up, centred on Who matters.
Away from the stresses, we flew like a prayer,
Simply opened our hands & made room to prepare.

For the Light of the World to warm every dark space,
a lustre of hope cupped in every cold place
Till what to our wandering hearts should appear,
Murmurings of a King and Love drawing near.

In a Book of Old Pages, so Living & True,
you can hear Jesus whisper, I’m coming for You.
Through Every Story, The King fiercely came,
And He beckons you, woos you, and calls you by name!

“You’re Beloved! You’re Chosen! You’re God’s Special Child!
You’re Wanted! Draw Nearer! Experience the King’s Smile!”

From Creation’s first star to manger’s bright light,
Unwrap His Love Story till He holds you Christmas night
He spoke all Love’s Word, then became Word in the Skin
And filled every heart that would welcome Him in

And laying Himself down into manger’s straw,
He’s Your Immanuel, With Us is God.
Advent unwraps wonder, the greatest gift ever dreamed,
so come let’s adore Him, the One who redeemed
all the willing and wanting with this Advent Awe,
a sacred, slow Unwrapping of a season of God. .

Author ~ @annvoskamp ~
Source: Facebook
The Whole FREE “Night Before Advent” Printable Kit: 
and Bookmark Printable
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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

‘Twas the night before Advent When all through God’s House Not a heart wasn’t stirring, not a heart wasn’t roused. His people wrapped a...

Celebrate Christmas with Pure Flix

Pure Flix Announces Christmas 2022 Lineup with 190 Titles, Including 14 Original & Exclusive Films & Series

17 new PureFlix Christian Christmas movies streaming in 2022



An Angelic Christmas

Miracles come in small packages. The angel Celest enlists two sisters in her quest to earn her angel wings. In a race to Christmas eve, can they bring faith and forgiveness to their town this year? This Christian Christmas movie classic stars Karen Abercrombie and Cameron Arnett.


An Unlikely Angel

This Christian movie is about Janie, workaholic who is falling apart at the thought of becoming a first-time mom. She whispers a small prayer for help and it’s answered in a very unlikely way when an angel intervenes and fast forwards her life. Janie is lucky enough to be given a second chance, but will she change before it’s too late?


Banking on Love

When a failing mechanic and an up tight loan officer are forced to spend the Christmas holiday together locked in a bank vault, they both learn dreams are worth fighting for.


Christmas Angel

This Christmas, Olivia Mead has one wish: that her single mom would find someone that can take the title of husband and dad.


Saved by Grace (Original Series)

There are no chance meetings or coincidences in life. Angels are amongst us and God has sent them on a mission to intercede on behalf of whispered prayers. Every encounter presents a new opportunity to change your approach to life. A new episode of this Pure Flix Original series drops every Sunday.


Christmas Manger

An elderly man struggles with the death of his wife until his estranged foster child and her young daughter re-enter his life and give him a new purpose to live.


Christmas with a Capital C

A lawyer returns to a small town and attacks a traditional nativity display, but the townspeople learn that love can triumph over political correctness.



David’s comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she’s only held once. With the encouragement of his adoptive parents, David embarks on a journey of discovery that leads to a staggering truth from his past.


Legacy Peak

Jason is on an adventure to win the hearts of Noelle’s kids before they marry. The plan for them to fly to her parent’s cabin days before she wraps up work quickly falls apart and the adventure turns to a struggle to survive before this new family can start a life together.



Country singer Will Brown, played by Granger Smith, pushed away his family, fame and faith after his wife’s death. It’s his daughter and a talented horse trainer who show him strength, forgiveness and grace to live life again.


Nothing Is Impossible

Take a center-court seat to a journey of transformation as Scott Beck gets a second chance at life and love. Can he let go of past pains and open himself to God’s purpose? Or will new challenges keep him from the future he always hoped for?


The Messengers

In this Christian Christmas movie, come and see the story of the birth of Jesus as told through the eyes of Mary and Joseph.


The Thursday Night Club

When a young woman filled with the Christmas spirit suffers a devastating loss, her four closest friends work to bring the spirit back to her by helping others.


Silver Bells

In this Christian Christmas movie, an arrogant sportscaster performs community service during Christmas and learns the power of giving.


Welcome to Hope: A Holiday Homecoming

The residents of Hope, NY come to the aid of displaced foster children after St. Jerome's Home for Children has a fire right before Christmas, and many families find the foster children complete their homes.


We Three Kings

The Fay children can't wait for their Uncle Henry to arrive for Christmas. With the help of Uncle Henry's new song, "We Three Kings", the children learn truths about Jesus and the gifts that were given to Him.



Kathie Lee Gifford Presents The Way

Moving stories from the Bible brought to life as you've never seen before written by four-time Emmy award-winning TV personality, actress, and best-selling author Kathie Lee Gifford. Official Trailer -----------------
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Pure Flix Announces Christmas 2022 Lineup with 190 Titles, Including 14 Original & Exclusive Films & Series 17 new PureFlix Ch...

What Kind of Ornament Are You?

How Are You Hanging?
"But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. "   I Peter 3:4

When we think of ornaments something beautiful usually comes to mind. Shiny, bright, glistening, sparkling, and pretty are just a few words we use to describe them. The dictionary meaning from Webster says that an ornament is "anything serving to adorn; decoration; embellishment."

