Internet Warnings For Christians

This is a very important page that you should read. It talks about dangers that witnesses should look out for while on the internet, such as apostates, being careful who you associate with on the internet, etc. Please take out the time to read this...

Opposers and Apostates

If you do a search on any of the search engines you will find many websites that are run by opposers. No other religion is pursued by as many flocks of agitated people. But, that is a good thing. Scripture says that Jesus' followers would be hated and that there would be those that after having been affiliated would "stand off" from their former brothers and sisters.

In order to avoid these spiteful ones it is advisable that you not put personal information on the websites that are visable to all. Contact information should also be closely guarded.

Bible Understanding

We need to be aware of ones mentioned at Romans 16:17-18, who with smooth words and complimentary speech, seduce the hearts of the guileless ones. On a simular note, the net is not the correct place to look for clarification on bible understandings. Your congregation and the Faithful and Discreet Slave's publications and assemblies are the proper channels for deeper understanding and questions one may have.


Remember we do not want to act different then we would in real life. It is easy to fall into the trap of acting different then we would normally do. With a different name or user name you can say things that we would never say because of the anonymous nature of many websites discussion boards.

Web Content

Pornography is very prevalent. Please be aware of the trap that Satan sets. There are ISP's and methods to help prevent such injurious subject matter from entering our computers and our minds. Misinformation and twisted facts also abound. Please be careful when reading information on the Internet as many times it is not verified. There are many that look to mislead others about Jehovah's Witnesses and publish mass amounts of false information.

Online Association

It is important to note the continual struggle Jehovah's Witnesses face when trying to associate online. The common consensus is that online association is flat out wrong. However, many Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing enjoy this type of association. It is estimated that in excess of 10,000 are currently members of a website meant for Jehovah's Witnesses.

The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society warnings about the traps the Internet and association via the web pose, are perceived by many to be a law against this activity. On the other hand, others feel that the warnings are an important notice of potential traps and that they can proceed with caution in light of the timely information the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society has provided.

Some of the most notable issues online association faces are pointed out in the publications, that being confirmation of whom you are associating with. The methods employed by the various web sites to provide some screening of members work to varying degrees. Despite the screening attempts, infiltrators have made it past even the most rigorous security. Apostates, those that oppose and disfellowshipped ones are on virtually every message board and email group. This is possible because each members status as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is dynamic.

In light of this, the individual member is ultimately responsible to use their bible trained conscience and avoid content and individuals that can degrade their spirituality. However, the webmasters/site owners are still responsible to do their level best to protect their gathering from individuals who seek to disrupt and destroy.

In summary, Jehovah's Witnesses are associating online. They struggle to employ the cautions from the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. This is no different then our secular activities where we have also been cautioned about various pitfalls. Each individual has to determine what is the best course for them so as to reach their goal. If that is complete avoidance of the Internet, so be it. Whatever that decision is, may it be the wise one for you.


It flies out the window when you are online. It is important to set a reasonable amount of time to spend on the net and adhere to a schedule. It is very common for the internet usage to quickly surpass all other forms of entertainment. Some get lost and become so addicted to the web they loose jobs, relationships and other painful side effects. Please use whatever means you can in order to use it in a balanced way...

Source: Carmen Munoz

Thanks For Visiting September 2020 - AngelicDreams4U

This is a very important page that you should read. It talks about dangers that witnesses should look out for while on the internet, such a...