12 Names Of CHRIST-mas

An Example of The
12 Names Of Christ
 Used With A Gift. 

  1. Emmanuel
  2. Bread of Life
  3. Prince of Peace
  4. Redeemer
  5. Shepherd
  6. King of Kings 
  7. Lamb Of God
  8. Living Water
  9. The Light
  10. Lord Of Lords
  11. Mediator
  12. King of Israel

#1 Christ Is Emmanuel - Mathew 1:23

 Give your favorite version of The Christmas Story.

#2  Christ Is The Bread Of Life - John 1:23 

Christ is the Bread of Life. With Him in our lives, we will always be spiritually fed and taken care of. Give a Bread Mix or a loaf of Bread from your favorite bakery. If you have lots of time, make your own mini loaves!

#3  Christ Is The Prince Of Peace - Isiah 9:6 

Christ is the Prince of Peace because He is the only one that can provide true, lasting peace. For this gift, Reeses’ Pieces for the win

#4 Christ Is Our Redeemer - Job 19:25

Since Christ is our Redeemer who has washed away our sins through His Atonement, give some Hand Soap! You can usually find really good sales around the holidays.

#5 Christ Is Our Shepherd - Shepherd 10:11

Christ is the ultimate Shepherd of his sheep, who are US! He cares for each one of us individually. Shepherds use crooks, so give Candy Canes to represent His crook.

#6  Christ Is The King Of Kings - Revelation 17:14

Christ is our King and a crown represents a King best. Have you ever popped Jiffy Popcorn before? This packages makes a crown when you pop it. Cool and fun, huh?

Also see another version of the Sweet & Simple 12 Days of Christmas- with most gifts being found at the grocery or dollar store!  
Adapted From Sofestive * The Proverbs31 Mama

Thanks For Visiting December 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

An Example of The 12 Names Of Christ  Used With A Gift.  Emmanuel Bread of Life Prince of Peace Redeemer Shepherd K...

12 Scripture, Poem and Hymn


Scripture: Isaiah 9:6

Poem: Christmas Bells

Hymn: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Thanks For Visiting December 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

DECEMBER Scripture: Isaiah 9:6 Poem: Christmas Bells Hymn : O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Thanks For Visiting

The ‘S’ Elf

The ‘S’ Elf

In early days of Christmas land
Young Santa’s only aid
Was one, small elf who did the chore
Made toys, but seldom played.

So smart, so swift, so spry was he,
So speedy he became,
So skilled, so spirited with smiles,
That ‘S’ was soon his name.

Then as one Christmas Eve drew nigh
And ‘S’ checked Santa’s list,
He matched each name with gifts he’d made
To see no one was missed.

Both climbed atop the shiny sleigh
Then flew o’er lands and seas.
And one by one all gifts were placed
In stockings and by trees.

And as their journey neared the end,
Their list one name contained.
They searched the sleigh and sacks for trees,
But not a gift remained.

Young Santa soon grew quite perplexed
With nothing to impart.
He knew a lady yet not served
And sorrow filled his heart.

A once-strong woman full of love
In action, thought and deed,
But recent tragedies and pain
Had left her much in need.

As they approached her dwelling place
In barren, desert land,
Young Santa turned to ‘S;’ and said,
"I hope you’ll understand."

Then Santa gave her all ‘twas left,
Concluding to himself,
"The greatest gift at any time
Is when you give your ‘S’ elf!"

- Author Unkown

Thanks For Visiting December 2017 - AngelicDreams4U

The ‘S’ Elf In early days of Christmas land Young Santa’s only aid Was one, small elf who did the chore Made toys, but sel...