The Penny

You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I've ever heard this twist on the story. Gives you something to think about..

Several years ago, a friend of mine and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend. The boss was very wealthy, with a fine home on the water-way, and cars costing more than her house. The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live.

The husband's employer was quite generous as a host, and took them to the finest restaurants. Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of extravagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely. As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband.

He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment. Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, and a few cigarette butts.

Still silent, the man reached down and picked up the penny. He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have for a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up? Throughout dinner, the entire scene nagged at her. Finally, she could stand it no longer. She causally mentioned that her daughter once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been of some value.

A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see. She had seen many pennies before! What was the point of this? "Look at it." He said. "Read what it says." She read the words "United States of America." "No, not that; read further." "One cent?"

"No, keep reading." "In God we Trust?" "Yes!" "And?" "And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it! God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by? When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me.

Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!

When I was out shopping today, I found a penny on the sidewalk. I stopped and picked it up, and realized that I had been worrying and fretting in my mind about things I can not change. I read the words, "In God We Trust," and had to smile. Yes, God, I get the message. It seems that I have been finding an inordinate number of pennies in the last few months, but then, pennies are plentiful!

And God is patient...

If you know who wrote this originally, please let me know so I can give credit.

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You always hear the usual stories of pennies on the sidewalk being good luck, gifts from angels, etc. This is the first time I've ever ...

The Reason Behind Christmas

This is the Christmas season. Christmas is a wonderful time of year because everyone likes to give presents to each other. But some people think that Christmas has become too commercial. Some think that we have forgotten how to keep Christ in Christmas.  But it doesn't have to be that way.
This year for Christmas, I'm going to say "I'm sorry" more. 

This year for Christmas, I'm going to play with my kids more. 

I'm going to be nicer to my friends. And everyone else too. 

I'm going to share my lunch if someone is hungry. 

I'm going to visit people if they get sick in the hospital. 

I'm going to stop yelling at people when I'm driving. 

If someone is sad, I'll go be sad with them. 

If someone is fighting, I'll try to help them stop, and be nice. 

I'm going to stop sighing and rolling my eyes. 

This year I'm going to be nice to the shy guy at work.

I'm going to help the old lady next door with her garden.

I'm going to say nice things to people I don't know.

I'm going to make cookies and give them away.

I'm going to ask more people to play soccer.

I'm going to ask people how they are doing, and then listen.

I'm going to smile at people more.

We put Christ in Christmas when we give the gifts.

 He wants us to give: the gift of ourselves.

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This is the Christmas season. Christmas is a wonderful time of year because everyone likes to give presents to each other. But some people ...

Twelve (12) Days of Christmas Allegory reports the following as being "FALSE" but for me it is still a nice concept of this song. reports the following as being "FALSE" but for me it is still a nice concept of this song.  

Tears Of A King

The season we've been waiting for
Is upon us once again;
We gather 'round the Christmas tree
With family and friends.

I watch the children open gifts,
Hearing cries of delight-
And feel contentment fill my heart
At such a happy sight.

Yes, everyone is glad today
And happiness abounds-
There's joy and laughter everywhere:
No sadness can be found.

But all at once I hear a Voice
That whispers in my heart...
"Child, where am I in all of this?
Don't I, too, have a part?"

And then I know that in our midst
-Though none of us can see-
The Savior's here, and sees no sign
Of what Christmas should be.

Santa Claus became the reason
For the gifts we get,
and Santa figures adorn the house, but...
No Navitity set.

Somehow the Christmas Story has
Been lost down through the years,
And it hasn't gone unnoticed...
Christ sees it through His tears.

I glance over at my Bible,
And wonder what to do--
Then Jesus whispers once again...
"Let it begin with you."

So I tell the children of Christ's birth
-And my heart begins to sing!
For I feel Him smile, and know I've helped
Dry the tears of the KING.

--Denise A DeWald

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The season we've been waiting for Is upon us once again; We gather 'round the Christmas tree With family and friends. I...