How well do we embellish the body of Christ? Everything we say and do comes from our heart. Just like a Christmas ornament, hanging on a tree, our lives are dangling out there for others to see. How well do we embellish, adorn, and serve the body of Christ?

What type of ornament are you?

A Tarnished Ornament.
Have you seen those Christmas ornaments that are beautiful, you pick them up and all the paint, and glitter comes off in your hand? Are you that way? Have you been rubbed the wrong way a few times? Has the bad air hit you so much that you've become tarnished and lost your luster? Someone's said something to you and just peeled off all your paint and joy? Maybe you've been slighted by another Christian or had a disagreement with a friend and never made up with them. That paint and glitter has come rolling off you and your heart life shows signs of wear.

An Ugly Ornament.
There are just some ornaments that are just that, plain ugly! You may not be ugly on the outside but inside there's some sad ugliness. Got an ugly attitude? Do you speak ugly words? Do you wear ugly expressions? Do you just reflect ugliness? These types of ornaments hang on the tree all by themselves because nobody wants to be around them.

A Broken Ornament.
Are you broken and falling apart? Some people just radiate the fact that their life has problems. In reality we all have problems but we all don't wear those problems as our wardrobe like some. You can't ask these ornaments to participate in anything because there might be a catastrophe in their lives. Not that we all don't go through trials but sometimes they are trials of our own makings. We get our lives all broken and falling apart because we don't have our priorities in the right place or we don't depend on Christ as we should. In turn we get cracked and broken because we're trying to hold ourselves together on our own.

A Packed Away Ornament.
These ornaments no longer are useful and are packed away in a box, put up in the attic or a shelf in the closet and are never used again. Got some dust on you? Can you feel the cobwebs just crisscrossing your spiritual life? Stopped reading your Bible? Stopped praying? Stopped witnessing? This doesn't happen all at once. It usually happens little by little, losing a little luster here, a little crack there, something broke off of you there, and pretty soon you find yourself on the shelf. You've moved farther and farther from fellowship with Christ. You're a Christian but your heart doesn't reflect it. This type of ornament scares me the most. Never doing anything for Christ. Not only would it be a boring life but it would also be such an unhappy and lonely one as well.

A Perfect Ornament.
This is the type of ornament we all would like to strive to be. The kind that builds up the body of Christ and reflects all that is lovely. An ornament that beautifies and adorns.

We can choose how we embellish and adorn the body of Christ by how we act as a reflection of what's in our hearts. As Christians, we are some kind of ornament, whether it is good or bad, dangling for all to see.
So, how are you hanging?

Download the Complete Ornament Christmas Devotional in an archived PDF File.
Scripture References are from the King James Version.
Adapted from Julia Bettencourt - Creative Ladies Ministry.
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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 AngelicDreams4U

How Are You Hanging? "But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and qu...

All Saints’ Day & Happy Saints

“The saints are like mirrors, reflecting the light of Christ into the world.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta

Happy Saints Creator Victor Teh was featured in the October 15, 2012 print edition of the National Catholic Register!

Excerpt:: As All Saints’ Day approaches on Nov. 1, parents and teachers searching for resources to introduce children to the lives of the saints have only to search the Internet for new crafts and ideas to celebrate this special holy day, a solemnity in the Church.

Among the ideas they’ll find is a unique presentation of the saints: Happy Saints.

Victor Teh, the creator of Happy Saints, took note of the media competing for children’s hearts and developed a new way of seeing the saints that would appeal to children of all ages...

Here is the link to the full Archived Article:


    “The saints are the living proof of what God’s grace can do in a human life.” – Fr. Mike Schmitz

    “The saints are not just a distant memory, but living witnesses to the power of God’s love in our lives.” – St. Therese of Lisieux

    “The saints are the flowers in God’s garden, each one unique and beautiful in its own way.” – St. Francis de Sales

    “All Saints Day serves as a reminder that we too are called to be saints.” – Pope Francis

    “The saints are the friends of God, and we celebrate them to remind ourselves that we too can be friends of God.” – Bishop Robert Barron

    “The saints were not extraordinary people, but ordinary people who lived their lives in an extraordinary way.” – St. Josemaria Escriva “The saints are the footprints of God in the world, showing us the way to the Father.” – St. Catherine of Siena

    “The saints are living examples of what it means to love God with all one’s heart, soul, and mind.” – St. John Paul II

    “The saints are like candles, placed in the darkness of this world to remind us of the light of Christ.” – Cardinal Timothy Dolan

    “The saints are the shining stars of the Church, showing us the path to heaven.” – St. Teresa of Avila

    “The saints are not just role models, but companions on our journey towards heaven.” – St. Augustine

    “The saints are the stars that light up the night sky, pointing us towards the glory of heaven.” – St. Thérèse of Lisieux

    “All Saints Day is a time to reflect on the many ways in which God works through His saints to transform the world.” – Bishop Robert Reed

    “On this day, we celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Church, reflected in the lives of so many holy men and women.” – Archbishop Charles Chaput
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“The saints are like mirrors, reflecting the light of Christ into the world.” – St. Teresa of Calcutta Happy Saints Creator Vict...