A is for AngelsPlace an Angel in front of each child or thru-out your home
SCRIPTURES: Luke 2: 8-20 and Psalm 91: 1
STORY: "An Alphabet of ANGELS" by Nancy Willard
Summary: With wondrous photographs and an illuminating text, Nancy Willard escorts readers through an alphabet of common and uncommon angels. or "Alabaster's Story" by Max Lucado
Summary: The Angel Alabaster who takes a young boy on a tour of Bethlehem the night Jesus was born.
SONG: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" History | Video -w- LyricsCRAFT:
CRAFT: Make Angels. Here is a step by step instructions on Gold Doily Angels
FUN TIME: "Christmas Shoes".
Summary: "Rob Lowe plays Robert Layton, an attorney whose marriage is on the brink of collapse. Enter a young boy (Max Morrow), who runs into him while Christmas shopping and teaches Layton the true meaning of the holidays." (quote tv guide)
B is for Baby JesusSCRIPTURE: Luke 2:1-7
STORY: "The Story Of Baby Jesus" YouTube Story Animation
Summary: We all love Jesus and so we made you a beautiful story on Baby Jesus. How he was born and how the whole world was delighted with his birth. Jesus was born to a beautiful couple Mary and Joseph. One day, while Mary was at home cleaning her room, an angel suddenly appeared. Before Mary could say anything the angel told Mary that she was going to be blessed by God, and that God was with her.Then the angel disappeared, and Mary was waiting to tell Joseph the wonderful news.
SONG: "Go Tell It On A Mountain" History or YouTube Dolly Parton · 1990.
CRAFT: Have the children find a baby picture of themselves and make an ornament using the picture. You can use clear contact paper or you can find cute ornaments in the store that are made to hold pictures.
C is for City Of Bethlehem
SCRIPTURE: Micah 5:2 (Old Testament of the coming of the Messiah) Matthew 2:1-6
STORY: Just4Kids Magazine December Story "Traveling Back to Bethlehem"
Summary: About 4 children traveling back to the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
SONG: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" History
CRAFT: Try to find a picture with Bethlehem and add glitter or yarn around the edges.
D is for Donkey
SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 8:4 "We should receive the gift of giving and the fellowship of serving one another."
STORY: Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey (1977)
Summary: An outcast donkey in Roman era Judea with overlong ears finds his destiny on the way to Bethlehem.
RANKIN/BASS Animation Special | Duration 24:24
SONG: "Nestor The Long-Eared Christmas Donkey" features Rankin Bass Animation Clip | 4:00 sung by Marty Robbins or also see for fun "Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey" History, Lyrics Music Video
CRAFT: Cut out a donkey from a christmas card or from felt to make an ornament of a donkey.
FOR FUN: Play "Pin the tail on the donkey". Have fun tonight by giving your child or grandchildren a "donkey" ride on your back. ----------- ----------- -----------
E is for Evergreen Tree
SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:9 "God showed how much He loved us by sending His only son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him."
STORY: "The Tale Of Three Trees" retold by Angela Elwell Hunt
Summary: The Legend of The Three Trees teaches children and adults alike the significance of their role in God's plan for the world.
Text , Read-A-Long| or Animation|
SONG: O' Christmas Tree
CRAFT: Make ornaments from pictures of previous Christmas', or frame your favorite Christmas pictures and display in a special place.
The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.G is for Gift of Grace
H is for Heart
H is also for Holy Spirit
SCRIPTURE: 2 Corinthians 9:14b,15 "...because of the surpassing Grace God has give you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable Gift." and Romans 5:5 "Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our Hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."
STORY: The Gift by R. Kent Hughes & illustrated by Ron DiCianni
SONG: Away In the Manger
CRAFT: Paint Heart ornaments for the tree, or cut out your favorite pictures in the shape of hearts and place on the christmas tree. We place clear contact paper on the front and back of the pictures before we cut them out. This protects the pictures for many years.
The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.I is for Inn
J is for Joy
SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:9
STORY: "Jacob's Gift" by Max Lucado
Jacob gave his beautful wood work as a gift to the baby Jesus because he needed a place to sleep. You can also share what you have with those less fortunate. We enjoy selecting a special gift for some child who's family cannot afford to buy them a gift. It brings our hearts JOY when we share with those in need.
SONG: "Joy To The World" Lyrics
CRAFT: Find Christmas card with the word "JOY" written on them. Examples: Make ornaments and write Joy on it. Painted wooden ornaments from the craft store that already had JOY printed on them.
The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. (Eggs represent new life)K is for King of Kings
L is for Lamb
SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:15-17, 20
STORYTIME: "The Crippled Lamb" by Max Lucado
Summary: Tommy Nelson presents this animated musical retelling of the Christmas story as seen through the eyes of Joshua, the crippled lamb. Unable to do the things other lambs do because of his shortcomings, Joshua learns that God has something special in mind for him when he is left behind by the flock just before the birth of Jesus.
Read-Along | 7:12 or Animation | 24:52
SONG: What Child Is This?
CRAFT: Make lambs for the advent board or interaction (* see inspirations here)
Credits: just4kidsmagazine | Lyrics | Videos