Lessons: It's A Wonderful Life

If you’re having a tough time this holiday season, remember there’s always a reason to keep hope alive. And sometimes wishes do come true.

Here are 10 life lessons from the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”:

It’s not just about us. Other lives matter. We are better, richer, because of other people.
When we hurt, we hurt others. When we are in pain, we tend to feel we are suffering alone, but this is never the case. When someone we love hurts – we hurt.
We can’t hide our pain from people we love. They know. They may not know how to help or even how to express their concern – at least not in a way we will receive it – but they know – and care.
We need community. We really do need people in our life. We never realize this more than when we are in need. (I can’t imagine my life personally without the church.)
There is power in cooperation. We can do great things when we work together. I love this quote by Aimee Semple McPherson, “With God, I can do great things! But with God and you, and the people who you can interest, by the grace of God, we’re gonna change the world!” So true.

We seldom know the impact we have on others. Or, the good we are doing. I think God may protect us from foolish pride this way – thinking it is all about us. But, when we care – when we love others – when we strive to make a difference – we make a bigger splash on humanity than we could ever measure.
Character speaks louder than cash. Every. Single. Time. I’d rather have my integrity than a stuffed wallet any day. And, I’d rather have friends I can trust – and strive to be like – than friends who can buy my lunch.
“All you can take with you is that which you have given away”. (Peter Bailey) There are so many Biblical principles in this movie – this is one of them. Storing up treasures where moth and rust cannot destroy – it really does make for a wonderful life.
No man is a failure who has friends.” (Clarence) You can’t watch the movie and not wonder if you’d have friends come through for you as George Bailey did. I’m reminded the best way to have a friend is to be one. It worked for George – and it still works today.
Our life matters. Your life matters. (“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” – Clarence.) God makes no mistake with His creation. He has a purpose for every soul, in which He breathes life.

Also see: Collider - Top 10 Life Lessons From 'It's a Wonderful Life'

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If you’re having a tough time this holiday season, remember there’s always a reason to keep hope alive. And sometimes wishes do come true...

Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe

Once upon a time, so long ago that everybody has forgotten the date, in a city in the north of Europe, with such a hard name that nobody can ever remember it, there was a little seven-year-old boy named Wolff, whose parents were dead, who lived with a cross and stingy old aunt, who never thought of kissing him more than once a year and
who sighed deeply whenever she gave him a bowlful of soup.
But the poor little fellow had such a sweet nature that in spite of everything, he loved the old woman, although he was terribly afraid of her and could never look at her ugly old face without shivering.
As this aunt of little Wolff was known to have a house of her own and an old woollen stocking full of gold, she had not dared to send the boy to a charity school; but, in order to get a reduction in the price, she had so wrangled with the master of the school, to which little Wolff finally went, that this bad man, vexed at having a pupil so poorly dressed and paying so little, often punished him unjustly, and even prejudiced his companions against him, so that the three boys, all sons of rich parents, made a drudge and laughing stock of the little fellow.
The poor little one was thus as wretched as a child could be and used to hide himself in corners to weep whenever Christmas time came.
It was the schoolmaster’s custom to take all his pupils to the midnight mass on Christmas Eve, and to bring them home again afterward.
Now, as the winter this year was very bitter, and as heavy snow had been falling for several days, all the boys came well bundled up in warm clothes, with fur caps pulled over their ears, padded jackets, gloves and knitted mittens, and strong, thick-soled boots. Only little Wolff presented himself shivering in the poor clothes he used to wear both weekdays and Sundays and having on his feet only thin socks in heavy wooden shoes.
His naughty companions noticing his sad face and awkward appearance, made many jokes at his expense; but the little fellow was so busy blowing on his fingers, and was suffering so much with chilblains, that he took no notice of them. So the band of youngsters, walking two and two behind the master, started for the church.
It was pleasant in the church, which was brilliant with lighted candles; and the boys excited by the warmth took advantage of the music of the choir and the organ to chatter among themselves in low tones. They bragged about the fun that was awaiting them at home. The mayor’s son had seen, just before starting off, an immense goose ready stuffed and dressed for cooking. At the alderman’s home there was a little pine-tree with branches laden down with oranges, sweets, and toys. And the lawyer’s cook had put on her cap with such care, as she never thought of taking unless she was expecting something very good!
Then they talked, too, of all that the Christ-Child was going to bring them, of all he was going to put in their shoes which, you might be sure, they would take good care to leave in the chimney place before going to bed; and the eyes of these little urchins, as lively as a cage of mice, were sparkling in advance over the joy they would have when they awoke in the morning and saw the pink bag full of sugar-plums, the little lead soldiers ranged in companies in their boxes, the menageries smelling of varnished wood, and the magnificent jumping-jacks in purple and tinsel.
Alas! Little Wolff knew by experience that his old miser of an aunt would send him to bed supperless, but, with childlike faith and certain of having been, all the year, as good and industrious as possible, he hoped that the Christ-Child would not forget him, and so he, too, planned to place his wooden shoes in good time in the fireplace.
Midnight mass over, the worshippers departed, eager for their fun, and the band of pupils always walking two and two, and following the teacher, left the church.
Now, in the porch and seated on a stone bench set in the niche of a painted arch, a child was sleeping, a child in a white woollen garment, but with his little feet bare, in spite of the cold. He was not a beggar, for his garment was white and new, and near him on the floor was a bundle of carpenter’s tools.
In the clear light of the stars, his face, with its closed eyes, shone with an expression of divine sweetness, and his long, curling, blond locks seemed to form a halo about his brow. But his little child’s feet, made blue by the cold of this bitter December night, were pitiful to see!
The boys so well clothed for the winter weather passed by quite indifferent to the unknown child; several of them, sons of the notables of the town, however, cast on the vagabond looks in which could be read all the scorn of the rich for the poor, of the well-fed for the hungry.
But little Wolff, coming last out of the church, stopped, deeply touched, before the beautiful sleeping child.
“Oh, dear!” said the little fellow to himself, “this is frightful! This poor little one has no shoes and stockings in this bad weather, and, what is still worse, he has not even a wooden shoe to leave near him to-night while he sleeps, into which the little Christ-Child can put something good to soothe his misery.”
And carried away by his loving heart, Wolff drew the wooden shoe from his right foot, laid it down before the sleeping child, and, as best he could, sometimes hopping, sometimes limping with his sock wet by the snow, he went home to his aunt.
“Look at the good-for-nothing!” cried the old woman, full of wrath at the sight of the shoeless boy. “What have you done with your shoe, you little villain?”
Little Wolff did not know how to lie, so, although trembling with terror when he saw the rage of the old shrew, he tried to relate his adventure.
But the miserly old creature only burst into a frightful fit of laughter.
“Aha! So my young gentleman strips himself for the beggars. Aha! My young gentleman breaks his pair of shoes for a bare-foot! Here is something new, forsooth. Very well, since it is this way, I shall put the only shoe that is left into the chimney-place, and I’ll answer for it that the Christ-Child will put in something tonight to beat you with in the morning!
And you will have only a crust of bread and water to-morrow. And we shall see if the next time, you will be giving your shoes to the first vagabond that happens along.”
And the wicked woman having boxed the ears of the poor little fellow, made him climb up into the loft where he had his wretched cubbyhole.
Desolate, the child went to bed in the dark and soon fell asleep, but his pillow was wet with tears.
But behold! The next morning when the old woman, awakened early by the cold, went downstairs, oh, wonder of wonders, she saw the big chimney filled with shining toys, bags of magnificent bonbons, and riches of every sort, and standing out in front of all this treasure, was the right wooden shoe which the boy had given to the little vagabond, yes, and beside it, the one which she had placed in the chimney to hold the bunch of switches.
As little Wolff, attracted by the cries of his aunt, stood in an ecstasy of childish delight before the splendid Christmas gifts, shouts of laughter were heard outside. The woman and child ran out to see what all this meant, and behold!  All the gossips of the town were standing around the public fountain. What could have happened? Oh, a most ridiculous and extraordinary thing!
The children of the richest men in the town, whom their parents had planned to surprise with the most beautiful presents had found only switches in their shoes!
Then the old woman and the child thinking of all the riches in their chimney were filled with fear. But suddenly they saw the priest appear, his countenance full of astonishment. Just above the bench placed near the door of the church, in the very spot where, the night before, a child in a white garment and with bare feet, in spite of the cold, had rested his lovely head, the priest had found a circlet of gold imbedded in the old stones.
Then, they all crossed themselves devoutly, perceiving that this beautiful sleeping child with the carpenter’s tools had been Jesus of Nazareth himself, who had come back for one hour just as he had been when he used to work in the home of his parents; and reverently they bowed before this miracle, which the good God had done to reward the faith and the love of a little child.
Author Elizabeth Harrison
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Once upon a time, so long ago that everybody has forgotten the date, in a city in the north of Europe, with such a hard name that nobo...

Top Gospel Christmas Favorites - 2019

A list of my New Discoveries for 2019 of Christian Gospel Christmas songs include :


#1. Bethel Music Kids – The Little Drummer Boy


2. Mandisa –Christmas Bell Medley


3. Israel & New Breed – Everybody Knows


4. CeCe Winans – Do You Hear What I Hear?


5. Kurt Carr – Holy-Holy-Holy


6. Bishop T.D. Jakes/Angie Winans – Away in a Manger


7. Shirley Caesar – What Child is This


8. Bebe and CeCe Winans – For Unto Us (A Child is Born)


9. Donnie McClurkin – Angus Dei


10. Fred Hammond – His Name is Jesus


11. The Clark Sisters – Hark the Herald Angels Sing


12. Yolanda Adams – It Came Upon A Midnight Clear


13. Al Bano & Romina Power – Mary’s Boy Child


14. Stevie Wonder- Ave Maria


#15 Cedarmont Kids – Silent Night


TobyMac Bring On The Holidays

“I’ll be there to celebrate our Savior’s birth, and we will pray for peace on Earth,” TobyMac sings out on the catchy Christmas single about the lovable season. The song went on to peak at #11 on the Billboard 200 chart.


Brandon Heath – The Night Before Christmas

Brandon Heath’s “The Night Before Christmas” is a perfect explanation of what life before and after Jesus was like with lyrics like “Empty manger, perfect stranger. About to be born into darkness, sadness, desperate madness creation so torn.”


Lauren Daigle – Light Of The World

A song that provides a warm, gracious, and seasonal feelings, this song by Lauren Diagle — who released her first Christmas album in 2016 — is a filling listen about our Savior.


Jamie Gray – Born Tonight

Talented vocalist Jamie Gray gave fans a special gift with the release of “Born Tonight.” Like many of the other songs on this list, the song focuses on the birth of Jesus and mentions the “fight for freedom” that came with his arrival.


Jason Gray – Christmas Is Coming

“Christmas is coming. The bells are ringing. Hope comes alive as music fills the air,” are the perfect lyrics to start this glorious song. Awakening the joyous spirit inside of all who listen, “Christmas Is Coming” is a fun-filled Gospel song for the season.


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A list of my New Discoveries for 2019 of Christian Gospel Christmas songs include :   #1. Bethel Music Kids – The Little Drumm...

Advent Songs to Remind You It's Not Yet Christmas

If you look at the lyrics of many popular Christmas songs, you will discover that they are actually about getting ready for and waiting for Christmas.

#1. When Hope Came Down

So let us sing redemption songs, Let us worship Christ the holy one. We were lost, but we were found When hope came down.
Kari Jobe's “When Hope Came Down” is perfect for your Advent listening with the bells, even your  friends will love it.

#2. It’s Beginning to Look at Lot Like Christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go
This song does not proclaim it to be Christmas, but that it is starting to look like Christmas. Stores are having sales, people are shopping and decorating, but it is not in fact Christmas day.

#3. Restless

Oh, speak now for my soul is listening. Say that You have saved me, whisper in the dark, the dark. ‘Cause I know You’re more than my salvation. Without you I am hopeless, tell me who You are
“Restless” captures exactly our feelings when waiting for the coming of the baby Jesus.

#4. Silver Bells

Silver bells silver bells, It’s Christmas time in the city, Hear the bells go ring-a-ling, Soon it will be Christmas day
This song is in fact not appropriate for after Christmas, because the line about it being Christmas soon would no longer work. Again we hear of people shopping and preparing for Christmas. They are waiting and preparing.

#5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town

You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.
Now we know that the real reason for Christmas is Jesus’ birth, but the songs about Santa Claus coming are definitely more appropriate for Advent than Christmas. We should all take the penitential part of Advent seriously and shape up, and one could argue that the songs are irrelevant after St. Nicholas Day on December 6. My children actually call Santa, St. Nicholas.

#6. All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, see my two front teeth!
Again we have a song preparing for Christmas. Maybe the sentiment of needing ones two front teeth is a little bit silly, but still this child is clearly still in Advent.

#7. Oh Holy Night

Long lay the world in sin and error pining. Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
These lyrics are perfect for Advent and the harmony in this video I love.

#8. All I Want for Christmas is You

All I want for Christmas is you, You baby, Oh, I won’t ask for much this Christmas, I won’t even wish for snow, And I’m just gonna keep on waiting, Underneath the mistletoe
This love song is really about waiting. It is about waiting for the one that the singer loves. We too are waiting for the One that we love to come on Christmas and at the end of time.

#9. Last Christmas

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, But the very next day you gave it away, This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special
Here we have another song in the theme of disappointed love. The song anticipates Christmas as a better time and is ready to be done with past sorrows.

#10. I’ll Be Home for Christmas

I’ll be home for Christmas, You can plan on me, Please have snow and mistletoe, And presents ‘neath the tree
There are a number of Christmas songs about wishing for a place or a person, and these all are symbolic of our Advent longing for Jesus to come as a little baby and to come again.

#11. What Wondrous Love is This?

When I was sinking down beneath God’s righteous frown, Christ laid aside His crown for my soul, for my soul.
Chelsea Moon with the Franz Brothers version of this beautiful folk hymn is perfect for your Advent playlist year after year.

#12. Frosty the Snowman

The version that end with - I’ll be back on Christmas Day.
Frosty is in one way merely a winter song, but when the version speaks of coming back on Christmas day, it must be taking place in Advent. (Unless it happened in Minnesota where we get snow in November).

#13. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Had a very shiny nose, And if you ever saw it, You would even say it glows, And all of the other reindeer, Used to laugh and call him names, They never let poor Rudolph, Join in any reindeer games
We all are familiar with the story of poor Rudolph who did not fit in with the other reindeer because of his shiny nose. However, there is Christian symbolism in his waiting and suffering to be accepted, and finally on Christmas Eve his light is symbolic of the light of Christ coming to each and every home.

#14. White Christmas

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, Just like the ones I used to know
Again a song that dreams of Christmas, and anticipates it. This one is more eschatologically focused since it remembers happy Christmases of the past but is hoping for the ultimate end of another white Christmas. We remember the first happy Christmas in Advent as we wait for the second coming.

#15. We Need a Little Christmas

But Auntie Mame, it’s one week past Thanksgiving Day now, But we need a little Christmas, Right this very minute, Candles in the window, Carols at the spinet
The setting of this song takes place during Advent. It is not taking on a very good spirit of waiting. It is sympathetic to those who like to decorate at the beginning of Advent.

#16. It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, There’ll be much mistletoeing, And hearts will be glowing, When love ones are near
Lastly, this is anticipating all the joys of Christmas. It talks about everything that is going to be done during the Christmas season, and it is waiting for those joyful things to happen.

The Cherry Tree Carol sung by Peter, Paul and Mary
Image credit PLUS a Christmas Carol Advent Calendar Printable from MamaSmiles

Adapted from: ChurchPOP
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If you look at the lyrics of many popular Christmas songs, you will discover that they are actually about getting ready for and waiting for...

Celebrating Advent

2019 Advent dates:
  • December 1 - First Sunday of Advent
  • December 8 - Second Sunday of Advent
  • December 15 - Third Sunday of Advent
  • December 22 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
Advent is a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the nativity of Jesus. The name derives from the Latin adventus, meaning "coming." Marked over the course of the four Sundays before Christmas, Advent is traditionally celebrated with an advent wreath: a ring of evergreen with 3 purple candles and one pink one (or 4 purple candles) that represent: Hope, Love, Joy (pink) and Peace. 
Advent begins on Sunday that falls between November 27th and December 3rd each year.

In Eastern Orthodox churches, which use the Julian calendar, Advent begins earlier and lasts 40 days rather than 4 weeks.
An album featuring 13 of the most-requested Advent hymns and Christmas Carols
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2019 Advent dates: December 1  - First Sunday of Advent December 8  - Second Sunday of Advent December 15  - Third Sunday of Advent...

The Ten Commandments of Christmas

I. Thou shalt not leave “Christ” out of “Christmas” nor refuse to use the word Christmas during this season.
II. Thou shalt demonstrate joy to the world, for the Lord is come.
III. Thou shalt not let Santa Claus take the place of the reality of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.
IV. Thou shalt remember that the value of gifts we give and receive is the love that’s behind them.
V. Thou shalt consider the words of Jesus,”It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
VI. Thou shalt not neglect Christ and His church during the Christmas Season.
VII. Thy Christmas Cards shall bear the good news of the coming of Christ and His salvation.
VIII. Thou shalt be kind to those who serve; the cashier, the merchant, and the mail carrier.
IX. Thou shalt remember the greatest gift of all, when God gave His only begotten Son.
X. In all thy giving, thou shalt give a gift to the One whose birthday we celebrate. Appropriate recipients shall
be missions, thy church, and those in need.

  1. Thou shalt give thy heart to Christ.  Let Him be at the top of thy Christmas list.
  2. Thou shalt prepare thy soul for Christmas.  Spend not so much on gifts that thy soul is forgotten.
  3. Thou shalt not let Santa Claus replace Christ, thus robbing the day of its Spiritual reality.
  4. Thou shalt not burden the shop girl, the mailman, and the merchant with complaints and demands.
  5. Thou shalt give thyself with thy gift.  This will increase its value a hundred fold, and he who receives it shall treasure it forever.
  6. Thou shalt not value gifts received by their cost.  Even the least expensive may signify Love, and that is more priceless than silver and gold.
  7. Thou shalt not neglect the needy.  Share thy blessings with many who will go hungry and cold unless thou are generous.
  8. Thou shalt not neglect thy Church.  It's services highlight the true meaning of the season.
  9. Thou shalt be as a little child ... But not until thou has become in spirit as a little one art thou ready to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  10. Thou shall not forget to share your Joy, Peace and Love with those around you.

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I. Thou shalt not leave “Christ” out of “Christmas” nor refuse to use the word Christmas during this season. II. Thou shalt demonstrate j...

A Christmas Star

The Christian Christmas reading is about the spirit of truly giving and at how any age, people can be selfless.  It is a beautiful reading about the true meaning of Christmas.

The Christian Christmas reading is about the spirit of truly giving and at how any age, people can be selfless.  It is a beautiful reading...